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Mauricio Pochettino - Sacked

I'm going to say something similar. This guy is ****ing atrocious. I'm going to say it, it's embarssing, but I want him sacked. This is some of the worst football I've ever seen, and that includes the awful 90s.

Like I mentioned before. His decisions are so ****ing weird, I don't agree with them, and they never ****ing work. They always fail.

The whole lennon situation is infuriating. has he provided what's been missing - directness, a different style off attack, pace, width. He doesn't start him, and shock horror we re sooooo narrow, so predicts Le, so easy to defend against. We can see, the crowd could see it, he brings on paulinho? **** me. Lennon in the 83rd minute? Awful awful.

I've expressed my opinions in bentaleb and mason, bentaleb was okay actually, but mason is awful. And as a partnership they are awful. Chelsea ripped them apart. And palace ripped them apart even more, like ****ing butter they went through us.

Taking Soldado off. What poch did midweek with Soldado was yet another decision that makes me know pochetino simply isnt close to being a top manager. And bfi going him off today? Let's smash his confidence a little more shall we? Kane, how many times did he touch the ball other than 30 yard "screamers"? The guy is great against awful opposition, but not in the premiership, he offers nothing. Soldado missed some chances, but he's always involved, works hard... Infuriating.

The whole situation is more annoying because 3rd is there for the taking. If we were remotely good we could have it sewn up. We've gone backwards dramatically.

And people say he's inherited a **** squad. Has he? Really? It's the same as last years but our super 7 have had an extra year to gel and we're a thousand times worse. AVB came in, sold our best player and still got our highest prem points total. We then sold our best player again and he was doing better than poch now... I have no doubts in my mind we'd be 3rd if AVB was still here.

I want to give poch time because we've been laughable in this regard, but I've never been so certain if a manager being awful as I have with poch.
While I share some of your frustrations and I am completely unconvinced by our manager, I think you have decided the players you don't like and then tried to attribute Palace being a better team than us yesterday to those players. Neither Mason, nor Bentaleb were the problem yesterday, it was out wide that Palace got the better of us, whereas we were completely impotent out wide.... A problem that our manager seems unwilling and unable to address.
Your opinion is wrong though.

Top two are untouchable.

Man Utd have picked up some VERY fortunate wins to put them on course for third, but anything can happen.

We are keeping pace with Arsenal and Liverpool.

We are gaining on West Ham and Southampton.

Swansea can't buy an away win and will drop into the bottom half in a few weeks.

Everton are being Wiganized.


The stats say we are on course for fifth, just behind Arsenal, but Liverpool's demise has only just begun.

To quote Mumorn, "If we finish 5th I will leave this forum." No chance of it happening. Best we can hope for is about 7th. That is not a reflection on Poch, I have not been impressed with him so far, but the players are just not good enough, that is not his fault.

You mention how other teams have been lucky, we have needed red cards to shake us out of mediocre performances twice in recent weeks.

To quote a Spurs fan on talksport the other day "If anybody can make a disaster of it, it's Tottenham. If you can get good players in, I'm sure we can make them bad."
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Lurkerof old has got it spot on. I would say exactly the same. Levy seems to want to sign whatever manager is getting rave reviews at the time. The sickening thing is every other club (apart from the big money players who get the pick of the best players) seem to be able to pick up good players for reasonable money who fit into the Prem well. Is it just because we are Tottenham that we pay ridiculous sums for players? Especially ones who are unproven at this level. I mean £30 mil for Lamela is just wasted money, he doesn't look like he will ever make it in the prem, same for Soldado. Think over the last 4 or 5 years the players we could have bought for half the money and wages.
Need to have a massive clear out at the end of the season and let the manager and his staff buy the players for the positions they have identified where we need to strengthen
Lennon is no use at all against deep-sitting defences (cf the Everton match)

I wonder if Poch would have used Townsend to stretch the game if he'd been available

What on earth are you on about? Lennon is clearly more use than the GHod awful Lamela. I have seen players lose the ball less in a season than Lamela does in a single match (or half a match in this instance). We have no width of our own and are getting exposed by the opposition's wingers so our manager counters this by putting Chadli on?
The less he plays the better he gets in peoples memories.
Idiots like Tony Gale calling out for natural wingers from English players (mentioned how we look better with Townsend too!) dont help.
It was the same against Saudi Sportswashing Machine at home back in October. Danny Murphy wouldnt **** up all game about putting Lennon on for width.
Lennon comes on and does **** all, hides and barely touches the ball.

He's good player on the break, counter attacking at pace and thats it.
At least he has that about him.... Whereas the player who currently has his place in the team has nothing about him.
Mourinho blamed the ball boys for their loss yesterday.
That's fine, its got nothing to do with his players, their fitness, the size of the home pitch etc........blame everything else but your own
That is one player. That one change was the key reason then? Lennon would have made the difference? Lennon would have terrorised them? Its a team game and Lennon can not be liken to Bale sadly. Lamela had 2 or 3 men on him as soon as he got the ball. Lennon would have had similar problems.
I don't think you appreciate the difference a player who provides natural width makes. He reason Lamela always has 3 around him is because he always takes the ball into the middle where the opposition's numbers are.
I don't think you appreciate the difference a player who provides natural width makes. He reason Lamela always has 3 around him is because he always takes the ball into the middle where the opposition's numbers are.

I don't think you appreciate the number of times we've seen exactly the same problems with Lennon on the pitch.
Just read that Poch has said we were tired and it was difficult to manage.... Ahh, what a shame. The other week the pitch was too small.

Why doesn't he just say,,,,,,,,,, " I was rubbish in Spanish football but just got lucky to get the job at Southampton where I was again lucky to inherit a squad of exceptional players who were just about to start hitting their peaks. Most of our current players are just not good enough and I am out of my depth and don't know what to do'...

That would be closer to the sad effing truth of it all...

If our players are tired at this point of the season then I would question either our coach's training methods, his squad rotation or both.
Seems happy enough. Certainly happier than last season. If the players feel that we're working towards something and that progress is being made I think we'll be fine.

As opposed to him saying a clean sheet is a bad thing, we didnt want to win, im unhappy to have made 100 appearances for the club and hopefully I wont make 200 ?

Yes, I can see how happy he "clearly" is by that tweet.
To those jokers posters who say that Poch should get the boot now, can I ask:

1) who should come in to replace him at this current time?

2) for each candidate list how realistic it is that DL will work his magic and that they will come?

3) How long do you think it will take said manager to get us to where you think we should be now?


Still waiting...:-"
Your opinion is wrong though.

Top two are untouchable.

Man Utd have picked up some VERY fortunate wins to put them on course for third, but anything can happen.

We are keeping pace with Arsenal and Liverpool.

We are gaining on West Ham and Southampton.

Swansea can't buy an away win and will drop into the bottom half in a few weeks.

Everton are being Wiganized.

The stats say we are on course for fifth, just behind Arsenal, but Liverpool's demise has only just begun.

I doubt any of Man Utd's wins were as fortunate as ours against Villa and Hull!
Going with like for like opponents we have only dropped two points so far. In terms of league position, the key is that our usual rivals are dropping points like crazy and I just can't see Southampton and West Ham staying ahead of us for much longer, let alone the entire season.
Have you watched them play?.... West Ham look far more cohesive than we do. They have a game plan and a goal threat.