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Mauricio Pochettino - Sacked

Fantastic news in a bricky week. Very, very important. Couldn't be happier - the way we've played this season has just been outstanding. Never seen a better Tottenham. Hopefully he'll stay for at least another 10 years. :)
I said last season that the club may have found themselves one of their greatest coaches ever and just at the right time too with the stadium redevelopment and the pressure on resources. I stand by that statement. It's now up to the club to strengthen the areas that will keep us competing for the title. Love it if we could get one over on bluescum on Monday night. Nice one Mr Pochettino.
Excellent news. I think we all know that we are unlikely to see him here for a Fergie or Wenger length reign, but I think we can reasonably hope for him to complete his project with us building this young team. Poch is, no doubt, ambitious, and will be looking for an opportunity at the big European clubs, especially one of the Spanish giants. He also knows that he is good and doesn't have to rush for the next clubs that offers him a step up. He can wait for the best and prove himself with us. I'd be content with something like five more years here and then Barcelona.
I wouldn't be so sure about that. If by 2021 he has built us into an elite team, winning silverware and on the cusp of CL glory too, why would he leave?
#2 in the league, champions league, new stadium, fresh infusion of funds - I think there are many reasons for poch to stay here for a decade. remember that he is still a (very) young manager.
Some good feedback from Walker, who was being interviewed at the same time Poch made his announcement at the press conference.

"I've been waiting for someone to say that for ages now! He's said it? Thank GHod for that. I'm over the moon," Walker said.
"Some of the managers that have come in, you know...there's young players here now and sometimes they do need an arm around them and to say, 'you can do this', sit them down, 'look at the TV screen, you can do this better', because we are still learning.
"We are probably not in our prime yet, most of us, so we are still learning and he is the man to take this club forward and onto new levels.
"It's just everything about him, his aura as well. It's just fantastic."

I expect we'll here more from other players once Poch has officially signed.

Full interview here
In this era of media hype, spin and pure b******* it's difficult to believe anything I read or hear, but the story he is signing an extension to his contract is music to my ears. The comments from players seem to back-up the story and it was great to read what Kyle Walker said, both him and Dembele have improved so much this year and I'm sure that's down to Poch and his team, playing with a reliable centreback also helps players express themselves. I include Poch's team as to me there appears a visable bond of respect and friendship in their relationship which makes working so much easier and benefits the club. It feels to me this is the first time since Keith Burkinshaw was here we have a football club.
Some slightly different quotes:

"I think it is important for the players and the potential players that will come that they don't hear rumours about whether Pochettino will be here or not," he told reporters.

"I think that is very important. We are ready to compete in the market and try to add the players that can help us in the future. Not that we need much because we have a good squad already.

"We are ahead in our project. Our aim is to arrive in the new stadium and play in the Champions League and to play at the top.

"The players want to stay here and bring this club to the new stadium and play in the Champions League. It is a collective objective.

"It is very important we keep this philosophy and the mentality we share now. This season was important – after 10 or 12 games we started to believe that we are a big club and we started to behave like a big club and show good performances. Maybe it was missing in the first 10 games and that is now the gap with Leicester.

"I think the future is fantastic for Tottenham who have unbelievable supporters, a new stadium, incredible facilities and they can become a top club and fight every season to be the top club."

Levy over to you pal go back your chosen horse to the hilt... am I bonkers in thinking bale is a possibility? Probably
Some good feedback from Walker, who was being interviewed at the same time Poch made his announcement at the press conference.

"I've been waiting for someone to say that for ages now! He's said it? Thank GHod for that. I'm over the moon," Walker said.
"Some of the managers that have come in, you know...there's young players here now and sometimes they do need an arm around them and to say, 'you can do this', sit them down, 'look at the TV screen, you can do this better', because we are still learning.
"We are probably not in our prime yet, most of us, so we are still learning and he is the man to take this club forward and onto new levels.
"It's just everything about him, his aura as well. It's just fantastic."

I expect we'll here more from other players once Poch has officially signed.

Full interview here

A dagger to the heart of Abramovich and the like, packing their soulless sides with expensive mercenaries. No doubt he'd been planning to try and drop a few more money bombs on us this summer. Good luck with that now.
One more win to beat our record points haul and (likely) achieve our highest position in the top flight for over 50 years.

Vamos Poch!!
Quality what he said after the game...can you imagine what van gaal,wenger and even fergie in his time would have said after that. Got to give it to him that he never in the last two months started any mind games never stated that sides only turn up when they played us or having a go and sky/bt in putting us after leicester since March 5th.....just got on with it.....hopefully his english should get better next season so he can stop saying 'happy' in every interview lol...