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Official - Defoe

This ^. He also formed a decent partnership with Peter Crouch for a while at Portsmouth. He's a decent player, no world beater but he'll certainly get you goals. I was under the impression thats what strikers are there for.

they did score us into the champions league that one time... !

As said by various, Saha and Defoe are different types of player. Having both highly confident has to be a bonus for HR. I think last night proved again what Defoe is all about. Dosnt mean it will work in every game - it was Stevenage Borough.

Defoes second was masterful technique.
That's not true, Defoe formed an excellent partnership with Berbatov when Keane was injured (it was early 2007 if I recall correctly, I have no idea how to filter the new club website to pull up reports for that period) only for Defoe to get injured just as Keane returned to fitness, that put paid to that burgeoning partnership sadly.

But as many people pointed out on here, Berbatov was seemingly exasperated at having to play with Defoe, constantly gesticulating at him and gesturing where he wanted the ball played etc. He never seemed to quick to chide Keane.
Defoe's goals with Ade
Saudi Sportswashing Machine (after coming on for VDV)
Fulham (after coming on for VDV)
WBA (a)
WBA (h)
Man U (h)
Stevenage (h)

VDV's goals with and Ade
Arsenal (NOTE: All three played and JD had a major part in the build up to VDVs goal, with Ade assisting)
Saudi Sportswashing Machine (Penalty)
Blackburn (2)

Ade's goals with VDV
Villa (2)
Stoke (Penalty)

Ade's goals with Defoe
Wolves (both scored)
Liverpool (both scored)
WBA (2 goals, and both scored)
Stoke (Penalty: Note, Defoe played 2nd half when penalty was conceded by Modric)
Stevenage (pen, both scored)

VDV and Ade have still yet to score in a game together

VDV Stats: (PL)

Defoe Stats:

You can also consider that Defoe has played a fraction of the time VDV has.

When we play 451 with everybody firing, we are a joy, and its is our best set up. But fatigue and dips in form is catching up with some players, and one of those players is VDV. For the good of the team, Id drop him, and work around the proven, working partnership of Ade and Defoe, and that means 442.

People can deny all they want that some players are starting to look jaded, and bang their "favourite formation drum" all they want, but right now, our sharpest player is Defoe, and he deserves a start.
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But as many people pointed out on here, Berbatov was seemingly exasperated at having to play with Defoe, constantly gesticulating at him and gesturing where he wanted the ball played etc. He never seemed to quick to chide Keane.

Defoe was exceptionally limited back then a hit and run semi-clogger

But that was 5 years ago and now he looks sharper, fitter, hungrier and willing to pass the ball, keep possession and release team mates as opposed to smashing the ball as hard as possible irrespective of position on the field or opponent. He's looked different this season.
Thing is Harry has always loved that playmaker operating in the hole, he has always favoured a Merson, Prosinecki, Di Canio type - so if the final selection boils down to a Defoe v VDV debate, Harry will surely pick VDV most times. HOWEVER yes I would say because we are in a relative rut right now, we should give Defoe a run of games (and I am no Defoe fan).
Defoe was exceptionally limited back then a hit and run semi-clogger

But that was 5 years ago and now he looks sharper, fitter, hungrier and willing to pass the ball, keep possession and release team mates as opposed to smashing the ball as hard as possible irrespective of position on the field or opponent. He's looked different this season.

Certainly he deserves credit for recognising what an appalling season he had last year and going away during the summer and working with that zany fitness guru guy. He does look stronger, which he will need if he wants to prolong his career at the top level.
But VdV can play on the right (which he has done well in the past on numerous occasions) and we can still have Defoe
It's funny how this thread erupted once the match was over....defoe homeys just stormed here to say "Still think he is sh!t?"...."Harry should start him"...."If Harry doesn't start him...." blah blah blah....Like lil kids waiting for anything from him to try make an argument....
The funny thing is he disappoints you all far more than proves your delusions...

LOL...A couple of goals against FIRST DIVISION team and he is Pele all of a sudden

Let me tell you something...Had Ade started the match he would have scored 4....the fact that he only lucked 2 goals is a point against him not for him...That was stevenage....not AC Milan...

And how ironic that a one match performance you like from your beloved player and you hail him as world class and one relaxed quiet performance from VdV (who by the way coming off an injury) and you go "What did VdV do today?"...

Am not a huge fan of VdV but in 1.5 year he's done to us more than defoe did all his time here...


It's comments like this that make ppl think your a bellend. Two quality finishes last night and, personally, I don't give a monkeys who they're against Stevenage or Barcelona to be frank.
Let me tell you something...Had Ade started the match he would have scored 4....the fact that he only lucked 2 goals is a point against him not for him...That was stevenage....not AC Milan...

A goal against Milan wasn't enough for you to stop slagging off Crouch at every opportunity.
That's not true, Defoe formed an excellent partnership with Berbatov when Keane was injured (it was early 2007 if I recall correctly, I have no idea how to filter the new club website to pull up reports for that period) only for Defoe to get injured just as Keane returned to fitness, that put paid to that burgeoning partnership sadly.

And another I haven't seen mention of: Kanoute and Defoe during 03/04 and 04/05. The former played a big part in keeping us up, as GHod knows we were terrible in defence and midfield.
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I didn't get to watch the game because of my hospital visit, but just watched the goals on 101, Defoe showed his one dimensional qualities with a left foot strike from outside the box and a turn and right footed strike from the edge of the six yard box.
Both were so quickly executed and taken that i doubt many sides would have stopped them with defenders in similar positions, but it gives the myopic and narrow minded posters a lifeline to cling on to.

Bales throw in was awesome - how far was that? Did he dive to win the pen, nothing was shown?
I didn't get to watch the game because of my hospital visit, but just watched the goals on 101, Defoe showed his one dimensional qualities with a left foot strike from outside the box and a turn and right footed strike from the edge of the six yard box.
Both were so quickly executed and taken that i doubt many sides would have stopped them with defenders in similar positions, but it gives the myopic and narrow minded posters a lifeline to cling on to.

Bales throw in was awesome - how far was that? Did he dive to win the pen, nothing was shown?

Fantastic throw by Bale, at half time Norwegian telly was showing old CL final highlights and one of them was the Real-Bayer Leverkusen final where Carlos threw the ball thru to Raul that scored (same final as THAT Zidane volley).

No dive. Clear penalty.
Defoe had two brilliant finishes last night and it was a real 'I dare you to drop me' statement to Harry. He should play instead of Saha as for me he offers more and is definitely out to prove a point too.

I am a big big Defoe fan but to deny he has faults is myopic to say the least. For me he has two major flaws which has stopped him becoming one of the world's great strikers. He is a great striker but is so close to being brilliant that I can't understand why he or the coaches can't see his obvious flaws and concentrate on eradicating them.

One is his greed for goals, of which there was a couple of instances last night. He was on a hatrick and the thought of getting it blinded him to everything else. He messed up a great VDV chance by trying to get to a ball that he no right to.
Another time he was surrounded by defenders on the edge of the box but wouldn't release the ball to better positioned players who were wide open. Ade let him know about it shortly after too. Greed is not the worst characteristic of a striker but when it hurts the team then it's gone too far. Great strikers like Messi, Ronaldo, Aguero etc. know when to release the ball.

And the obvious one is offside. I watched him carefully last night and he was stood offside practically all the time. Why I cannot fathom as he clearly knows he is offside. He doesn't try to bend his runs either. I find this baffling.
A goal against Milan wasn't enough for you to stop slagging off Crouch at every opportunity.

And sell Crouch and get Ade and what do you know......we are third with +19 GD....

Yeah..I do miss crouch :rolleyes:

now he looks sharper, fitter, hungrier and willing to pass the ball, keep possession and release team mates as opposed to smashing the ball as hard as possible irrespective of position on the field or opponent. He's looked different this season.

I agree completely, he is a completely different - and better - player this season. Its criminal that he isnt getting more opportunities.
No dive. Clear penalty.

Agree, Disagree.

It certainly wasnt a dive for me, there was contact and at full speed players will go over. Definitely not a dive, just natural reactions.

I dont think it was a penalty though. From the refs angle I can see why it was given - but the replays show Bale kicking the defenders foot and going over - thats not a penalty for me.
Defoe had two brilliant finishes last night and it was a real 'I dare you to drop me' statement to Harry. He should play instead of Saha as for me he offers more and is definitely out to prove a point too.

I am a big big Defoe fan but to deny he has faults is myopic to say the least. For me he has two major flaws which has stopped him becoming one of the world's great strikers. He is a great striker but is so close to being brilliant that I can't understand why he or the coaches can't see his obvious flaws and concentrate on eradicating them.

One is his greed for goals, of which there was a couple of instances last night. He was on a hatrick and the thought of getting it blinded him to everything else. He messed up a great VDV chance by trying to get to a ball that he no right to.
Another time he was surrounded by defenders on the edge of the box but wouldn't release the ball to better positioned players who were wide open. Ade let him know about it shortly after too. Greed is not the worst characteristic of a striker but when it hurts the team then it's gone too far. Great strikers like Messi, Ronaldo, Aguero etc. know when to release the ball.

And the obvious one is offside. I watched him carefully last night and he was stood offside practically all the time. Why I cannot fathom as he clearly knows he is offside. He doesn't try to bend his runs either. I find this baffling.

The offside one is the result of another problem, his off the ball movement isn't good enough. It's unfortunate, cause it's holding him back and I struggle to understand why we haven't been able to teach him how to get better at it after all this time.
Agree, Disagree.

It certainly wasnt a dive for me, there was contact and at full speed players will go over. Definitely not a dive, just natural reactions.

I dont think it was a penalty though. From the refs angle I can see why it was given - but the replays show Bale kicking the defenders foot and going over - thats not a penalty for me.

If you stick your foot out in front of an attacker that is about to kick the ball isn't that a foul?