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Cheatski are still scum

Re: OT - Can Chel$ki be stopped?

I truly believe that without Vertonghens little strop after losing the ball we'd have gone on to win that game.
Re: OT - Can Chel$ki be stopped?

I don't think Chelsea have been really tested yet. We were using a makeshift defence and were missing our 2 best players. Yet, we made them work hard for the win. But if they continue to use the out-of-sorts Torres as their main striker, they won't win the league title.
Re: OT - Can Chel$ki be stopped?

No Benny, Kaboul, Parker, Dembele, Bale. Would be more impressed if they beat us at full strength
Re: OT - Can Chel$ki be stopped?

Di Matteo has got them playing some excellent football, very easy on the eye from back to front

however, like others have said, the test will come when they lose a game or two and how they react
Re: OT - Can Chel$ki be stopped?

Isn't that what happened in the FA Cup semi last year when we were arguably stronger and they were arguably weaker?

2 completely different teams now. They were riding the crest of a wave, had an extremely fortunate goal handed to them at which point we collapsed.

Are you telling me they would have wiped the floor with us had we a full XI to choose from?
Re: OT - Can Chel$ki be stopped?

Are you telling me they would have wiped the floor with us had we a full XI to choose from?

They wiped the floor with us back then when so many were confident of the same.

Impossible to tell now but the bottom line is - they improved and we are weaker following the summer transfer window so on paper alone - yes, the should beat us (a draw at best), even with Bale and Dembele in the squad - and I see nothing embrassing about that seeing the money they've spent on players. Having said that - football is played on the field, not on paper - so a good team performance (our first 4th finishing season - 2:1 win at WHL) can see them off any day, or any team in the PL for that matter.
Re: OT - Can Chel$ki be stopped?

26 attempts created against them without our 2 most creative players shows defensively they have issues
Re: OT - Can Chel$ki be stopped?

Chelsea won the CL, albeit with a lot of luck, and have spent heavily since. Hazard and Oscar look promising even though still finding their feet. Torres is becoming more than a bit-part player for them. Overall, they look a lot more positive and early signs are that they will be contenders, with a top three already separating from the rest.

As others have said, the test for them will be their response to a setback. Last year they went into free-fall after a good start. Perhaps the key will be if RDM is a good manager or just a lucky one.
Re: OT - Can Chel$ki be stopped?

26 attempts created against them without our 2 most creative players shows defensively they have issues

how many of those 26 attempts were decent chances though?? How hard did Cech really have to work
Re: OT - Can Chel$ki be stopped?

Their team on Saturday cost more than five times the team we fielded. While price isnt everything, £225m buys you a hell of a lot of quality.

Man for man they are better than us, but on our day (especially if Bale hits top gear) we can give anyone a game.
Re: OT - Can Chel$ki be stopped?

Their play in the final third of the pitch is second to none at the moment especially Mata is on fire, however Torres is still not up to his old standards. Ramires is a very good box to box midfielder but his playing style means he's often out of position when they loose the ball upfield and I have never been too impressed with Mikel's passing skills. With Bale and Dembele in the line up, I think we would have dominated posession. Defensively Luiz is a loose cannon, sometimes he looks the best defender in the world, the next moment he makes a huge error. The amount of half chances we created shows they are vulnerable at the back.

They are indeed a very good team and should be in with a shout for the title, however although they've met us and Arsenal away, their fixture list has been relatively easy, so would wait 5-6 games before making a more accurate judgement.

City doesn't look the same but are still grinding out late winning goals and Man Utd look lethal upfront with RvP and Rooney.
Re: OT - Can Chel$ki be stopped?

At the moment, it looks like the Premier League Title is Chelsea's to lose, but there's still a lot of football to be played before everything is done and dusted.
Re: OT - Can Chel$ki be stopped?

8 games and on a good run but there's a long, long way to go.
If the next 8 games are poor they'll drop back to 4th/5th/6th so let's see where they are at halfway.
Re: OT - Can Chel$ki be stopped?

16 were on target, the sheer fact we created them is something

if 16 were on target then why wasnt Cech man of the match....i can only remember him making a couple of outstanding saves. The one to deny Walker being the best