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*** Tottenham v Man U OMT***

He is a very good player. Nothing about ‘running around a lot’. Not sure you could single him out tonight ahead of any of the others.
He's not a very good player. It's not about tonight. He's played really well the last 3 or 4 games up until tonight, but outside that he's been poor. His passing is nowhere near what is needed. He'll ping in the odd great ball that creates something and then misplace the next 5 passes over 10-15 yards. His positioning and reading of the game is terrible.
So nothing from tonight is on the manager but more so on the supporters from a fans forum?

Maybe there is an argument to say that by putting in too much trust in the core he has that tonight we saw the product of that? Players coming into replace others with little or no playing time because he has had a reticence to give anyone that time?

You can't just say, because of two injuries, this early into the season, that throwing up that performance is justified because that's laughable if you believe that
I just think it shows our squad still isn’t all that, the ‘success’ of the summer transfer window was well over stated on here. A couple of injuries and our options are severely limited, and we are still reliant on the same couple of players to turn up otherwise we look brick.

On the positive side we are still third, and we have played Arse/Chelsea and Man U all away - we look much better at home…..
It's the 22/23 season, Poch left in 19/20 - not sure how much turnover you guys expect to see but given that Son Kane & Lloris are top level talents only having a couple of players on top of that is pretty good going

are they, two of them went missing tonight, the other has done so plenty of times in the past
Absolutely spot on. I’d have Bissouma out of the team long before PEH.

And another point. I fudging love Sonny but he shamefully wimped out of two challenges tonight and one of them cost us a goal. Coward.

true, but it wouldn't have been a challenge if the headed pass to him wasn't fudging brick
I just think it shows our squad still isn’t all that, the ‘success’ of the summer transfer window was well over stated on here. A couple of injuries and our options are severely limited, and we are still reliant on the same couple of players to turn up otherwise we look brick.

On the positive side we are still third, and we have played Arse/Chelsea and Man U all away - we look much better at home…..
No top team has won away so far at another side
That’s key for winning the title (which we won’t of course)
United play Chelsea away who saved players tonight for that game so we will see if the are the real deal
Can't believe how much teams celebrate after beating us, it must be one of their easiests games.
Listening to the noise at old Trafford you'd think they had beat a big team.
He's not a very good player. It's not about tonight. He's played really well the last 3 or 4 games up until tonight, but outside that he's been poor. His passing is nowhere near what is needed. He'll ping in the odd great ball that creates something and then misplace the next 5 passes over 10-15 yards. His positioning and reading of the game is terrible.
He is a reasonable passer, that’s not really his primary skill and what he is in the team for though. From my seat at the game tonight I thought Bissouma was considerably worse than PEH.
Yep. Of the side that started tonight, Lloris, Dier, Davies, Hojbjerg, Doherty, Son, Kane, all preceded him, and of those, Lloris is our captain, Dier is the supposed 'leader' of our backline, Hojbjerg the supposed 'leader' of our midfield, Kane the supposed 'leader' of our attack.

Only Lloris showed up - everyone else was varying degrees of terrible.

Our squad building always feels vaguely like trying to buy enough players with good mentalities to balance out the crap, but we are fudged when the ones that are supposed to have good mentalities like Hojbjerg also turn out to be cowards on nights like these.

He's not just a coward (not sure if I fully agree to be honest), he's also just not very good. He may have the mentality, he certainly doesn't have the quality. He knows he can't make the pass so he goes safe and sideways. It kills the momentum dead.

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He is a reasonable passer, that’s not really his primary skill and what he is in the team for. From my seat at the game tonight I thought Bissouma was considerably worse than PEH.
No argument about Bissouma being worse and he's shown nothing since arriving. On his showings at Brighton I expect him to come good and he's had very little game time here.
Every midfielder needs to have a decent pass. I'm not talking 30 yard defence splitting passes, just making the simple passes and keeping the team moving forward.
Being just a destroyer is not enough.
He's not a very good player. It's not about tonight. He's played really well the last 3 or 4 games up until tonight, but outside that he's been poor. His passing is nowhere near what is needed. He'll ping in the odd great ball that creates something and then misplace the next 5 passes over 10-15 yards. His positioning and reading of the game is terrible.

9 times out of 10 he is flat footed, runs round like a loon and floats passes into the front row. Had a couple of good games but he isn't "very good"
They had no time and they had no support
With an extra man in midfield we should be able to push up
Compare how we played 3-5-2 vs Everton
We had Biss screening and the other 2 wide
Today…. They were all on top CL each other and losing battles and also not working
Everton are brick. Analysing that performance in comparison to today is pointless. You won't glean anything useful.

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He's not just a coward (not sure if I fully agree to be honest), he's also just not very good. He may have the mentality, he certainly doesn't have the quality. He knows he can't make the pass so he goes safe and sideways. It kills the momentum dead.

Sent from my XQ-BC72 using Fapatalk

He can't play a pass unless it's in the direction he's facing when he recieves the ball, total plodder. Not good positionally, not good defensively - adds nothing of value to the team
He is a reasonable passer, that’s not really his primary skill and what he is in the team for though. From my seat at the game tonight I thought Bissouma was considerably worse than PEH.
They were both brick. I don't know if there's any point really deliberating who was worse (Bissouma) as they both absolute cack. In my ideal world neither plays.

Sent from my XQ-BC72 using Fapatalk
Brighton then
They aren’t poor
And it’s how you play the system

As bad as we were today mate, there's plenty in the fan-base who seem to take a masochistic pleasure in doing down much that could be seen as good, denigrating positives or refusing to acknowledge them. Always an excuse to look on the dark side. And a result like this gives them a chance to sprout up again
are they, two of them went missing tonight, the other has done so plenty of times in the past

true, but it wouldn't have been a challenge if the headed pass to him wasn't fudging brick

Our team was pinned back and the front 2 cut adrift, whenever the ball made it to them they were surrounded by United players with no out ball/support - it was clear as day. What they did with the scraps they were feeding off was by the by.