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Ryan Mason

Congratulations Ryan

Ryan Mason - 1 England cap - 1 assist
Jack Wheelchair - 26 England caps - 1 assist

Needs to become a fixture next to Henderson in that CM from here on
Big relief to see Mason get that assist - excellent one it was too, showed his quick thinking and commitment - because in all honesty prior to that he struggled a bit to get into the game.
I think Ryan Mason is an inspirational character, he was considered a good prospect as a youth player and had a lot of set backs with injuries which stalled his development, every time he went on loan he either picked up an other knock or was not used enough. He didn't give up and settle for being a lower league player and a lot of credit must be given to the club for sticking with him. It's easy to dump youngsters and look for cheap imports to provide short term answers. He may not make a long term international player but his inclusion sends a message to all Moneyship teams that there are decent players within their clubs who need to be given a chance.
Big relief to see Mason get that assist - excellent one it was too, showed his quick thinking and commitment - because in all honesty prior to that he struggled a bit to get into the game.

I think that's a bit harsh. He only got 15 minutes, in which he moved the ball quickly and effectively and gave us extra defensive energy. His job isn't to be an impact player like Townsend or Barkley, but to be the ball recycler.

He certainly looked a lot more composed/competitive than any of Delph, Jones and Henderson (who I usually rate) did in CM.
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I think that's a bit harsh. He only got 15 minutes, in which he moved the ball quickly and effectively and gave us extra defensive energy. His job isn't to be an impact player like Townsend or Barkley, but to be the ball recycler.

He certainly looked a lot more composed/competitive than any of Delph, Jones and Henderson (who I usually rate) did in CM.

He should have scored a hat trick of owns goals and wiped his arse on the shirt and you will still big him up.
Didn't see the England game, but I'm happy for Mason. Great start to an international career. And given his lengthy status as a "nearly" man, it's a testament to his hard work and to the club's commitment to him.

For me he still possesses a serious weakness though. It feels like he's guaranteed a half-dozen sloppy passes per game at the moment. And I'm talking about real brain-farts, not clever balls that fail to come off - those are inevitable for all good central midfielders. I get the impression he just switches off and loses focus for a second. It's infuriating and I worry it might hold him back from being as successful as he might otherwise be.

On the other hand; if it is a focus thing, then it can still be fixed. I get the impression the guy isn't afraid of hard work in the name of self-improvement, and if he clears up that aspect of his game I can see him being at the heart of a successful Spurs team for years to come.
Really fail to understand people's need to have a go at Mason

- Is he world class? = no, is he likely to be? = no
- Has he worked his ass of and run himself into the ground every game for us? = yes
- Has he made a significant difference to our midfield over much more expensive and experienced players? = yes
- Has that work combined with a little bit of luck (injuries/etc.) got him a call up for England? = yes
- Did he manage to make an impact in game where England were trailing against a very good team? = yes

fudge me, pat on the back, good to see 4 young Spurs players on the pitch against Italy, enjoying their football and the reward of many seasons of hard work that has lead to this one.

Who gives a fudge if Mason will be our #1 midfield choice, or captain or whatever next season or season after.

Enjoy the moment and let the lad enjoy the moment, if it all ends tomorrow he can tell his fudging grandkids he turned out for his country against Italy and made an impact ..
I think that's a bit harsh. He only got 15 minutes, in which he moved the ball quickly and effectively and gave us extra defensive energy. His job isn't to be an impact player like Townsend or Barkley, but to be the ball recycler.

He certainly looked a lot more composed/competitive than any of Delph, Jones and Henderson (who I usually rate) did in CM.

Only watched the second half, but for me at least Delph and Henderson look too similar to be playing together. Mason adds something a bit different to the mix and looked alright after coming on.

Jones in midfield, particularly along with Delph and Henderson doesn't strike me as anywhere near good enough. To chose that when you have Carrick in the squad is facepalm-worthy.
Hope that's not Mason's girlfriend tattoo'd on his arm.
Only watched the second half, but for me at least Delph and Henderson look too similar to be playing together. Mason adds something a bit different to the mix and looked alright after coming on.

Jones in midfield, particularly along with Delph and Henderson doesn't strike me as anywhere near good enough. To chose that when you have Carrick in the squad is facepalm-worthy.
I presume it was a bit of an experiment from Roy, albeit a failed one. Carrick showed them all up when he came on IMO.
So, this arm tattoo that apparently looks like a 12-year-old boy. Who is it? I'm assuming Mason's girlfriend, or mum, or something like that. Anyone know?
Hope that's not Mason's girlfriend tattoo'd on his arm.

I presume it was a bit of an experiment from Roy, albeit a failed one. Carrick showed them all up when he came on IMO.

Yes. Experimenting with a team without creativity and passing ability in the centre of the park. At times I really do get the frustration with Hodgson...

Carrick has been showing up England players for almost a decade now (imo), perhaps Hodgson will finally be the one realizing that he has to be in the team.
Yes. Experimenting with a team without creativity and passing ability in the centre of the park. At times I really do get the frustration with Hodgson...

Carrick has been showing up England players for almost a decade now (imo), perhaps Hodgson will finally be the one realizing that he has to be in the team.

I agree about the last decade, but he's too old now. We shouldn't have any player in the squad that won't be going to the WC in 2018 (and that includes Rooney and maybe Cahill).

I think we need start building the double pivot of Henderson-Mason now.
I agree about the last decade, but he's too old now. We shouldn't have any player in the squad that won't be going to the WC in 2018 (and that includes Rooney and maybe Cahill).

I think we need start building the double pivot of Henderson-Mason now.

Disagree. Carrick is the best current English midfielder. No reason why he won't be good enough a year from now. Plans to build for 3-4 years into the future at an international level is not the way to go imo. Short term success breeds longer term success, short term failure helps no one. Bring the strongest possible team to the Euros in a year or so and from there build further.

Assuming now that the Henderson-Mason partnership will be the strongest in 3 years is just massively premature. Surely a year from now you wouldn't have included Mason in that... What changed? That's in one year, how much can then change in the 3 years and a bit leading up to the 2018 WC.

Players like Mason and Henderson could learn a lot playing alongside players like Carrick and Rooney over the next year and a bit, going to a tournament together etc. Sending a u25 squad to the Euros would be setting them up to fail imo.
I agree about the last decade, but he's too old now. We shouldn't have any player in the squad that won't be going to the WC in 2018 (and that includes Rooney and maybe Cahill).

I think we need start building the double pivot of Henderson-Mason now.

Wheelchair will be in the team and deserves to be, I get why so many hate him ( the arse connection) but he is still a very good player.
Wheelchair will be in the team and deserves to be, I get why so many hate him ( the arse connection) but he is still a very good player.

I dont hate him becaues of who he plays for, I just think he's way over-rated. It doesnt impact games anywhere near as much as he should and that England stat about 1 assist in 26 games highlights it. I really dont understand the hype around him

Said it many times before but he reminds me of Lee Hendrie.....
I agree about the last decade, but he's too old now. We shouldn't have any player in the squad that won't be going to the WC in 2018 (and that includes Rooney and maybe Cahill).

I think we need start building the double pivot of Henderson-Mason now.

Do you think Pirlo should have also retired a couple years ago when he was Carrick's age? Saying that Carrick should not be picked is a nonsense - if he's one of our best CMs then he should play. Trying to guess whether he''ll be past it in 3 years time is ridiculous. Its not as if his game is based around pace either is it?