"My GHod you reek of booze"Just finished Slow Horses season 2! Great TV if you love spy stuff! Glad to hear seasons 3 and 4 have been confirmed.
Jackson Lamb, you are my hero!
Just finished the Detectorists Christmas special
That show is stunning
Wouldn’t want to live near where they work thoughEnjoyed silent witness...been a decent series since GHod knows when
Wouldn’t want to live near where they work though
Too many dead people being found in random place for my liking
I watched "Hold the Front Page" last night as I worked in local paper when I left school and like Josh Widdecome, was amazed that Nish Kumar got away with saying steam railways was "white people brick" as if said in a reverse situation would cause outrage and showing him shouting the "c" word at Boris Johnson in public was unacceptable. I agree with his sentiment on Johnson but think it's out of order and displays a poor example to young people on how to behave in public.
I always wind my old man up about that with Midsummer Murders as he loves it ha
Calling Johnson a clam is offensive to you? I like an open and honest approach to communication so can't see what's wrong with that one.
However I"d also consider white people getting worked up about use of the word "white" as classic white people brick so I guess we won't agree on that one eitherit's up there with not being able to keep rhythm and not using any / enough herbs and spices when cooking - I do hope those two additional examples of white people brick do not upset your precious honkey-ass crackerjack sensibilities
Thanks for your racist reply, I do find swearing at anyone in a public area offensive as it shows a complete lack of civilised behaviour, i personally agree with his view on Johnson but that doesnt excuse that action, i find your view that classifying groups of people by their colour is acceptable strange.
If you genuinely think my response is racist I wouldn't say thanks as you have done, I find people showing gratitude for supposedly discriminatory comments very offensiveSo now we're both offended, should we queue up for a cookie / badge saying "I'm offended" together?
I take everyone as they come, but do enjoy talking to old white folks on the internet desperately seeking to feel oppressed but do let me know if I've incorrectly assumed your ethnicity.
It's Midsomer murders and yes it is a wonder there was anyone left in that area! fudging loved it with John Nettles but the new Barnaby was total arse imo.
Currently watching two series - Coming towards the end of ring of power, and I am indeed a massive fan, occasionally relying on the overused tropes ie someone holding their breath underwater in a well whilst the enemy has a cursory glance having heard a stir in the water but doesn't fully investigate...
The detail on the relationship between elves and dwarves is really intriguing + Numenor (might be misspelling it) and although I wasn't sure at first but the younger castings of Galadriel + Elrond are quality imo. The settings + cinematography are incredible as the budget would suggest, I'm just glad they moved away from the almost cartoon-y, oversaturated look of the Hobbit films.
The second is the proper Avatar, The last Airbender, which I'd always heard was well regarded but was never in the right frame of mind for, the way it approaches different themes is quite remarkable, easy to write it off as a kids show but there's a lot going on that's relevant today. Only just getting to the end of season one and I'm not an anime buff, but it's up there with one punch man for me.
Yep old white bloke from a multi cultural family with a criminal record for public disorder protesting against apartheid in the 60's, "your" typical racist add me to your list of stereotypes :Irish are drunks, Jews are moneygrabers, Scots are tight, Italians are cowards, Arabs are terrorist and Blacks are lazy so much for free thinking.
Im working through Endevour again, love it, well acted and love the old nostalgia.
That's not my list of stereotypes, that's a list you've just written and chosen to perpetuate and I catagorically deny each and every one of them mate, and I haven't said you're racist at any point now have I? It was you who labelled my post as racist remember? Keep up old fellow!
And sincerely, that's awesome on the protesting apartheid front, for what it's worth I'm glad to stepped up to fight real oppression.
Still got to watch Endeavor but fudging love Inpector Morse and Lewis (despite Lawrence Fox being an absolute weapon irl, big fan of Hathaway as a character and how he was portayed).