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Ryan Mason

Call him Rya Masavic. Pretend we paid £16m for him. Then watch that performance again (I'd recommend without poisonous Sky commentary).

Or you can watch him as a neutral rather than an arse licker and maybe you may see what alot of other people see?

He is a good squad player but not good enough to be a starter for a top 6 side.
Think people are overstating his mistake for the goal today. Yes, he should have tracked Aguero instead of trying to play him offside, but it's fudging Silva passing it to fudging Aguero on a great counter attack where City are essentially 3 against 3 up against Mason, Rose and Lamela with tons of space to run into. Mistakes will be made in those situations...
Ryan Mason is not a terrible player, nor is he the Messiah. At the moment he is a player I am happy to have at the club as a squad player, but I am not happy for him to be a nailed on starter like he has been this season. Whether or not he can develop and become a player who should start every game remains to be seen, but I have my doubts.

He has good energy, and I like the way he wants to go forward. Occasionally he comes up with good creative play, although I would like to see more of it. I do think he loses possession too often, is a bit too careless on the ball and tends to become flustered now and then, making his decisions rather hurriedly and not being aware of his surroundings (Bentaleb also gives possession away at times by doing things too quickly when he is not aware of what is around him). Being the more attacking player in central midfield, you would like to see him scoring a few more goals too. He fails to stay calm when he gets the chance.

As a partnership Mason/Bentaleb are perhaps too similar as players, and at times I miss a central midfielder with more experience, defensive awareness and also more of a physical presence. I miss a better passer of the ball there too. Bentaleb and Mason are too inconsistent.
Didn't Mason have th best passing stats for us in the first half or were the guys in the ground lying?

Also didn'tasin make a run that no other player did to get on the end of Kane's pass off his miss... A run that no one else made for the whole game

He is in his first season in the league in his first season in that position. He has weaknesses but that's to be expected given his lack of experiences in his position but IMO he has been superior to the likes of stambouli and poorlinho

I can't fathom out why dembele can't get in though as his ability to hold the ball in the opposition half is vital against the better sides
Paulinho had a good game when he came on today. I don't see him as a holder as he doesn't make tackles or blocks but when he has come on he has done sown thing right although I can't pin point it
Wow he got the best passing stat he must be world class? Pretty sure Jenas was one of our top passers of the ball and look how that went.
He reminds me a of Henderson, a player who Liverpool paid a fortune for and were then willing to swap for Dempsey IIRC and now have his as their captain
When I see Mason, he reminds me of Tom Cleverley... very similar all action style. But when we were linked with him in the summer he was dissed to hell and back... Not good enough for us was the consensus!
When I see Mason, he reminds me of Tom Cleverley... very similar all action style. But when we were linked with him in the summer he was dissed to hell and back... Not good enough for us was the consensus!

Yet the cleverly of recent weeks looks a good player

The reality is that the position Mason is playing in is vital for any team and incredibly hard to play

Arguably the best player in the league in that position is matic who mourinho sold as he wasn't good enough.... And then paid £24m to buy him back

Look at how rose has improved with games and a couple of seasons experience in a new position for him

If we can get a better player woo hoo but it's has to be a genuine upgrade, not someone of equal ability
should have scored today with a better touch and slightly more composure with just hart to beat
should have scored today with a better touch and slightly more composure with just hart to beat

Hell of a run to get there though...he has done that a few times now

We rarely get in behind teams now because players lack the nouse/speed/guile but it's bloody effective when done well
For me Mason is a home grown lad who really, really wants to do everything he can for Spurs. I don't think anyone could disagree on that one. The problem for me is that he plays with too much risk in situations he shouldn't have done the risky pass. His running forward is good, and I like that he wants to get into the box. Today he should've scored, but didn't use the time on the ball enough. Obiously because... he want it too much. Hart always goes out like that, a chip will nearly always beat him.
Mason to me - now - isnt good enough beside a rising Bentaleb. He isnt quick enough, he lose the ball too much - and his passing is sloppy.
But, and for me it's a big but: He can improve, and I would love him to be in the squad at least for next season. Then we can see if he can reach the next level, and that is to be good in a team challenging for top four.
Why Poch uses him nearly every match beats me. Dembele - and Paulie in recent form - is better. But hopefully the experience he gets can be very useful coming next season at least.
Why we don't play Bentelab with Mason and dembele in front I'll never know

Typos then get the best out of all three and create more competing behind Kane

Bentelab to hold and pass, Mason to run and drive and dembele to hold the ball up in the oppositions half (like he did when we battered Chelsea)

You then get your goal scoring players in their best positions/roles and you keep the ball in a better place
Why we don't play Bentelab with Mason and dembele in front I'll never know

Typos then get the best out of all three and create more competing behind Kane

Bentelab to hold and pass, Mason to run and drive and dembele to hold the ball up in the oppositions half (like he did when we battered Chelsea)

You then get your goal scoring players in their best positions/roles and you keep the ball in a better place

Because Dembele is very short on end product. Playing him there would mean moving Eriksen wide and dropping Chadli? We would lose quite a lot of goals by doing that.