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*** Official TV Thread ***

There's nothing between the two. They are both stunning! Both shows have superb performances from the cast, both are brilliantly written, both have great cinematography. The Sopranos has the edge in terms of humour, even though Breaking Bad has its funny moments. Then again, Breaking Bad has somehow maintained a high quality for 5 seasons and has actually improved year on year IMO whereas Sopranos had a dip in season 4. Can't really judge it fairly until it finishes next summer. Hope it's better than The Sopranos finale.

Personally I thought The Sopranos was massively over-rated. Breaking Bad is up there with The Wire for me.
Yeah my bad, should have known that because I'm obviously living in the UK and the States simultaneously.

But you use the internet and interact a lot with Yanks and Brits.. It's hardly been some well kept secret or some minor series that snuck under the radar. It's a massively budgeted TV show, with one of the best British TV writers behind it that has been a massive success and won numerous awards

Besides, my post was more saying how weird it is to hear someone describing Sherlock in the way you did, when it's very well known to us.
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But you use the internet and interact a lot with Yanks and Brits.. It's hardly been some well kept secret or some minor series that snuck under the radar. It's a massively budgeted TV show, with one of the best British TV writers behind it that has been a massive success and won numerous awards

Besides, my post was more saying how weird it is to hear someone describing Sherlock in the way you did, when it's very well known to us.

Linnet dude haha - I think Arcey was chatting about Franklin and Bash ;)
There's nothing between the two. They are both stunning! Both shows have superb performances from the cast, both are brilliantly written, both have great cinematography. The Sopranos has the edge in terms of humour, even though Breaking Bad has its funny moments. Then again, Breaking Bad has somehow maintained a high quality for 5 seasons and has actually improved year on year IMO whereas Sopranos had a dip in season 4. Can't really judge it fairly until it finishes next summer. Hope it's better than The Sopranos finale.

I never really enjoyed the Sopranos as i had the privilage of living amongst the likes of them in the 80s/90s...As a gangster show i think boardwalk empire is way better..just my opinion.

As for Breaking Bad..I thought the gus face off episode last year was one of the best season finales ever and for the show finale they will have to top that so it should be unreal !
I can't figure out why people say The Sopranos is overrated, but The Wire isn't, it's the other way round IMO. The Wire is so slow I just couldn't get into it despite watching the whole of season 1. Each to their own I guess.
I can't figure out why people say The Sopranos is overrated, but The Wire isn't, it's the other way round IMO. The Wire is so slow I just couldn't get into it despite watching the whole of season 1. Each to their own I guess.

with the wire i think you need to watch all 5 series and you see how the city and its problems shape the characters and how the characters shape the city, for the record i enjoyed both

Watched the fear on channel 4 and despite a deep love for brighton i hated it and it shows how crap we are in this country at drama.
I can't figure out why people say The Sopranos is overrated, but The Wire isn't, it's the other way round IMO. The Wire is so slow I just couldn't get into it despite watching the whole of season 1. Each to their own I guess.

Felt the same way.

Started watching The Wire but it never really got going for me - The Sopranos on the other hand is pure class.

All sorts, I guess
watched the first season of Entourage again..pretty brick overall but fun. Ari Gold hasn't quite got going yet. Beau Garrett has a great tight ass.
with the wire i think you need to watch all 5 series and you see how the city and its problems shape the characters and how the characters shape the city, for the record i enjoyed both

That's pretty much it for me. Nothing really changed for me with The Sopranos. Just a bunch of Jersey gangsters with horrible accents and terrible dress sense acting like complete pricks whilst there was better character and plot development in The Wire. I almost quit watching The Wire during Season 1 because it is slightly overwhelming with all the different characters and story lines. But the way they managed to incorporate the cause-and-effect of actions from the the highest levels of state government all the way down to the addict living on the street was what I found most fascinating. All the Sopranos offered was a bunch of fat slobs banging anything that moved and asking for "gravy" with every meal. Just my opinion of course.
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*****SPOILER ALERT**************

Just watched the penultimate episode of Dexter season 7. Judging from the promo clip for this Sunday's episode, looks like Dexter is going to get caught. Suppose it had to happen eventually, even though I want him to get away with it.
*****SPOILER ALERT**************

Just watched the penultimate episode of Dexter season 7. Judging from the promo clip for this Sunday's episode, looks like Dexter is going to get caught. Suppose it had to happen eventually, even though I want him to get away with it.

Not to sure about that. Maybe his imagination playing up again?
From several different sources I use to hear The Wire blah blah best program ever blah blah you gotta watch The Wire blah blah have you seen the Wire blah blah. Anyway a year ago Sky Atlantic started showing The WIre from episode 1, in fact in the early hours of Saturday morning they will be airing episode 13 of season 4.

Anyway I have been Sky+ing it every week since the beginning (thank goodness for 1TB HD harddrive) but I only started watching it a few days ago, I have seen the first 5 episodes and I must say, we are talking quality tv. Look I like watching shoot em up action fests as much as the next guy, however you cannot beat a good story that allows time for character development. It is a real slow burn but I am really enjoying it. I am going to take my time with this series, maybe just an episode a day. The thing about the characters is that some of the cops need a slap, while the gangsters are definitely not all bad. the characters are not black and white, there is a lot of grey.

It is nice to see that when you hear a lot of hype about a series you watch it and realise the hype is worth it.
I think now that Laguerta has got the bit between her teeth, it has to come to a resolution one way or another. Either he kills her, which would attract a lot of attention, or he gets caught.

I always thought Chief Matthews knew about Dexter all along so when he repapeared this season it confirmed my thoughts. I think Harry told Matthews about Dexter a long time ago and if Laguerta dies it will be art the hands of Matthews.
From several different sources I use to hear The Wire blah blah best program ever blah blah you gotta watch The Wire blah blah have you seen the Wire blah blah. Anyway a year ago Sky Atlantic started showing The WIre from episode 1, in fact in the early hours of Saturday morning they will be airing episode 13 of season 4.

Anyway I have been Sky+ing it every week since the beginning (thank goodness for 1TB HD harddrive) but I only started watching it a few days ago, I have seen the first 5 episodes and I must say, we are talking quality tv. Look I like watching shoot em up action fests as much as the next guy, however you cannot beat a good story that allows time for character development. It is a real slow burn but I am really enjoying it. I am going to take my time with this series, maybe just an episode a day. The thing about the characters is that some of the cops need a slap, while the gangsters are definitely not all bad. the characters are not black and white, there is a lot of grey.

It is nice to see that when you hear a lot of hype about a series you watch it and realise the hype is worth it.


If you're only a short way into S1 then you really are in for a treat.

It just keeps getting better!
From several different sources I use to hear The Wire blah blah best program ever blah blah you gotta watch The Wire blah blah have you seen the Wire blah blah. Anyway a year ago Sky Atlantic started showing The WIre from episode 1, in fact in the early hours of Saturday morning they will be airing episode 13 of season 4.

Anyway I have been Sky+ing it every week since the beginning (thank goodness for 1TB HD harddrive) but I only started watching it a few days ago, I have seen the first 5 episodes and I must say, we are talking quality tv. Look I like watching shoot em up action fests as much as the next guy, however you cannot beat a good story that allows time for character development. It is a real slow burn but I am really enjoying it. I am going to take my time with this series, maybe just an episode a day. The thing about the characters is that some of the cops need a slap, while the gangsters are definitely not all bad. the characters are not black and white, there is a lot of grey.

It is nice to see that when you hear a lot of hype about a series you watch it and realise the hype is worth it.

Series 2 is bit of a chore. People assure me it gets better after but I've never found out