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Harry Redknapp: The Aftermath

Would you keep Arry after the Season?

  • Yes - He's done well and should be given at least one more season to consolidate our team

    Votes: 25 53.2%
  • No - he's peaked and would hold us back.

    Votes: 22 46.8%

  • Total voters
i see, so Liverpool, Chelsea, Man U and Arsenal all failed to take Wigan seriously within the space of 4 weeks? :)Not fair on Wigan and the fact they are playing very very well and have a formation which seems hard for the opposition to deal with . The manager there has to take a lot of credit

and i agree with your location comment, it was more fun when we were brick :)
You are comparing us with Wigan but our kinship, in terms of stature and league position, is with the teams losing to them.

Do you not think Wigan's standing plays a part in their bigger opponents mentality or decision to rest players? That big teams may not take them (or Norwich, or Swansea) as seriously as us?
Well to be fair. based on their performances this season - only a buffoon wouldn't have taken Swansea or Norwich seriously anything after Matchday 15 onwards
You are comparing us with Wigan but our kinship, in terms of stature and league position, is with the teams losing to them.

Do you not think Wigan's standing plays a part in their bigger opponents mentality or decision to rest players? That big teams may not take them (or Norwich, or Swansea) as seriously as us?

of course, i see that, however to take Wigan's recent results in isolation, i didnt see the big teams resting too many of their better players

and lets take Monday as an example...ok, you say that Arsenal didnt take Wigan seriously (despite Wigans recent great form) and went two goals down within 11 mins.....still, even after that shocking start, Arsenal didnt take Wigan seriously?? Id say at that point, they must have, but were unable to pull the game back because of the tactics employed by Wigan. Credit to their players, credit to the manager

when we went 2-0 up at Arse, we were unable to see the game out. Why? because the manager picked the wrong team, made poor substitutions, and we had no game plan to counter Arsenals
Within a game, if you go two down, after that you are forced to take the opponent seriously - but what was the mentality beforehand to allow them into such an easy lead?
50 pages!?!? Get to 100 and we make CL i think - with or without Bassong

But seriously - all this talk of redknapp "doing us over" is ridiculous.

It is possible however that Redknapps limit is building up a struggling Prem team (like we were) and getting the best out of them over a couple of season burst (like he did) and then the next step (building longevity and maintaining high level) is a step too far for him.

That said, our squad/club set up is on a par with Chelsea and Arse (yet with less experience) - so the whole club is in new territory.

Perspective is a great thing - and we have to remember there have actually been very times in OUR HISTORY when we have dominated the english game or been "top 4" (inc previous equivalents) for a prolonged period.

We are pretty much at the stage Chelsea were under Ranieri - good squad, needs a bit of work. Squad and club both need to learn how to stay in and around the top. (not comparing directly with Chelsea as they has the abramamillions - but the skills we need to learn are the same).

At that point Chelsea decided Ranieri had taken them as far as he could - a decision which at the time seems crazy to me, but in hindsight they got it spot on with Mourinho coming in.
Within a game, if you go two down, after that you are forced to take the opponent seriously - but what was the mentality beforehand to allow them into such an easy lead?

Arsenal didnt take both Tottenham and Wigan seriously of course:)
Against Swansea we played the usual suspects but granted the bulldog got it wrong aginast Norwich. Although on any other day Defoe and Saha could have done seriouis damage (on paper at least)
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Neither are Chelsea, United, City, Liverpool or Arsenal. What gives us the devine right to be ahead of them? They have talent too. They want to win too. We aren't poor but we aren't as rich as them.

We haven't got a divine right, but at the same time why should they? We are the 11th richest club in the world, we can hardly play the poor old us card. We've got the resources to at least challenge, so I'm not having us just lie down and think that we have no chance purely because they are a bit richer.
We haven't got a divine right, but at the same time why should they? We are the 11th richest club in the world, we can hardly play the poor old us card. We've got the resources to at least challenge, so I'm not having us just lie down and think that we have no chance purely because they are a bit richer.

We are at least challenging. But people seem to think because we aren't well out in front of them that something is up. We are in a good position.

We have hit bad form. The rest have all had bad form over the season. We were fairly lucky with injuries at the start...not so lucky with them now. We were fairly lucky with more winnable away fixtures at the start of the season...not so lucky now.

And you can't say that they are a 'bit richer' and just brush it off. It makes a massive difference in terms of the squad we can build and the calibre of proven players can attract when our wage cap is sitting at around 70k a week, as opposed to about 200k a week for the Manchesters and Chelsea, and about 150k a week at Arsenal.
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If our "media fluffy bunnies cuddling" is leaving it will do us severe damage, in the short term it will effect form (which it seems to have done) because our players will know what is happening long before it becomes public, it will also get our better players thinking about improving their lot by moving on, but worse of all it fudges our transfer policy in the next window, we should be acting now ready for the summer window, how can we do that when we dont know who our manager will be, Redknap has a big gob and could have handled the whole business a lot more professionally, so the answer to has Redknap done us over then the answer is yes, my ideal scenario would be for England not to offer Redknap the job and for us to say bye bye Harry at the end of the season, then we break the bank and get Jose, tbh the fact that Redknap has been quite over the position in the last couple of weeks means he thinks it is going to be offered.