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Mauricio Pochettino - Sacked

Couldn't agree more! I had it as LVG, with De Boer marginally ahead of Poch just because I thought he would be the better manager. Goes to show what I know! Unity is key and we have to make sure that those idiot fans who complain about everything are drowned out by a chorus of cheers. A recent article I read stated that the Atletico fans cheer tackles and presses. Would love it if we started to do that. WHL is becoming a cauldron of noise again and this team is something to be very, very proud of.

Maybe if we demolish Paxton with all the moaners still in it, we could have a proper refresh

Can't help wondering if the timing of the announcement is not just because of the 'concern' over the PSG supposed-comment, but also deliberately to give everyone a lift after WBA and ahead of Monday's game. Whatever the reason, it has generated feel-good factor by the bucket load.
I can't remember the last time I felt like this about a manager signing a new or extended contract.
I wonder how many fans of other teams are looking at us in envy right now?
No this can't be right, the media said he was already packed and ready to join (insert club) as we're to small a club for someone with his skills.

Great news. Poch has Spurs running through his veins.
Good, but let's wait for the ink on the paper, eh? Saintsweb mentioned back when we took him that he'd apparently agreed to a verbal extension there as well, before reneging once Cortese was sacked. Vastly different circumstances, of course, but best to be sure.

All the same, good news. More so because of the size of the package we've apparently agreed with him (5 million pounds a season + bonuses), which is approaching what Wenger was reported to be earning back in 2012 (roughly 7 million pounds; http://bleacherreport.com/articles/...he-arsenal-managers-yearly-salary-is-revealed). If we're willing to go to that length to persuade the manager that his place is here, I have high hopes for our ability to attract even the biggest names in world football if (well, when) Poch does eventually leave, especially if the new stadium is around by then to ease financial concerns still further. Also, given that Poch doesn't have an agent, it either shows how shrewd a negotiator he is or how desperate Levy was to keep him, both of which augur well for our future. ;)

Also, it will probably convince Eriksen and Verts to sign, among others; can't say that hasn't been worrying me as the season draws to a close. On the whole, he's done a very good job this season. Excellent is dependent on the outcome of our final three games, but I don't think there's a single fan who feels ambivalent about the good news, and a good summer of strengthening key areas with the quality now on offer to us from (hopefully) being guaranteed a place in the CL group stages will see us return with an even better season next year, one way or another.

Can't help wondering if the timing of the announcement is not just because of the 'concern' over the PSG supposed-comment, but also deliberately to give everyone a lift after WBA and ahead of Monday's game. Whatever the reason, it has generated feel-good factor by the bucket load.
I can't remember the last time I felt like this about a manager signing a new or extended contract.
I wonder how many fans of other teams are looking at us in envy right now?
That's what I immediately thought. The timing of this press release is designed to galvanise the players and the faithful. Considering it is not offical yet the club could have held the news back but choose not to.

As for the announcement itself, I couldn't be happier.
Poch signing an extended deal would be the best thing to happen to us this season....

I openly admit to having Poch in second place (quite a long way) behind De Boer on my wish list for Spurs manager when he took over from Sherwood. However he has completely and utterly proved me wrong already - and I get the feeling that he has only just started.

I love the football we are playing, I love the unity within the squad, I love the fact that the players will do anything for him, I love the way he is with the press, I love that he has Levy eating out of the palm of his hand, but then doesn't abuse that in the way that a manager like Redknapp would. I love the way he wants to work with what he has got but is always open to bringing in improvements from outside. I love the way that he makes it all about the squad and their achievements and not about his own achievements and ambitions. I love the way that he has leaked this news at a time when the players and fans may have been feeling a down having our title hopes all but extinguished. I love the way that finally the whole fanbase seem to be behind the manager. Most of all though I love the fact that Pochettino completely gets what our great club is all about. He knows that he can make us the best club in the country and he knows that he can do it by playing a brand of pacy, creative, exciting football.

I love Pochettino and Pochettino Loves me....

Now just watch the likes of Eriksen, Kane, Vertonghen, etc sign new deals to stay at the club.

Amen to all that brother.
The implications mean danny is prepared to give poch what he needs to succeed ... and has yielded to poch.

That's the best bit of the story.
The implications mean danny is prepared to give poch what he needs to succeed ... and has yielded to poch.

That's the best bit of the story.
For some reason I sense that the funding for our stadium might be better than many would predict and the turnover generated from the stadium, combined with the new TV deal will allow us to significantly increase our wage bill over the next few years.
Great time, not only does it give everyone associated with the club a lift, it shows intent to the other clubs and the filth down the road will be hating this, especially with their discontent at Wenger.
Great news and great timing.
For some reason I sense that the funding for our stadium might be better than many would predict and the turnover generated from the stadium, combined with the new TV deal will allow us to significantly increase our wage bill over the next few years.
I'm guessing our financing plan doesn't depend on getting CL football, or the size of the new TV deal.
Excellent news. I think we all know that we are unlikely to see him here for a Fergie or Wenger length reign, but I think we can reasonably hope for him to complete his project with us building this young team. Poch is, no doubt, ambitious, and will be looking for an opportunity at the big European clubs, especially one of the Spanish giants. He also knows that he is good and doesn't have to rush for the next clubs that offers him a step up. He can wait for the best and prove himself with us. I'd be content with something like five more years here and then Barcelona.
Good, but let's wait for the ink on the paper, eh? Saintsweb mentioned back when we took him that he'd apparently agreed to a verbal extension there as well, before reneging once Cortese was sacked. Vastly different circumstances, of course, but best to be sure.

All the same, good news. More so because of the size of the package we've apparently agreed with him (5 million pounds a season + bonuses), which is approaching what Wenger was reported to be earning back in 2012 (roughly 7 million pounds; http://bleacherreport.com/articles/...he-arsenal-managers-yearly-salary-is-revealed). If we're willing to go to that length to persuade the manager that his place is here, I have high hopes for our ability to attract even the biggest names in world football if (well, when) Poch does eventually leave, especially if the new stadium is around by then to ease financial concerns still further. Also, given that Poch doesn't have an agent, it either shows how shrewd a negotiator he is or how desperate Levy was to keep him, both of which augur well for our future. ;)

Also, it will probably convince Eriksen and Verts to sign, among others; can't say that hasn't been worrying me as the season draws to a close. On the whole, he's done a very good job this season. Excellent is dependent on the outcome of our final three games, but I don't think there's a single fan who feels ambivalent about the good news, and a good summer of strengthening key areas with the quality now on offer to us from (hopefully) being guaranteed a place in the CL group stages will see us return with an even better season next year, one way or another.

I think this is slightly different to the Southampton bit given Poch has said it in public himself. I think he said that he will sign in the next few days. I also think it has been an excellent season whatever the results of the last 3 games. Far surpassed my expectations and the direction and pace of improvement of this team is incredible.