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The all new Striker thread..

I can only get 10 in the poll. We're we linked to him? Anyway I'm sure I heard today that Dortmund are not gonna let him leave for Bayern so that probably rules us out too, if we were ever in.

Well, i don't think we're actually in for a number of the poll options either.
The problem is that a lot of those are not realistic - we can't afford Benteke at 25m+, Martinez and Gomez are waaay out of our range (as is my dream striker, Jovetic), Leandro may as well just fudge off now, Soldado is going nowhere even if we were willing to pay the 20m for him, and Dzeko's wages will be too high. Villa is a nice short-term solution but that's what he is - short-term and expensive, when all our strikers are aging; he doesn't solve the problem so much as delay it.

Bony is a little too reliant on power and not enough on brains and technique for me (which is why he keeps getting linked to Stoke/West Ham level), but at least his price is reasonable. I would've said that even with his temper issues Iago Aspas is decent at his age and price (and seriously, we need more Spanish imports), but he is off to Liverpool now. Will fit in well there, I think :(

I can see two options for us that we can afford: either an EL-level player the big guns don't want or a relatively unproven youngster with a hopefully high ceiling. In the former category Osvaldo is okay, but I'd love to see something more imaginative like Freiburg's Kruse (creative, good passer, 25 years old). I'd pay very good money for Insigne, but Napoli aren't about to sell him. I'd also be happy with Morata, but Madrid are going to be dingdongs atm. We've also been linked to Andreas Cornelius, Ante Rebic, and Vydra, all of whom are not ready but would be smarter to get in early before they move out of our price range.

Because it's so damn hard to get a suitable center forward, I would actually accept spending that money on a top-class playmaker and a creative CM who excel at one-touch passing and movement, because I think Ade would look so much better if he were surrounded by players that could actually play a quick, incisive pass and MOVE. For example, Bernard and Illarramendi would improve our creativity in the final third and intelligence on the ball immeasurably; though the latter is a creative DM (and probably ungettable), just look at how important Carrick was to United's attack last season. There's no silver bullet here - if we don't improve our movement and playmaking ability as a team, I can't see any forward who could help us much.
I voted for Mr Wilfried Bony.

Also agree with skyfarer we need a creator.

imagine please Bernard & Bony......... sounds like a victorian shop.

most of the strikers on this poll are unatainable imo ........bony is realistic and an upgrade on what we have....
Shaun Goater, Geoff Horsfield, Lee Chapman, Brian Mclair, Chris Armstrong.

Anyone really just to sign a striker would be nice.
Villa would be amazing but I don't think very realistic. I voted for Benteke, I think he would cost a fair bit but he is exactly what we need. His hold up play is great he is young and he knows where the goal is
If unrealistic signings are being included then I'd like to vote for Messi or Ronaldo. If not, would like to vote in a poll with realistic signings
Which are unrealistic? Plus the OP stated it's strkers we've been linked to, not like he's plucked 10 out of nowhere.
Went for Villa, but I must say I am shocked at the amount of players to have more votes than Benteke. He's my second choice,he is gettable and is going to be a beast of a player in a couple of years if not already....
I would be very surprised if we didn't start the season with just Bale, Defoe and Ade as our striking options. It is very frustrating but that just seems like the reality
I would be very surprised if we didn't start the season with just Bale, Defoe and Ade as our striking options. It is very frustrating but that just seems like the reality

I would actually be, think the fact that we would back AVB with Paulinho (at that price), the fact that we need to pacify Bale (even if its just a little) and the obvious issues with the strike force last year, I know it is Spurs, but I'd be very surprised if we didn't significantly improve our striking options.