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Mauricio Pochettino - Sacked

We knew we were getting inverted wingers when he got Poch.
We knew we getting double sessions and players getting knackered so we could push on at the end of season with him.

We knew this happened to his southampton team last season


I wasnt in favour of him in the first place but I find it ridiculous that all these mini Tony Gales obsessed with 442 and proper wingers were delighted when he was appointed.

What he's done with Kaboul, Adebayer and Capoue is impressive. I actually believe a Tottenham manager is gonna change the lazy attitude of our players for the first time I can remember. This is the reason the likes of Graham and Gross were brought in. Its never gone away.

He needs another few transfer windows to get rid of the lazy ****ers in our team. And Aaron Lennon the new Messiah is one of them and always has been.
you can't really use the dippers for comparison, they are ****ter than we are

Really? Seriously?

I find it SO funny that people are so obsessed laughing at other teams when we, ourselves, are not so very good. I find it pathetic in all honestly, people in glass houses and all that
it's only liverpool i'm obsessed with laughing at

and... this house is always going to be made of glass, doesn't mean we shouldn't get a go loosening our arm
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it's only liverpool i'm obsessed with laughing at

Im not getting all high and mighty but laughing at teams, and trust me I ****in despise Liverpool more than any other club, when we are in a pretty inconsistent phase is a bit strange.

Anyways in regards to Poch - no way should he go but I firmly believe the guy above him i.e. Baldini should. Poch needs his own players which begs the question why even have Baldini unless he is working on the football strategy and infrastructure (which I have no confidence in him achieving).

Poch does have his faults - massive faults i.e. poor substitutions, poor choice in the first team, chopping and changing and his stubborness.
liverpool are an easy target due to the hypocrisy of their manager, 100m and all that, they were laughing at us a year ago atop foundations of sand

i'm with you re: MP, I think our problems are higher up the chain as well, i'd go a step further though
We knew we were getting inverted wingers when he got Poch.
We knew we getting double sessions and players getting knackered so we could push on at the end of season with him.

We knew this happened to his southampton team last season


I wasnt in favour of him in the first place but I find it ridiculous that all these mini Tony Gales obsessed with 442 and proper wingers were delighted when he was appointed.

What he's done with Kaboul, Adebayer and Capoue is impressive. I actually believe a Tottenham manager is gonna change the lazy attitude of our players for the first time I can remember. This is the reason the likes of Graham and Gross were brought in. Its never gone away.

He needs another few transfer windows to get rid of the lazy ****ers in our team. And Aaron Lennon the new Messiah is one of them and always has been.

Lennon...I think the jury must remain out there...he has been given a 'major chance' and thus far has reacted well. I agree though, it's about sustaining that form.
The difference with the 'inverted wingers' system Poch used at Southampton was that they had pace and drive down the flanks provided by their fullbacks. We are badly missing Walker and, to a lesser degree, Rose and the only time we've looked any good lately is when we had a player to give us an orthodox threat down at least one flank (Lennon on the right).

We just can't pick teams that have no pace or driving force, else it's all sideways and predictable. Like I've said elsewhere, there isn't a top side in the world that doesn't have quick players in it, and fullbacks or wingers who can get down the outside and take the game to the opposition byline. This helps to make more space for the other players to operate in.
The difference with the 'inverted wingers' system Poch used at Southampton was that they had pace and drive down the flanks provided by their fullbacks. We are badly missing Walker and, to a lesser degree, Rose and the only time we've looked any good lately is when we had a player to give us an orthodox threat down at least one flank (Lennon on the right).

We just can't pick teams that have no pace or driving force, else it's all sideways and predictable. Like I've said elsewhere, there isn't a top side in the world that doesn't have quick players in it, and fullbacks or wingers who can get down the outside and take the game to the opposition byline. This helps to make more space for the other players to operate in.

All the reason why not having Lennon on the pitch is baffling.

And its exactly that, not about Lennon, but about the lack of pace in team without him.
Im not getting all high and mighty but laughing at teams, and trust me I ****in despise Liverpool more than any other club, when we are in a pretty inconsistent phase is a bit strange.

Anyways in regards to Poch - no way should he go but I firmly believe the guy above him i.e. Baldini should. Poch needs his own players which begs the question why even have Baldini unless he is working on the football strategy and infrastructure (which I have no confidence in him achieving).

Poch does have his faults - massive faults i.e. poor substitutions, poor choice in the first team, chopping and changing and his stubborness.

Sorry DHSF but I think this is too simplistic. He has changed the personnel and system of play several times this season, he is not stubborn just trying to implement a system of play. Several of our so called senior players are out of form or have never settled. Poch is bringing through academy and young players which will make our performances inconsistent. His substitutions in the main are good. As I have explained in another thread what could he have done differently today? A fresh Chadli or a knackered, injury prone Lennon? Only Poch knew the physical shape of the players. replace a knackered Mason albeit with Paulinho who we've spent a lot of money to buy, or leave Mason on to get more knackered and possibly injured? The problem is neither Paulinho nor Chadli are performing particularly well otherwise the subs were sensible. Fans should remember that under Poch we have a very small injury list despite supposedly hard training sessions and I believe that is down to his management of the players.

He has improved our quick passing and interplay between the front players which when it comes off is a joy to watch. In Verts and Fazio he has found his preferred central defensive partnership, he has already improved some of the academy players and Lamela is starting to show glimpses of the player he can be.

Where Poch has a lot of work still to do is the pressing in the middle of the park although this looked better against Everton and in the first 20 minutes vs Chelsea. He also needs to work on players making individual errors and get in his own players (something I hope Levy and Baldini will support him with.)

Ultimately Poch may not succeed at Spurs but writing him off now would be absolute madness imo.
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Could be, the difference is the other teams who play in Europe have had a few good games/performances this season, we have had 1, maybe two if you count against a dire QPR side

Poch is struggling

- No first 11, no preferred formation
- No improvement on our plenty possession, no threat style
- No improvement on our lack of pace/tempo (exception of 1 game)
- No improvement on our results against top 4/5
- Even worse home form
- Football is generally dire to watch

At what point does this change?

We are all allowed to vent frustration, and today was frustrating as we'd looked like we'd turned a corner, so this is churlish of me, but who wrote this?

Not sure if the mods will let this live as a separate thread, but its not aimed at AVB, next manager, Levy, etc.

I look at the threads and reactions today, relief, disaster, uncertainty, people speaking of merry go rounds, who's fault, should AVB have stayed, should Harry have stayed, should BMJ have stayed, another system comes and goes, who's fault, why is Spurs, why is football like this where Pardew and Rodgers are senior managers in the PL?

My comment is we (include myself), need to take a long hard look in the mirror, chairmen did not go crazy overnight, their customers have, WE are the ones demanding instant success, must have CL, etc, etc. Lots of the posters who now question Levy were the loudest when results didn't go right (win/lose/style of play) under BMJ/Harry/AVB, not to mention those who just admit "I don't like the manager for personal reasons"

I despise Pool, scummy club, scummy fans with a victim mentality, yet the one quality their fans solely seem to have is a willingness to back the manager. I laugh at the suggestions that we missed out on Rodgers, did you recall his season last year? this entire board and most Spurs fans would have been calling for his head.

So in 6 months, when the next guy gets two bad results in a row, or wins 2-0 but without any flair and you jeer, boo, jump on GG and knee jerk, remember you create the world we live in.
nice touch .. touche ..

the Palace game is frustrating because Poch almost seems like he's trying to **** things up .. I can even excuse Lamela starting, I can maybe come up with an argument for Chadli (should have been Lennon), but Paulinho killed me, then taking off Soldado instead of Kane (who had his worst game this season for us) just added to it.

Right now, I just don't think his style/intention works .. maybe we have another "Everton" game and it improves, but its been a lot of **** games ..
I'm losing faith in Poch, and I just hope that he, Levy and Baldini has agreed to write off this season, with a longer term plan in mind. At the moment he just looks like a bad manager, not even capable of identifying his captains.
I'm losing faith in Poch, and I just hope that he, Levy and Baldini has agreed to write off this season, with a longer term plan in mind. At the moment he just looks like a bad manager, not even capable of identifying his captains.

He only had first impressions to go on at the time, he did not have the years of knowledge about these players most of us fans have accumulated.
liverpool are an easy target due to the hypocrisy of their manager, 100m and all that, they were laughing at us a year ago atop foundations of sand

i'm with you re: MP, I think our problems are higher up the chain as well, i'd go a step further though

Laugh at them all you want, they're still a bigger and more successful club than we will ever be. Despite them faltering this season they're still ahead of us albeit on goal difference. You're really scraping the barrel to think we can have a good laugh at them...

Sitting on my porcelain throne using Fapatalk
He only had first impressions to go on at the time, he did not have the years of knowledge about these players most of us fans have accumulated.
May be true but AVB, Sherwood and even Harry knew how to get the team going quickly at the start.

Maybe I'm just tired of hearing excuses about the size of the pitch or fatigue...if anything it just confirms Poch's immaturity as a coach. It has always been an issue and other coaches have fared better!
with largely the same group of players we saw both extremes under AVB, season 1 we were exceptional at times, season 2 a car crash, if you can get that level of fluctuation from the same group under the same system and same coach it suggests a mental fragility in the players imo
May be true but AVB, Sherwood and even Harry knew how to get the team going quickly at the start.

Maybe I'm just tired of hearing excuses about the size of the pitch or fatigue...if anything it just confirms Poch's immaturity as a coach. It has always been an issue and other coaches have fared better!

Is he making excuses? I just don't see it like that personally. He wasn't making excuses when he took responsibility for Hugo's mistake against Chelsea saying that he (Poch) is the one asking them to play out from the back.

Obviously when playing 3 games in 6 days (and 4 in 9) tiredness is going to be an issue and a talking point. He talked about the width of the pitch once iirc.
with largely the same group of players we saw both extremes under AVB, season 1 we were exceptional at times, season 2 a car crash, if you can get that level of fluctuation from the same group under the same system and same coach it suggests a mental fragility in the players imo
I find it hard to imagine football professionals with "fragile" mindsets... Well at least in the EPL. It's either they don't get it or they get it but just can't get it to work.

In any case we are not talking about some abstract logic or concept... Whatever we are trying to do should be available on YouTube or some coaching training video.

One thing I am sure of is that Poch's constant chopping and changing is definitely undermining his training intentions.
I'm losing faith in Poch, and I just hope that he, Levy and Baldini has agreed to write off this season, with a longer term plan in mind. At the moment he just looks like a bad manager, not even capable of identifying his captains.

But you write off season, and then in all probability we lose (at least) Hugo and Vertonghen and possiblely Lamela and Soldado will be off loaded as they have been **** and then new players come in and then these new players need to be given time. Then at the end of next season other players leave and new players come in and the excuse comes that they need time to settle and so the merry go round cotinues on and on and on. Its never ending in football. How long is the average lifespan of a high quality player at Spurs in the last decade ? Two, three or four seasons if we are lucky. People need to realise that EVERY team has to cope with this, there is nothing special about us.
I find it hard to imagine football professionals with "fragile" mindsets... Well at least in the EPL. It's either they don't get it or they get it but just can't get it to work.

In any case we are not talking about some abstract logic or concept... Whatever we are trying to do should be available on YouTube or some coaching training video.

One thing I am sure of is that Poch's constant chopping and changing is definitely undermining his training intentions.

Funny thing. Poch is both accusing of being too stubborn and of chopping and changing too much. Probably means that he's finding a reasonable balance...