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Harry Redknapp: The Aftermath

Would you keep Arry after the Season?

  • Yes - He's done well and should be given at least one more season to consolidate our team

    Votes: 25 53.2%
  • No - he's peaked and would hold us back.

    Votes: 22 46.8%

  • Total voters
If our "media fluffy bunnies cuddling" is leaving it will do us severe damage, in the short term it will effect form (which it seems to have done) because our players will know what is happening long before it becomes public, it will also get our better players thinking about improving their lot by moving on, but worse of all it fudges our transfer policy in the next window, we should be acting now ready for the summer window, how can we do that when we dont know who our manager will be, Redknap has a big gob and could have handled the whole business a lot more professionally, so the answer to has Redknap done us over then the answer is yes, my ideal scenario would be for England not to offer Redknap the job and for us to say bye bye Harry at the end of the season, then we break the bank and get Jose, tbh the fact that Redknap has been quite over the position in the last couple of weeks means he thinks it is going to be offered.


Get in Gartside!! I see The FA have their proxys out in force doing a damage limition exercise on the Redknapp brand!!

That's my boy Phil!!! Keep em coming!!
I hope he realises these would be the same roaches who'd tear him to shreds following successive defeats to Moldova and Lithuania
Of course he doesn't!!

I cannot wait for him to fail.....England are fudging brick, Mourinho wouldn't change that fact, and certainly not Saint Arry!!

Get in Gartside!! I see The FA have their proxys out in force doing a damage limition exercise on the Redknapp brand!!

That's my boy Phil!!! Keep em coming!!

So the FA write to all the premeirship managers instructing them not to talk about the England job and we now have Mr Phil Gartside , Bolton chairman and FA board member doing just that!

Premier League
Bolton V Tottenham
Wed 2 May 8pm

Home win , there's a good boy Harry ...
That's it, keep the fire stoked. It was all going quiet there for a while but it seems there's now a renewed push for Harry's appointment. It had fudging BETTER happen!
I think something is happening. It all fits.

The FA selection committee (Sir Trevor Brooking, David Bernstein, Alex Horne and Adrian Bevington) must be meeting around now, as it is the tail end of the season.

I don't believe that the decision on new England boss will be made at the end of the season. Not with an imminent tournament. It would be too last-minute, and if it went wrong, the FA would be setting itself up for a very big fall.

Bolton Director Phil Gartside is a Football Association board member. He is conveniently placed to give out a nice (and choreographed?) positive spin and quote about Redknapp to the media, timed just nicely to precede the decision-making FA board decision, waiting in the wings?

It wasn't Trevor 'Sit On The Fence' Brooking talking to the media, was it. If it was, it would be a virtual admission to the press that 'Arry was going to get it, as he is on the decision making board. Gartside, conveniently, isn't.

The European Championship starts on Friday June 8th. Seven weeks away. Much longer, and the reins will have to go to Stuart Pearce.
Barcelona suffered a shock 1-0 defeat to Chelsea on Wednesday night in their Champions League semi-final first leg clash at Stamford Bridge.

Should Chelsea win the Champions League, Spurs will be denied a place in the competition if they finish fourth in the Premier League, but Redknapp claims he still wants the Blues to go through following Tuesday's second leg in Spain.

He added: "I'll be rooting for Chelsea. I haven't even thought about [missing out on the Champions League if Chelsea win the whole thing].

"If Chelsea stay in it, they've got a Champions League Final to prepare for as well and that'll mean they've got a lot on their plate and I want to see an English team win it anyway."

So Harry want Chelsea to win CL - even if might cost Spurs a place in the competition #-o
So Harry want Chelsea to win CL - even if might cost Spurs a place in the competition #-o

If anyone ever wanted proof that Spurs means absolutely fudge all to 'Arry then this is it.

It also gives us an insight into the wording in his contract over bonuses. Levy has obviously made an uncharacteristic mistake and put a bonus in for 4th, not for qualification - I doubt he'll make that mistake again.
What a mess we are in, it looks like this season is just going to fizzle out and our saviour is leaving, he has the England job even though by his own admission he can hardly read and write, the spiv clown shoe, no matter what we think of Levy he has a masive job on in the summer, new manager, new players, keeping our existing players happy, and to top it all the Euro`s will be happening which will give him even less time to sort it all out, the only positive is that in our position I would rather have no one other than Levy at the helm, go Daniel go.
He is a fudging idiot. No doubt the Harry lovers will be around soon to twist it into hows its been taken out of context lol.

Going back to Harry being an idiot...... I'm not quite sure who is the biggest idiot though, Harry, or Levy for not doing anything about it.
We need a stickyed thread 'Harry's quote of the day' he makes so bloody many of them.

Funnily enough, i did put a link up to a site several months ago that kept a chronological list of HR quotes (although i cant find it now & i think it was on the old board before it blew up). However, a certain OP took me to task over it. The irony........
Funnily enough, i did put a link up to a site several months ago that kept a chronological list of HR quotes (although i cant find it now & i think it was on the old board before it blew up). However, a certain OP took me to task over it. The irony........

I remember that!
"For too long, we have not had a team which is capable of winning a tournament. The most important job for any England manager is to win a tournament for us."
