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Official Benoit Thread

Could you possibly elaborate on that point describing who you've arrived at this conclusion / position which quite frankly I have never heard of before.

Is it because he can pass the ball reasonably well to Modric?

Well, finding proof on the internet is hard, though I'd be delighted if you could point me to somewhere I can find reliable stats on players. Nevertheless,


there, Benny's passing accuracy is shown as being something like 80 percent, and he's shown to have created 31 clear-cut chances; not bad at all considering the amount of times he's closed down or has to play a long ball. Secondly, his cross field passes are often very precise;


(apologies for the music, if it isn't your thing :) )
the one where he feeds lennon is fantastic, since he puts it in that corridor of uncertainty that Baines suddenly finds uncomfortable to deal with. Plus he puts a lot of forward passes through to the likes of Modric and VdV which I honestly can't remember an opposition LB doing this season, against us anyway. Sure, he's restricted by his position, having to be defensively solid above all, and therefore has to pass sideways a lot to Modric or back to the CBs, but he's still got quite a bit of creativity in him.
I don't disagree about his passing range which has improved substantially this season and now forms a vital cog in terms of interplay with Modric

Simply found the initial descprition of a 'play-making' left back somewhat bizzare since basic passing skills is fundamental to any footballer out there (he always looks to pass first instead of charge down, that's also very pleasing to see most of the time). I would say he's simply in alignment with out tactical ethos this season of patient build-up, playing ball to feet instead of ogre-like hoofing, passing into space and channels and of course - pass and move efficiently.
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Simply found the initial descprition of a 'play-making' left back somewhat bizzare since basic passing skills is fundamental to any footballer out there (he always looks to pass first instead of charge down, that's also very pleasing to see most of the time). I would say he's simply in alignment with out tactical ethos this season of patient build-up, playing ball to feet instead of ogre-like hoofing, passing into space and channels and of course - pass and move efficiently.

All very true. There's no doubt he fits into our passing system very well. However, the reason I chose that term is because, like you said, he forms a vital part of our forward play, along with Modric. And if Modric is our go-to player when getting the ball to the midfielders, Benny is surely our go-to player when we want creative passes from our defenders. Ergo, he's a play-maker from the back. It doesn't imply a Xavi-level of creativity, simply an ability to spot angles and create chances, and both of those Benny does quite well. Well, better than our other defenders anyway, and certainly better than the likes of Baines, Neville, Enrique or Clichy.
All very true. There's no doubt he fits into our passing system very well. However, the reason I chose that term is because, like you said, he forms a vital part of our forward play, along with Modric. And if Modric is our go-to player when getting the ball to the midfielders, Benny is surely our go-to player when we want creative passes from our defenders. Ergo, he's a play-maker from the back. It doesn't imply a Xavi-level of creativity, simply an ability to spot angles and create chances, and both of those Benny does quite well. Well, better than our other defenders anyway, and certainly better than the likes of Baines, Neville, Enrique or Clichy.

just like to say that you are not alone in this. i dont think a search on this board wil show it but there have been literally myself and a couple of others that have used the phrase playmaking fullback. you are not alone in that and you arent crazy of silly for suggesting it IMO

there are many ways to tel a playmaker from a simple passing footballer. some people can see it and some people cant.
All very true. There's no doubt he fits into our passing system very well. However, the reason I chose that term is because, like you said, he forms a vital part of our forward play, along with Modric. And if Modric is our go-to player when getting the ball to the midfielders, Benny is surely our go-to player when we want creative passes from our defenders. Ergo, he's a play-maker from the back. It doesn't imply a Xavi-level of creativity, simply an ability to spot angles and create chances, and both of those Benny does quite well. Well, better than our other defenders anyway, and certainly better than the likes of Baines, Neville, Enrique or Clichy.

This is all true by and large but a playmaker is someone who dictates the tempo, controls movement and distribution, maintains the rhythm and looks to keep the momentum ticking. BAE looks to pass the ball which is of course cruical to our game (fair enough) but the does none of the other requirements mentioned. You can call him a ball-player LB perhaps as opposed to a wing-back, just my opinion
This is all true by and large but a playmaker is someone who dictates the tempo, controls movement and distribution, maintains the rhythm and looks to keep the momentum ticking. BAE looks to pass the ball which is of course cruical to our game (fair enough) but the does none of the other requirements mentioned. You can call him a ball-player LB perhaps as opposed to a wing-back, just my opinion

I think it just comes down to our differing definitions of 'playmaker'. You see the term as being indicative of someone who controls the flow of a game,and fashions the tempo, pace and movement of the entire side. I see the term as being someone who quite literally creates 'plays', i.e creates chances and looks for the incisive pass. Your definition of 'play-maker' would be closer to my definition of 'regista', and similarly, I imagine my definition of 'play-maker' would be more akin to your definition of a trequartista. It's all in the details, mate, so no hard feelings.;)
just like to say that you are not alone in this. i dont think a search on this board wil show it but there have been literally myself and a couple of others that have used the phrase playmaking fullback. you are not alone in that and you arent crazy of silly for suggesting it IMO

there are many ways to tel a playmaker from a simple passing footballer. some people can see it and some people cant.

Well , thank you. May we be blessed with bountiful play-making full backs not named Tramezzani or Vega.;)
Amen. though i do feel that you must always respect past players that have worn the shirt, no matter their skill level.......(aside from Campbell)

True, and a point well-made. Good luck to you, Paolo! And you, Ramon!

And you, Sol! Yes, you too! Good luck explaining what you did to Sir Bill Nick when you eventually get to wherever he is! If you do, that is.;)
I think it just comes down to our differing definitions of 'playmaker'. You see the term as being indicative of someone who controls the flow of a game,and fashions the tempo, pace and movement of the entire side. I see the term as being someone who quite literally creates 'plays', i.e creates chances and looks for the incisive pass. Your definition of 'play-maker' would be closer to my definition of 'regista', and similarly, I imagine my definition of 'play-maker' would be more akin to your definition of a trequartista. It's all in the details, mate, so no hard feelings.;)

He also mentioned distribution, you left that out. Creating chances and making passes is included in the definition of a playmaker. Examples of a playmaker are players like Xavi, Ozil, Sneijder, not BAE. It's ridiculous to suggest otherwise.
He also mentioned distribution, you left that out. Creating chances and making passes is included in the definition of a playmaker. Examples of a playmaker are players like Xavi, Ozil, Sneijder, not BAE. It's ridiculous to suggest otherwise.

definately not ridiculous to suggest it IMO

playmakers dont necessarily have to directly create chances / goal scoring opportunities though do they?

you've gone on to mention only midfielders in your crop of players. do you think you can get CB defenders, strikers and wingers as playmakers?

actually i think dubai is correct in that the definition of playmakers is blocking any progress here

to you what's a playmaker and what would you say is key to being considered a playmaker

also i think its important to note that BAE isnt a playmaker as opposed to him being a play-making full back. one is probably considered to be more like a full time job and the other is more of a tendency
It's pretty clear that BAE's distribution is a key part of how we play - you only have to look at the movement in front of him when he gets the ball. Our players know he has the ability to find them. We're very lucky to have a left back that can just knock the ball into the strikers feet quickly and accurately.

He's relied on more than most of our players to find players in space who can then set up goal scoring opportunities - this is reflected in the amount of touches and passes makes during a game. Probably higher than most left backs (although I don't have the stats to back that up).

To call him a playmaking fullback isn't much of a stretch at all in my opinion.
It's pretty clear that BAE's distribution is a key part of how we play - you only have to look at the movement in front of him when he gets the ball. Our players know he has the ability to find them. We're very lucky to have a left back that can just knock the ball into the strikers feet quickly and accurately.

He's relied on more than most of our players to find players in space who can then set up goal scoring opportunities - this is reflected in the amount of touches and passes makes during a game. Probably higher than most left backs (although I don't have the stats to back that up).

To call him a playmaking fullback isn't much of a stretch at all in my opinion.


i'm not saying that BAE is a playmaker , infact i dont think anyone is saying that as it isnt his primary job, BUT it is quite clear that he has ALOT more responsibilities to do with distribution that ANY of our defenders/ goalkeepers/ and holding mids (outside of thudd). the reason i mention holding mids like parker and sandro is that they arent given that much license to create attacking momentum or to slow or speed up tempo, nor is it that the a majority of the forward movers / players shift expecting to change their stance to an ttacking or possesion based game if parker or sandro have the ball.

when BAE has the ball, quite a few players change thier positioning and movement in anticipation of what he'll do next, like moving pieces cause an instigator has the ball. you dont get that with walker. corluka (our best RB imo) has a bit of that.
an example would be like:- BAE gets the bal and bale moves up or tries to outrun his marker , then BAE calls him back, and bale drops off and comes back...then BAE makes the decision to either give the ball to bale, or bypass him feed an overalpping modric, or a channel running adebayor (all assuming he doesnt play a perfectly lofted and weighted ball to bale running at full pelt...and if you notice ..alot of the times when the move doesnt actually get attempted you see BAE gesture to people as in "move there" or "you should have been here or there"

even fudging lennon moves to the touchline when BAE has the ball at left back.

and BAE makes it an issue to get the space to do these things, with or without the ball.

another thing you have to ask is ...who is telling him to do these things REGULARLY? or who ALLOWS it? its pretty clear that creation from the back is in his favour and receivership is more of an equal split between him and walker

BAE not a playmaker but a playmaking left back isnt ridiuclous to me
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