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Suarez - Serial Biter

Cantona's kung fu kick ban was worldwide wasn't it? Don't see why Suarez wont get a blaket ban. And can the FA ban him based on bringing the game into disrepute?

I think that attacking a fan is another level up and Cantona's had retired from international football at that point, so it did not really matter whether it was domestic or international.

If FIFA hand out a punishment that can be appealed, Suarez will play this weekend and the appeals process could be dragged out further. Can you see FIFA risking that?
Luis Suárez has been criticised by Uruguay football great Alcides Ghiggia, the last survivor of the team which defeated Brazil to win the 1950 World Cup, and the man who scored the winning goa in the Maracanã.

Suárez is set to learn his fate on Thursday as his lawyer claimed calls for the Uruguay forward to face a lengthy ban for biting Giorgio Chiellini were part of an Anglo-Italian conspiracy.

Ghiggia has become the first Uruguayan public figure to come out against the striker. Suárez "plays well but he has done things that are not normal for a player nor for a football game," Ghiggia said.

"This boy's clearly not right in the head. That's just not something you do on the pitch. I think Fifa can sanction him.

"He already did it before in England and now he's done it again. It's abnormal. It's a football match – not a war or a fight."

However, Uruguay's President Jose Mujica weighed in to the global controversy on Wednesday, saying it was unfair to judge him retrospectively for biting an Italian player when other incidents went unreviewed.

Mujica, 79, a former guerrilla fighter and political prisoner, added that Fifa should not use television evidence to retrospectively punish players.

"I didn't see him bite anyone and, in football, I was taught that you obey what the referee says," Mujica said.

"If we're going to take decisions in football based on what TV says, then there are loads of penalties and handballs you'd have to give that weren't given, so bad luck."

Mujica said the striker should be judged solely on his football ability and questioned why he should be held up as a behavioural role model.

"We didn't choose him to be a philosopher, or a mechanic, or to have good manners," he said. "He's a great player."

They've closed every single thread started in Liverpool chat and also the World Cup threads.

Have a look at their transfer forum. As soon as a thread gets active it's closed and you're only allowed to quote certain sources (Liverpool friendly journalists at select news papers).


It really is the North-Korea of football forums isn't it?

(Apologies to any North-Koreans that might have been offended by that)

I think that attacking a fan is another level up and Cantona's had retired from international football at that point, so it did not really matter whether it was domestic or international.

If FIFA hand out a punishment that can be appealed, Suarez will play this weekend and the appeals process could be dragged out further. Can you see FIFA risking that?

Agreed, it's not the same level as Cantona's kick.

Your point about the appeals process is a very good one. I think most clubs and national teams after something like that would accept that playing that player during an appeals process would be seen as very inflammatory, but the Uruguayans haven't shown any such inclinations so far.

Cantona's kung fu kick ban was worldwide wasn't it? Don't see why Suarez wont get a blaket ban. And can the FA ban him based on bringing the game into disrepute?

I don't think he can be punished by two different associations (FIFA and FA) for this.
Your point about the appeals process is a very good one. I think most clubs and national teams after something like that would accept that playing that player during an appeals process would be seen as very inflammatory, but the Uruguayans haven't shown any such inclinations so far.

The next game is a tough one and they will want him available if they can possibly get away with it.

I can see them spinning the innocent until proven guilty line without any shame if they chose to appeal.
The next game is a tough one and they will want him available if they can possibly get away with it.

I can see them spinning the innocent until proven guilty line without any shame if they chose to appeal.

Agreed. At first I was writing "the Uruguayans haven't shown any signs of such rationality" in the post you quoted, but I changed it because it might just be that rationality is what they're actually showing signs of (in combination with cynicism and a blatant disregard of etiquette).

It might be that the players, management and association just think that "**** it, we could get away with it" and plead ignorance until the cows come home accepting that they will be seen as ignorant in the process. Suarez has shown in the past that he can play well even when perceived as the pantomime villain figure and a win against Columbia sees them through to the quarter finals...
And Cantona had to do community service - where he went and met thousands of young United supporters and became even more of a hero to them.

Stunning !
twitter rumor: 9 games for uruguay, 4 months from all of football

StanCollymore: BREAKING. Luis Suarez reportedly gets NINE game ban and 4 month general football ban.


Discuss @SportsYapper !
"FIFA suspends Luis Suarez for nine international matches and bans him from all football activity for four months for biting"

Sky Sports
Does the 4 month general football ban start as of today? If so it's not exactly 4 months given we are still in pre season.