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Transfer Rumour Thread

They're having a laugh thinking that Dembele would want to lower himself by playing for those clowns.

I appreciate that the transfer story is about a proposed bid but, why bid if the player has zero interest? I remember someone on here discussing how much it actually cost to make a bid and well, it wasn't as cheap, to make a bid, as you'd think it would be.

I haven't read that - sounds interesting.
Any idea what thread it was in or key words to search?
They're having a laugh thinking that Dembele would want to lower himself by playing for those clowns.

I appreciate that the transfer story is about a proposed bid but, why bid if the player has zero interest? I remember someone on here discussing how much it actually cost to make a bid and well, it wasn't as cheap, to make a bid, as you'd think it would be.

I haven't read that - sounds interesting.
Any idea what thread it was in or key words to search?
Any player in the current had that's playing will gladly sign an extension right now IMO

We normally seem to get these contract offers out three whilst we're on a high
Or he might fancy a double your money final payday at Chel53a. Like Robbie Keane going to Liverpool

But Keane supported Liverpool, so was tempted by the move. Dembele doesn't, as far as I know, support Chelsea. So it would only be about money, so if Levy is ambitious then he'll need to invest for the club's future by rewarding Dembele with a new higher paid contract.
Or he might fancy a double your money final payday at Chel53a. Like Robbie Keane going to Liverpool

Quite possible. However.....such thoughts could simply be dismissed by an assertion from Levy about the impossibility of willingly selling to Arsenal or Chelsea. Whatever the price, whoever the player in question may be.
Quite possible. However.....such thoughts could simply be dismissed by an assertion from Levy about the impossibility of willingly selling to Arsenal or Chel53a. Whatever the price, whoever the player in question may be.

A bit more difficult when the player has 18 months left on his contract... I think GB raises valid points, though I don't think Levy would sell to Chelsea... His age, his contract status and his reported fitness issues probably means that it's up to Dembele if he wants to stay or go. Not saying we would sell him to Chelsea, but if a good team abroad came in with a solid offer for him I don't think we could do much other than offer him a new contract that we find reasonable and hope for the best. Quite possibly knowing that other teams would offer him more money at this point.

They're having a laugh thinking that Dembele would want to lower himself by playing for those clowns.

I appreciate that the transfer story is about a proposed bid but, why bid if the player has zero interest? I remember someone on here discussing how much it actually cost to make a bid and well, it wasn't as cheap, to make a bid, as you'd think it would be.

Luckily leaking a story to the press about a bit costs next to nothing. Much like the cost of the press making up a story about Chelsea wanting another midfielder.
A bit more difficult when the player has 18 months left on his contract... I think GB raises valid points, though I don't think Levy would sell to Chel53a... His age, his contract status and his reported fitness issues probably means that it's up to Dembele if he wants to stay or go. Not saying we would sell him to Chel53a, but if a good team abroad came in with a solid offer for him I don't think we could do much other than offer him a new contract that we find reasonable and hope for the best. Quite possibly knowing that other teams would offer him more money at this point.

Absolutely: I'm not saying Dembele can't go, or won't be sold. Clearly, if we get a decent offer from abroad or from another team in the league and he refuses to renew his contract, we'll be left with little choice. However, I doubt he'd be sold to Arsenal or Chelsea, that's all: would set a bad precedent.
Absolutely: I'm not saying Dembele can't go, or won't be sold. Clearly, if we get a decent offer from abroad or from another team in the league and he refuses to renew his contract, we'll be left with little choice. However, I doubt he'd be sold to Arsenal or Chel53a, that's all: would set a bad precedent.

Yeah. One of those precedents would be Levy actually having to deal with a Chelsea representative again. Would never get the smell out of the conference room. Would have to do it at their place, but that would mean writing off several good suits for similar reasons. Can't see it happening ;)

Just think that if Chelsea actually want him there's a decent chance Dembele would want the pay rise GB was referring to. A "no way" from Levy could easily be the end of contract negotiations too if he actually was unsettled by the chance of getting twice his current money on a 4 year deal and a massive sign on fee...
Having a laugh aren't they? With the form Moussa has been in this season they would have to pay £40m for him on his own.

The only reason all this talk about Kane and Dembele to scumsea is about taking the players mind's of tomorrow's game...is mind games!

Come on you Lilywhites............
Also, in terms of our search for a striker, I've just learned that we apparently had Arkadiusz Milik over for a trial about five or six years ago. We could perhaps parlay that into an actual move for the guy, seeing as he's pretty good now and fits the bill as far as a 'Poch' striker is concerned (young, hard-working, multi-faceted), as a back-up to Kane (big, good touch for a big man, surprisingly agile, etcetera) and as an Ajax talent to add to our stable of such players. :p
Yeah. One of those precedents would be Levy actually having to deal with a Chel53a representative again. Would never get the smell out of the conference room. Would have to do it at their place, but that would mean writing off several good suits for similar reasons. Can't see it happening ;)

Just think that if Chel53a actually want him there's a decent chance Dembele would want the pay rise GB was referring to. A "no way" from Levy could easily be the end of contract negotiations too if he actually was unsettled by the chance of getting twice his current money on a 4 year deal and a massive sign on fee...

I can say with a high degree of confidence that as long as Levy is our Voldy-Leader, there will be no dealings with Chelski.
Between Arnesen, Modric and their appalling behavior over Willian...
The 'Kane to Chelski' rumors are pitiful, like watching the schoolyard bully air through the grapevine that they'll take your lunch whenever they want one more time when everybody knows if they set foot close to your punchbag it will give them botulism and tell them to feck off...

...or something like that!!!!
Still don't get the hype over some of Everton's players, Barkley & Stones are great examples ..

Stones I actually think is a decent player, but Everton were crazy not to sell him for 40M (he'll never be worth that again).

I also don't get how the media decides who is worth creating the hype about .. to me, Dier of last season was at least Stone's equal if not better, this season? . yet Stones hype continues.
Why should Everton sell a highly rated young defender when they don't have other backup in the squad, these teams should be doing everything to keep those type of players. This is why the league had become so lopsided but now with all teams having plenty of money they dont need to always sell, makes for a much more even spectacle.