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Official Benoit Thread

I think Dubai is on the money. Those that find the idea that Ekotto is a play-making left back seem to be of the opinion that there can be no such thing. So on that question it's more a question of terminology rather than ability.

I don't disagree about his passing range which has improved substantially this season and now forms a vital cog in terms of interplay with Modric

Simply found the initial descprition of a 'play-making' left back somewhat bizzare since basic passing skills is fundamental to any footballer out there (he always looks to pass first instead of charge down, that's also very pleasing to see most of the time). I would say he's simply in alignment with out tactical ethos this season of patient build-up, playing ball to feet instead of ogre-like hoofing, passing into space and channels and of course - pass and move efficiently.

I think Ekotto is ahead of all of our other defenders in those areas, and quite far ahead of most of them and also ahead of both Sandro and Parker. For me he isn't just in alignment he is ahead of the curve and and one of the important reasons why we can play the way we do, not just in alignment with how we play.


http://www.whoscored.com/Teams/30/Show/England-Tottenham From the passing stat.

No surprise Luka Modric has the highest passes per game with 67.8, but Ekotto and Parker follow quite closely with 60.2 and 59.4 then there is a pretty clear drop off to 47-46 for VdV, Walker and Kaboul.

Number of passes on it's own doesn't tell much of a story. One of the things I like about Ekotto is that he rarely makes passes for the sake of passes or keeps possession for the sake of possession. He normally looks up, looks for space and tries to make passes into dangerous areas. This makes him more important to our buildup play than Parker in my opinion and, as long as Huddlestone is injured at least, it makes him the second most important player to our buildup play after Modric.

Based on this I don't think the label of play-making left back is all that strange, assuming of course that there is such a thing as a play-making left back and accepting that by the virtue of his position a play-making left back won't be racking up tons of assists or pop up around "the D" all that often. Although it's worth mentioning that only Bale and Ade have more assists than him this season.
This is what Benoit feels about his haters

BAE - Shockorama

How long is this caricature of a player going to shift betweent the rain-drops and pretend to be a LB?

How long are people going to ignore his absolutely attrocious defensive performances, game after game, and look past those on the basis of his fudging hairstyle or oyster card?

He was quite possibly our worst defender yesterday and has been completely found out in pretty much every big game this season and given the run-around from players who cost less than Ade's weekly wages

We urgently need someone to give this semi-clown competiotn for his spot else we'd get fudged for 5 many more times in the next season

/Rant over
I love Benny, but I think it's time we looked for an upgrade. He's a great full-back on the ball, but he makes too many mistakes for my liking.

The problem is, we already need to sign at least two new strikers, a centre-back (perhaps two) and a winger. I don't know where the funds will be for another left-back too.
Allowed Mata to stroll in behind and if it wasn't for the latter's poor touch - we would have been 0:1 much earlier.

Beaten on numerous occasions down his channel.

At fault for thier 3rd and 5th.
I love Benny, but I think it's time we looked for an upgrade. He's a great full-back on the ball, but he makes too many mistakes for my liking.

The problem is, we already need to sign at least two new strikers, a centre-back (perhaps two) and a winger. I don't know where the funds will be for another left-back too.

That could be said about 90% of the squad.

So he simply says - 'nah, that's Ledley's player, why bother..'

Okay, then

He wouldn't make the bench at a Top 6 PL club - single most overrated player after Corluka
Ekotto wasn't good enough yesterday.

Gallas was probably culpable for more of the goals however. He struggled with his mate Drogba.
The thing is - we all knew Drogba would bully Gallas the whole game like a fat kid at school at the queue during break would. So King and Ekotto should have been extra wary. Not to mention thier pace from out wide which Ekotto couldn't cope with and Walker was always on his bakc-foot. They did their homework well and cracked us proper.