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Antonio Conte - officially NOT the coach of THFC

Thought he came across well in the Sky interview tonight. A win helps enormously, of course. But he sounded convincing to me. For now at least.

It isn't just that - the thing that struck me was Kane's interview where he got a bit emotional about the things Conte's gone through these past few months in losing three close friends in Ventrone, Mihajlovic and Vialli, and reiterated that the squad wants to win for him.

Hard to see it sometimes given how appallingly they play, the basic mistakes they keep making that let him down all the time...but it does seem like the core is committed to Conte. They're just not all that good, which is why they keep making mistakes - and that isn't down to him, that is down to our dear, lovely owners not getting him better players to work with.

In the end, Conte leaving would fix nothing, change nothing and improve nothing. The club will stay perpetually trophyless, will keep failing at the big moments, because the fault is with the owners, the one constant in 22 grinding years. Everything flows downwards from them.

But they've fooled a lot of our fans over the years into believing that the fault isn't theirs, it's the manager's - and so they have brought the axe down on some excellent coaches, and good men (Poch foremost) in their quest to deflect blame. Sadly, some of our fans bought into that in the past.

The one thing that heartens me more than anything else these days is that no one buys that crap anymore. Not even the fans - our away fans made me proud today, singing Conte's name and then singing Levy Out in the same breath.

They know where the real problem lies. And so do I - I have had my frustrations with Conte and his stubbornness, I long for a club reunion with Poch...but I am Conte in until the day he walks, because the players are behind him, and because he is waking our fans up as to the real problem. It isn't him, it's ENIC.
So legacy is only based on winning things? So we can celebrate the times of Waddle and Klinsmann or look back at the qualities of Modric and Bale because the new found self entitlement of Spurs fans has spoken....you sound more and more like a Chelsea fan with every post

Not only winning things, you can and we should celebrate the great players we have, but there’s also a reason why we look back fondly on years such as 61, 80, 81, 84 and 91 ie years we won something and not 1987 and 2016, the years we didn’t get over the line. You have to nick trophies when you are a good team. You can guarantee ENIC would get most of the credit if we win CL this season so it’s only right that they get some of the responsibility when we don’t win things right?
Not only winning things, you can and we should celebrate the great players we have, but there’s also a reason why we look back fondly on years such as 61, 80, 81, 84 and 91 ie years we won something and not 1987 and 2016, the years we didn’t get over the line. You have to nick trophies when you are a good team. You can guarantee ENIC would get most of the credit if we win CL this season so it’s only right that they get some of the responsibility when we don’t win things right?

I think every fan's different. I've only been supporting Spurs since around '93, but I look back most fondly on 16/17 when we finished 2nd in the league - infinitely moreso than 2008 and 1999 when we won the League Cups (and I was at Wembley in 1999!)
I think every fan's different. I've only been supporting Spurs since around '93, but I look back most fondly on 16/17 when we finished 2nd in the league - infinitely moreso than 2008 and 1999 when we won the League Cups (and I was at Wembley in 1999!)
Opposite for me. Winning trophies is what football is all about. 81, 82, 84, 91, 99 and 08 were my best moments in my Spurs watching life, probably followed by the CL semi final second leg against Ajax and then the away win at City that got us into the CL for the first time.
Opposite for me. Winning trophies is what football is all about. 81, 82, 84, 91, 99 and 08 were my best moments in my Spurs watching life, probably followed by the CL semi final second leg against Ajax and then the away win at City that got us into the CL for the first time.

There you go - horses for courses! (The Ajax semi and 2010 Man C win were up there for me too. As was beating Real Madrid in the Champions League).
He won’t bin off the Fa cup

No, even less so if he's walking out at the end of the season. A trophyless stint at Spurs wouldn't damage his reputation in Italy, but I suspect results-oriented managers enjoy adding little bits and pieces to their resumes... like being the first manager to win a trophy with Spurs in 15 years, for instance.

I wouldn't be surprised if Mourinho took the FA Cup games a lot more seriously once things began to turn sour with most of the squad, though we will never know for sure.
I'm a huge advocate of the never go back rule, but every rule is made to be broken and if ever there was a case for breaking it poch is it.
But i still feel it's too early. If hugo, dier, son and kane leave in the summer then yes, but not before. There is to many remnants of the squad left.
Steve Jobs with Apple didn't work out too shabby. What I'm saying is that this is not an ex-girlfriend we're talking about. And there was never any bad blood between Poch, the players, and the club. So I don't see why you would apply this "rule" (if it's even a rule, to begin with).
Steve Jobs with Apple didn't work out too shabby. What I'm saying is that this is not an ex-girlfriend we're talking about. And there was never any bad blood between Poch, the players, and the club. So I don't see why you would apply this "rule" (if it's even a rule, to begin with).

Brian Clough and Peter Taylor also come to mind.
What points do you think we’ve won that we didn’t deserve?

feels to me like when we’ve played really brick we’ve lost? We’ve also played poorly, way below our standards, but still been the better side in some games that we’ve won. Can’t think of too many points we’ve won we didn’t deserve? Point at Chelsea, point at west ham?

Don’t want to go through individual games as we probably won’t agree, but in general our play has been poor for a while now compared to a team like Brighton who often dominate matches. We’ve played well for 90 minutes in maybe 2-3 games this season. The norm is for us to play poorly until around the 50-60 minute mark, quite often we have spells of 10-15 mins where we play well and it’s often a moment of individual brilliance that gets us over the line.
Finishing second, umpteen points behind Chelsea didn't mean anything more than finishing 4th.

Each to their own. For me it did. For me it's not just about trophies - they're the icing on the cake, of course. But I also want to enjoy watching my team play well and win games. And in 16/17 (and in the Poch years in general) I got to do that more often than ever before.
Don’t want to go through individual games as we probably won’t agree, but in general our play has been poor for a while now compared to a team like Brighton who often dominate matches. We’ve played well for 90 minutes in maybe 2-3 games this season. The norm is for us to play poorly until around the 50-60 minute mark, quite often we have spells of 10-15 mins where we play well and it’s often a moment of individual brilliance that gets us over the line.

I think there have also been games we've deserved more from. But again probably won't agree on all individual games.

No doubt we've been lacking in quality and consistency much too often this season. A lot of factors in that, mostly (imo) not on Conte or his tactics.

We've managed to keep fighting despite difficult circumstances, kept ourselves in a position where am uptick of form can have real positive effects. So that's good.

But we need to find some better, more consistent form at some point in the not so distant future.
Each to their own. For me it did. For me it's not just about trophies - they're the icing on the cake, of course. But I also want to enjoy watching my team play well and win games. And in 16/17 (and in the Poch years in general) I got to do that more often than ever before.
Yep, Poch was great. The chairman sacked him anyway after it looked like qualifying for the CL via league position probably wouldn't happen in the 5th year after 4 straight qualifications.
Each to their own. For me it did. For me it's not just about trophies - they're the icing on the cake, of course. But I also want to enjoy watching my team play well and win games. And in 16/17 (and in the Poch years in general) I got to do that more often than ever before.
The last season at old WHL was absolutely fantastic, but lets not forget the Wembley hoodoo, that wasn't always fun. Not sure what season(s) it was, but there were also a hell of a lot of games where the opposition camped in their box, and we played it side to side in front of them ad infinitum, sometimes losing the match to a sucker punch goal. Poch's last 30 or so games were hideous apart from the CL quarter and semi-finals. Yes the Poch years in general were very good, but I would place the Redknapp years slightly higher, and even Alex Ferguson used to say that team were the team he'd choose to watch in the PL. And yes, I know there were plenty of "we didn't turn up" games under him too.