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Summer transfer thread, AvB window wrap up pg 1527

Which player would you like to see take over from Luka Modric?

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Chelsea are now leading the race for Hazard. He gets on better them with them, the contract is what he wants and his agent is in London now.
no one knows what this rat face is going to do

Don't know the truth in this, but he speaks a lot of sense:

Who: Cabinessence
When: 19th May
Where: FTL

The rabbie can verify my source (which is the usual one Rich).
One centre back in.
Caulker in squad.
Reshuffle of the midfield-whatever that means.
Sandro is loved by all.
They suspect Modric has lined himself up something. They turned down 32 from Chescum not 40 last year.
They think they'll keep Bale for one more year despite what's been said on here, but money will be BIG if he goes. 50 muted as their break point
They're not overly concerned about the CL this year as far as signings are concerned as they can't base the financial model on assuming automatic qualification and the current financial model can't attract the top cl players.
Two "world class" YOUNG forwards in
Would like to keep Ade but can't afford him
Might sell Defoe as last chance to cash in

Must dash but thought I'd just let you all know. More later on stadium and Harry.
Who: Dragon1
When: 19th May
Where: FTL

One of the strikers will be leandro demao,pleat who has Levys ear tosss over him we have been close to a deal before
Remy prob the other one they love there stats and Remy scored most headers in top euro leagues in. 2011

I'm thinking that we could be playing 442 next season if we are to sign both Remy and Leandro. Maybe VDV alongside Parker/Sandro in centre with Modric being sold abroad?
The more I look at rumours the more Im convinced either VDV or Modric is off, it just doesnt "fit" otherwise.

Without Modric?


Or swap VDV for Modric for an alternative. Walker and Ekotto to provide width, two sitting midfielders to provide stability...
Pretty sure we can all create various formations and speculate on who would fit into what.

Whoever we end up with, you will probably be able to make more than one formation anyway.
You could with our squad now, but there is one that works obviously better than the others.

Obviously its just speculation, but looking at who we are supposed to be looking at I envisage a team like that next season.

And in either case, it points toward either Modric/or VDV not fitting IMO
I'm thinking that we could be playing 442 next season if we are to sign both Remy and Leandro. Maybe VDV alongside Parker/Sandro in centre with Modric being sold abroad?

If thats the case, I would rather us stay 4-5-1 switching up Remy and Leandro (whoevers on a hot spell) and bring in Dembele to switch it up with VdV in the ACM role.

--------------- Leandro ---------------
Bale ----------- VdV --------- Lennon
----------- Sandro - Hudd -----------
Benoit ---- Vert -- Kaboom - Walker
--------------- Friedel ----------------

Second 11 of:

---------------- Remy ----------------
Hoilett ------ Dembele --- Redmond
--------- Livermore - Parker -------
Rose - Caulker - Dawson - Naughton
--------------- Cudicini ---------------

might be stretching a bit to land all the front four in the second 11 but would be a squad capable of competing on both fronts if 'Arry could get his rotation right.
Bale, VDV, Remy all score 10+ a season.. Plus Lennon Sandro and Modric chip in..

Depends on how clinical Remy is, He'd have to be a 20-30 goal a season striker..

thats the thing, so far he hasnt proved to be anywhere near that prolific