Sweet Jay Zeuz and all his carpenter friends, it ain't easy being a spurs-fan...
Never ever have I ever seen a football match where both teams attackers start making runs towards goal when Spurs had the ball, and it was a 50-50 tossup which way the through pass went. We played their attackers through more times than our own!
I am not a believer in sacking managers mid-season. Nor have I changed my vote in the "Ange in or out"-thread. I do have to admit that it is beginning to take its toll, this debaucle we're experiencing. Enough so that I had to do a little soul searching, and question my own standards a bit.
I'm rambling, but I'll try to explain.
If we had the string of results we've had this season (injuries or not, doesn't matter) under "He-who-must-not-be-named", Nuno or Conte, would I not be screaming "Off with his head!"?
Should I not do the same with Ange? Or did I do the same when Pochettino went through his long, tough period? Well, I do not, and I did not. And the reason was surprisingly simple, once I managed to drill down to it.
If we had managed any level of success under any of the three mentioned gentlemen, it would still be Mou-ball, Nuno-ball, and Conte-ball. Ugly, disruptive and granted, perhaps effective football. I'd take it, and cheer for it, but I'd know, deep down, that it was tainted and wrong!
But ah.. to have success, and _also_ the expressive, wonderful, fantastic, magic football of a prime Pochettino-team? Or to have success with a team delivering what Angeball has in glimpses promised?