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Cheatski are still scum

I agree. Although Torres form isn't quite as dire as it was he is still a weak link in that team. Even a half fit Drogba would raise their team several levels.

I don't think that Chelsea will win the league. We have this conversation about a club every autumn and then everyone tries to distance themselves from it at the end of the season. Chelsea are on a rich run of form but they have a tendency to self destruct and I think the two Manchester clubs will finish ahead of them.

Indeed to early to tell. You could argue City looked a better prospect at the start of the season and scraped it in the end. Teams who fly often struggle to recover once they hit a wall. Cool Swagger gives way to over thinking and attempting to pass into the net.
Re: OT - Can Chel$ki be stopped?

I agree. Although Torres form isn't quite as dire as it was he is still a weak link in that team. Even a half fit Drogba would raise their team several levels.

I don't think that Chelsea will win the league. We have this conversation about a club every autumn and then everyone tries to distance themselves from it at the end of the season. Chelsea are on a rich run of form but they have a tendency to self destruct and I think the two Manchester clubs will finish ahead of them.

For all the furious tossing which has gone down in the media about how brilliant they were, we allowed them back into a game we had taken over. Yes, Hazard's pass, etc, etc, but for a player with the undoubted talent he has, standing alone in that danger area about 20 yards outside the box, with the movement around him, I'd expect him to play that ball. We gave him a free pass. The 4th goal speaks for itself, and the equaliser was down to Verts having a rare brain fart and Hudd simply not getting close enough to prevent the ball coming across. For me, those three goals were handed over.

I might be guilty of Spurs-tinted glasses here, but we were uncharactaristically sloppy as well as missing several important players. If Benny and Bale play together, different game. Verts in the middle alongside Gallas? Different game. Dembele in the hole? different game.

It's why I was disappointed AVB didn't give Townshend a run when we were 2-1 up and pressing as to me, Chelski looked brittle and the fab 3 couldn't figure out the route home. We gave it to them.
Re: OT - Can Chel$ki be stopped?

For all the furious tossing which has gone down in the media about how brilliant they were, we allowed them back into a game we had taken over. Yes, Hazard's pass, etc, etc, but for a player with the undoubted talent he has, standing alone in that danger area about 20 yards outside the box, with the movement around him, I'd expect him to play that ball. We gave him a free pass. The 4th goal speaks for itself, and the equaliser was down to Verts having a rare brain fart and Hudd simply not getting close enough to prevent the ball coming across. For me, those three goals were handed over.

I might be guilty of Spurs-tinted glasses here, but we were uncharactaristically sloppy as well as missing several important players. If Benny and Bale play together, different game. Verts in the middle alongside Gallas? Different game. Dembele in the hole? different game.

It's why I was disappointed AVB didn't give Townshend a run when we were 2-1 up and pressing as to me, Chelski looked brittle and the fab 3 couldn't figure out the route home. We gave it to them.

The only thing that will stop them winning the title is Di Matteo.

They have the best midfield in the league by a distance. They will score so many goals from midfield that they won't have to rely on Torres, he can score 15-20 league, and that will be enough.

I backed United to win the league at the start so I won't change my prediction. But I will change my mind if Chelsea sign Falcao.
Re: OT - Can Chel$ki be stopped?

I agree. Although Torres form isn't quite as dire as it was he is still a weak link in that team. Even a half fit Drogba would raise their team several levels.

I don't think that Chelsea will win the league. We have this conversation about a club every autumn and then everyone tries to distance themselves from it at the end of the season. Chelsea are on a rich run of form but they have a tendency to self destruct and I think the two Manchester clubs will finish ahead of them.

Please be right. However, they are reigning European champions have have spent heavily. Their young quarterback line of Hazard, Oscar and Mata have got the job done very well and can only get better.

The only thing that will stop them winning the title is Di Matteo.

There is hope. Luck can only last so long. Please!
Re: OT - Can Chel$ki be stopped?

Please be right. However, they are reigning European champions have have spent heavily. Their young quarterback line of Hazard, Oscar and Mata have got the job done very well and can only get better.

They are reigning champions of Europe because of Drogba, who has left and not been replaced. Yes they have some tasty attacking midfielder but I think that they are all a bit similar and I cannot see many options for a plan b.
Re: OT - Can Chel$ki be stopped?

For all the furious tossing which has gone down in the media about how brilliant they were, we allowed them back into a game we had taken over. Yes, Hazard's pass, etc, etc, but for a player with the undoubted talent he has, standing alone in that danger area about 20 yards outside the box, with the movement around him, I'd expect him to play that ball. We gave him a free pass. The 4th goal speaks for itself, and the equaliser was down to Verts having a rare brain fart and Hudd simply not getting close enough to prevent the ball coming across. For me, those three goals were handed over.

I might be guilty of Spurs-tinted glasses here, but we were uncharactaristically sloppy as well as missing several important players. If Benny and Bale play together, different game. Verts in the middle alongside Gallas? Different game. Dembele in the hole? different game.

It's why I was disappointed AVB didn't give Townshend a run when we were 2-1 up and pressing as to me, Chelski looked brittle and the fab 3 couldn't figure out the route home. We gave it to them.

I think that they were there for the taking after we went up. They were on the ropes and I think if we had gone two up they would have collapsed. Unfortunately we didn't take advantage and then went to sleep.
Re: OT - Can Chel$ki be stopped?

Still early days.

The 10/11 season where Ancelotti eventually got fired they won their first 5 league games and looked very good, then the wheels came off big time.

They have started very well and they've had things go their way. It's a cliche, but I think it's true that it's very important how you respond when the bad results do come around.

Certainly nowhere near unbeatable at this point, that should mean that they can be stopped in the Premier League. In the CL it's not really even a discussion as I doubt they will be favourites coming up against Barca or Real.
Re: OT - Can Chel$ki be stopped?

I can't believe they only have Torres and Sturridge as recognised strikers. I expect them to rectify this and go out and buy at least one striker in the window, probably Falcao or Llorente.
Re: OT - Can Chel$ki be stopped?

I can't believe they only have Torres and Sturridge as recognised strikers. I expect them to rectify this and go out and buy at least one striker in the window, probably Falcao or Llorente.

They're buying our team. Mata, Cahill, Hazard, Oscar. We probably could have had either of Falcao or Llorente a while back if we'd coughed up the dough. Too late now.
Re: OT - Can Chel$ki be stopped?

I don't think Chelsea would have looked as impressive if they were without their 2 best midfielders, say Matta and Oscar. I really think Dembele and Bale would have made a difference.

This evening they looked ordinary
Re: OT - Can Chel$ki be stopped?

I can't believe they only have Torres and Sturridge as recognised strikers. I expect them to rectify this and go out and buy at least one striker in the window, probably Falcao or Llorente.

Strikers? Pah! Who needs 'em?

They scored 4 (four) against us. I consider the possibility of Llorente coming to us and think..well, if Ade can't get a start what chance has this guy got?
I was so 4-4-2 I didn't even know it but now when we go 4-4-2 I think it is "wrong."
Chelsea will likely do well in Europe this season but IMO City will win the EPL. The WBA win was epic and they are less than evens to not make the last 16 of ECL.
Re: OT - Can Chel$ki be stopped?

I agree. Although Torres form isn't quite as dire as it was he is still a weak link in that team. Even a half fit Drogba would raise their team several levels.

I don't think that Chelsea will win the league. We have this conversation about a club every autumn and then everyone tries to distance themselves from it at the end of the season. Chelsea are on a rich run of form but they have a tendency to self destruct and I think the two Manchester clubs will finish ahead of them.

Re: OT - Can Chel$ki be stopped?

They're buying our team. Mata, Cahill, Hazard, Oscar. We probably could have had either of Falcao or Llorente a while back if we'd coughed up the dough. Too late now.

Harry REALLY wanted those first three, he's even said we thought we had Mata in the bag. Doubt he'd heard of Oscar though, unless Broomfield had mentioned him. We were heavily linked to Courtois as well before Chelsea signed him, Lukaku a little bit as well.
Re: OT - Can Chel$ki be stopped?

Harry REALLY wanted those first three, he's even said we thought we had Mata in the bag. Doubt he'd heard of Oscar though, unless Broomfield had mentioned him. We were heavily linked to Courtois as well before Chelsea signed him, Lukaku a little bit as well.

We never ever had a serious chance of getting Lukaku as I heard an him in an interview quite some time before Chelsea signed him express the view that he would only sign for a club playing CL football, and at the same time express his admiration for Chelsea
Re: OT - Can Chel$ki be stopped?

I can't believe they only have Torres and Sturridge as recognised strikers. I expect them to rectify this and go out and buy at least one striker in the window, probably Falcao or Llorente.

Falcao is the one they want which leaves us with an opportunity to bid for Llorente. He will be a reasonable price as his contract expires in the summer
Re: OT - Can Chel$ki be stopped?

They're buying our team. Mata, Cahill, Hazard, Oscar. We probably could have had either of Falcao or Llorente a while back if we'd coughed up the dough. Too late now.

Its strange how we were going for an awful lot of the same players. I sniffed a leak in the old coaching regime perhaps. I mean its not like Redknapp had any relatives at Chelsea or anything, nor did he know about our transfer targets.
Re: OT - Can Chel$ki be stopped?

We never ever had a serious chance of getting Lukaku as I heard an him in an interview quite some time before Chelsea signed him express the view that he would only sign for a club playing CL football, and at the same time express his admiration for Chelsea

And look at him now, an impact sub at WBA. Still young and will probably make it, but money is ruining football.
Re: OT - Can Chel$ki be stopped?

Hazard said he was coming to Spurs up until Chelsea won the CL. We would have more than likely got Oscar too. Two players who are going to be mainstays in their team for the next 5-10 years.
Re: OT - Can Chel$ki be stopped?

Its strange how we were going for an awful lot of the same players. I sniffed a leak in the old coaching regime perhaps. I mean its not like Redknapp had any relatives at Chelsea or anything, nor did he know about our transfer targets.

What are you saying? That Redknapp was somehow telling Chelsea which players to buy/the ones we were after?
Re: OT - Can Chel$ki be stopped?

isn't Llorente to Juve pretty much done and dusted? Don't think people should get their hopes up this coming window, not much out there.