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Summer transfer thread, AvB window wrap up pg 1527

Which player would you like to see take over from Luka Modric?

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Re: The 1060 pages and finally a striker summer transfer thread

I just cannot believe we won't sign Moutinho. Replacing a player who WANTS out with a player who WANTS in, who has worked with AVB before and knows his system, i'm convinced this will happen.

I also think we will get Lloris and someone who will play in some position in the top 3rd of the pitch.

Surely even Levy has his breaking point where enough is enough and you just have to pay up.
Re: The 1060 pages and finally a striker summer transfer thread

good lad, have never been on that weekend but my gf's family are from Pool so they always go up there and say its wicked. must keep this topic related so I think Modric is going very soon....
Re: The 1060 pages and finally a striker summer transfer thread

There's an interesting snippet concerning Emmanuel Adebayor.

His picture was taken along with the rest of the first team squad when the new kits were announced...


...yet our other two signings - Gylfi Sigurdsson & Jan Vertonghen - were not yet Spurs players at this time, so they don't have similar photos.
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Re: The 1060 pages and finally a striker summer transfer thread

Weird, m'vila apparently said on French tv that Tottenham are a great team for the future.

William was at the lane yesterday.
Re: The 1060 pages and finally a striker summer transfer thread

Lampard, Makelele and Essien were all better passers than Sandro, Parker and Livermore in my opinion.

Since you mention recycling possession Makelele was actually very good at that in my opinion. He didn't make massively creative passes, but he very rarely lost the ball and was good at making himself available for a pass in his deep role.

They also played a fairly different compared to us, they had Drogba up front! You can get away with not having a real creative guy in the centre when you always have the option of going long to a Drogba type player who will cause every defender in the world problems. Ade makes us stronger and taller up front and those long balls get a bit more dangerous, but still not comparable to Drogba in his prime.

ithink it highlights the need to reach in order to show that a point is still relevant when its been diminshed, at least a little bit

fact of the matter is that NONE of those guys are remotely close to the creativity of modric even in their prime. sure they knew how to pass the ball and get it into areas but creativity ..which is the life blood of peoples reasoning towards a stagnant approach after 2 first halfs...is NOT really necessarily the issue

agreed on makelele....but still was not creative and still was not the guy that make plays. what he does parker can do well enough , NOT nearly as good , but well enough for what we need...and so can sandro actually

drogba is a good point...but ade is not as good but he is good enough for a good season. we dont need the greatest ever players in premiership history to have a decent season. Not to mention that long balls is something that people here hate and are using to validate our guards being sold / sacked.

there is nothing to moan about here, our people just need to get their act together. we have a good squad and a very strong first 11. we have had 2 unfortunate results..the world isnt ending. we dont 'NEED' all these top class players for all these positions
Re: The 1060 pages and finally a striker summer transfer thread

I just cannot believe we won't sign Moutinho. Replacing a player who WANTS out with a player who WANTS in, who has worked with AVB before and knows his system, i'm convinced this will happen.

I also think we will get Lloris and someone who will play in some position in the top 3rd of the pitch.

Surely even Levy has his breaking point where enough is enough and you just have to pay up.

I think Moutinho suits so perfectly, wants to come, has worked with AVB.... I think it just makes so much sense its hard to imagine it NOT happening.
Re: The 1060 pages and finally a striker summer transfer thread

but also you have Lampard in there who will get you 20 goals a season, or he did then. Out of Sandro, Livermore and Parker you have er 1 goal!

* No disrespct mate..i swear..i'll even add a smiley for you to show that there is no hard feelings ;) , but i have had experience in the past of someone intentionally ignoring the crux of matters and using a straw man argument / exaggerrating points / making up stuff and attributing it to me etc etc in the past.....i've realised that it was a waste of my time. Not a bad guy at all tbh, just got too much for me..especially when i used to think him above board and not a WUM :lol:

the reason i mention the above is for obvious reasons when you say they have lampard gets you 20 goals and then proceed to mention our three holding mids give us one......etc etc. You see where i'm coming from dont you?
Re: The 1060 pages and finally a striker summer transfer thread

The creativity of that team came from Robben and Duff. The wingers were the main starting point for the counter attacking style they played

i agree with this totally, add that to overlapping fullbacks and you have a system that dominated the league and provided a strong sold base..though neither of our wingers are as adept as robben at consistency i feel they both our wingers are pretty damn good

lennon just needs to learn how to get into goal scoring areas
Re: The 1060 pages and finally a striker summer transfer thread

ithink it highlights the need to reach in order to show that a point is still relevant when its been diminshed, at least a little bit

fact of the matter is that NONE of those guys are remotely close to the creativity of modric even in their prime. sure they knew how to pass the ball and get it into areas but creativity ..which is the life blood of peoples reasoning towards a stagnant approach after 2 first halfs...is NOT really necessarily the issue

agreed on makelele....but still was not creative and still was not the guy that make plays. what he does parker can do well enough , NOT nearly as good , but well enough for what we need...and so can sandro actually

drogba is a good point...but ade is not as good but he is good enough for a good season. we dont need the greatest ever players in premiership history to have a decent season. Not to mention that long balls is something that people here hate and are using to validate our guards being sold / sacked.

there is nothing to moan about here, our people just need to get their act together. we have a good squad and a very strong first 11. we have had 2 unfortunate results..the world isnt ending. we dont 'NEED' all these top class players for all these positions

I think added creativity would have been massive yesterday, but that said we still were plenty creative. I think Adebayor instead of Defoe would have made a huge change.

The Modric thing for me is 20% added creativity and 80% added possession and therefore rest.

I think with more sustained possession we would be even more impressive and less prone to tiring late in games...
Re: The 1060 pages and finally a striker summer transfer thread

i agree with this totally, add that to overlapping fullbacks and you have a system that dominated the league and provided a strong sold base..though neither of our wingers are as adept as robben at consistency i feel they both our wingers are pretty damn good

lennon just needs to learn how to get into goal scoring areas

He really REALLY does! I fear for his place in the side if this doesnt change...
Re: The 1060 pages and finally a striker summer transfer thread

I think added creativity would have been massive yesterday, but that said we still were plenty creative. I think Adebayor instead of Defoe would have made a huge change.

The Modric thing for me is 20% added creativity and 80% added possession and therefore rest.

I think with more sustained possession we would be even more impressive and less prone to tiring late in games...

have you noticed the similarities in our first two games with he who would not be mentioned ? the only time us sustaining pressure and possession wasnt ever an issue was like about 3 years ago when we first finished 4th. this thing has been a problem for quite some time

yesterday WBA pressed us in the second half..and like you said..we could respond to that and they starrted eating up our possession

i agree with your post though, in nearly its entirety. creativity isnt really the issue...would have helped..but we dont need EVERYTHING to make a win. the lack of pressure from us gave them the impetus to encroach on our space ......and thus we had to work harder chasing them

why the pressure tailed off? anyone's guess
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Re: The 1060 pages and finally a striker summer transfer thread

He really REALLY does! I fear for his place in the side if this doesnt change...

people dont realise this, infact if the thread is still here i did mention that lennon would be at risk ( i think i actually mentioned dawson and thudd and a few others in there too ), but lennon is an IMPACT player..he doesnt fit the continental mould..which is where i felt or thought AVB came from. naturally people shoot me down with him having pace so must be in AVB's plan...but avb's teams i would assume is just as much tactical / positional intelligence as well as pace or quick short distance speeds / lateral movement.

just cause lennon is quick on the feet doesnt mean he is a shoe in.
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Re: The 1060 pages and finally a striker summer transfer thread

AS, I don't think we need the keeper, centre mid, winger and striker to have a decent season. The squad as we are would probably get us 6th place, a decent season. But if we want to be well up there, in the mixer for the top of the league and challenging for trophies, I think we need those additions. Otherwise we'll see so many games like yesterday, points dropped because our approach play is excellent, but we don't quite have the right players to finish off the chances, and then our squad is unbalanced and we can't make good changes that allow us to keep shape.
Re: The 1060 pages and finally a striker summer transfer thread

have you noticed the similarities in our first two games with he who would not be mentioned ? the only time us sustaining pressure and possession wasnt ever an issue was like about 3 years ago when we first finished 4th. this thing has been a problem for quite some time

yesterday WBA pressed us in the second half..and like you said..we could respond to that and they starrted eating up our possession

i agree with your post though, in nearly its entirety. creativity isnt really the issue...would have helped..but we dont need EVERYTHING to make a win. the lack of pressure from us gave them the impetus to encroach on our space ......and thus we had to work harder chasing them

why the pressure tailed off? anyone's guess

Why did it tail off? 2 things IMO.

Lacking a Modric type meant we couldnt just hold the ball for longer periods, which leads to us getting tired. Less holding + more pressing = tired players

More of an impact though, IMO, was terrible substitutions by AVB. He went 442, when the 433/451 (whichever you prefer) had to that point done a damn fine job of holding WBA.

Defoe was anonymous at best, so in keeping him on and sacrificing VDV we effectively went a man down and invited them on IMO (while giving up our link between CM and attack as well)

I think we are in a classic 1 step back/2 steps forward kind of situation. Compared to Redknapps team I liked the shape and organisation a hell of a lot better, but without Modric and without time in the system we also looked disjointed and suffered compared to Redknapps established way of playing.
Re: The 1060 pages and finally a striker summer transfer thread

people dont realise this, infact if the thread is still here i did mention that lennon would be at risk ( i think i actually mentioned dawson and thudd and a few others in there too ), but lennon is an IMPACT player..he doesnt fit the continental mould..which is where i felt or thought AVB came from. naturally people shoot me down with him having pace so must be in AVB's plan...but avb's teams i would assume is just as much tactical / positional intelligence as well as pace or quick short distance speeds / lateral movement.

just cause lennon is quick on the feet doesnt mean he is a shoe in.

I agree, and I think I did at the time. I do believe Lennon has it in him to be a whole lot "more" as a player, and that he can offer genuine regular goal threat - I just feel perhaps he doesnt have the mentality for it.

He has shown in flashes over the last 7 years he can do it, just never consistently.

If he can get his head around it he could be our most important player, my fear is that instead we will go for someone like Willian or Remy to replace him and he will then be restricted to impact player as you suggest
Re: The 1060 pages and finally a striker summer transfer thread

Weird, m'vila apparently said on French tv that Tottenham are a great team for the future.

William was at the lane yesterday.

What's the sauce for Willian being there?
Re: The 1060 pages and finally a striker summer transfer thread

off topic but does anyone else see Harry at the top and bottom of their screen just smirking at you

Well we have a point more than we did this time last season. I am not worried because AVB does not have his team in place yet
Re: The 1060 pages and finally a striker summer transfer thread

1 point up / 3 points down - depends how you look at it.

Ultimately its very early days and these games arent really indicative of how the season will go at all.

Used to be, back in the good old days, that a table wasnt even printed before about September...
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Re: The 1060 pages and finally a striker summer transfer thread


* No disrespct mate..i swear..i'll even add a smiley for you to show that there is no hard feelings ;) , but i have had experience in the past of someone intentionally ignoring the crux of matters and using a straw man argument / exaggerrating points / making up stuff and attributing it to me etc etc in the past.....i've realised that it was a waste of my time. Not a bad guy at all tbh, just got too much for me..especially when i used to think him above board and not a WUM :lol:

the reason i mention the above is for obvious reasons when you say they have lampard gets you 20 goals and then proceed to mention our three holding mids give us one......etc etc. You see where i'm coming from dont you?

no offence taken sir. I was not winding up, I see where you are coming from and misunderstood what you were saying!