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Harry Redknapp: The Aftermath

Would you keep Arry after the Season?

  • Yes - He's done well and should be given at least one more season to consolidate our team

    Votes: 25 53.2%
  • No - he's peaked and would hold us back.

    Votes: 22 46.8%

  • Total voters
Can you imagine the c@nt, one trophy in over 40 years before I come in really inexcusable, triffic bunch of lads, in the first training session I watched them pass it and head it they have everything, when we play Gemany I will just tell them to run around a bit, he will be unbearable everytime you switch the telly on he will be there like a spitting image puppet.

I will want England to get humiliated every time they play if Harry becomes manager.


So I can watch him squirm when the media question his every tactical fudge up and nonsense squad selection.

He's going to get torn to shreds.

And i'm going to love every second.
Ah yes Arry you imbecile we've left ourselves short because your macaronic self stated:

1) Pienaar will NOT go without a replacement yet Pienaar is allowed to leave because he had a talk with you in the office and you changed your mind.
2) Corluka was not allowed to leave because we'd be short yet he too had a talk with you in the office and you changed your mind.
3) Basson you said can go but only if we get someone in. We get in Nelsen and after that you state you're very happy with the january dealings.

Now after all that we're short? fudge off you prick. Stop blaming everything and everyone but yourself.
Harry has made some colassal fudge ups this season, too many to name, but we have shot ourselves in the foot by barely spending anything in the last two seasons. Whether that's down to Levy or Redknapp, I don't know.

I saw the following image on the Swiss Ramble blog.

I mean if there was ever a time to spend to consolidate it was during this period, but look what we did.
I saw the following image on the Swiss Ramble blog.

I mean if there was ever a time to spend to consolidate it was during this period, but look what we did.

Instead of spending huge transfer fees on players. We've got them on the 'cheap' but with top wages. Peinaar, Gallas, Parker, Adebayor etc. Our wage bill has almost doubled since Redknapp took over.

Harry has made some colassal fudge ups this season, too many to name, but we have shot ourselves in the foot by barely spending anything in the last two seasons. Whether that's down to Levy or Redknapp, I don't know.

Of course we havent spent enough. We also havent got any young players coming through at the moment so we'll have to spend this summer im afraid.

Take the Goalkeeper situation, we've got 3 old ones, Chelsea have Courtois at Athletico, Arsenal have szczesny, United have two with Lindegard and De Gea, City have Hart and Saudi Sportswashing Machine have Krul. All young keepers with a solid future, so why did we not do the same?

We're not spending but we're also not preparing the future very well at the moment. Of course we've got some special young talents like Walker, Bale or Sandro, Caulker but they came in few years ago and i cant see why we have stopped buying young prospects. Falque hasnt been shinning and we dont know about uvini.

We have stopped buying young since Redknapp has arrived and that could well be down to him, thinking short term (adebayor-parker) rather than long term.

We dont even have a young striker with a future in front of him, someone who could be ready for next season, dont get me wrong, apparently Coulibaly is a special talent but not ready yet. Actually, we've never seen him play. We dont have a striker in his early twenties capable of surprising us next season.
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I would, it's Chelsea for fudge's sake. I don't want anything to happen to Chelsea other than something really fudging painful (and hopefully fatal) to all their racist scumbag Madness-loving **** fans. Oh, and bankruptcy with 2 years of relegation would be nice too.

I certainly don't want the ****s winning anything ever - especially not the CL. I don't want any English team winning it again at least until we do.
This. I fudging dispise that football club more than Arsenal, there is nothing from those ****s that has ever given me any pleasure - apart from when they lose. I lept for joy when they were stabbed in the heart by Iniesta a few seasons back, and laughed my fudging arse off when Terry missed that penalty.

The fans, the players, the owners - they're horrible pieces of work as a collective and I wish them a future of misery.
Thinking of Chelsea has got me in a bad mood, fudging hell last sunday was brutal. If we lose against QPR tomorrow I might consider self-harming.

Anyone got any tips? Blunt knife, lacerated or sharp enough to carve a **** into Mount Rushmore?
Thinking of Chelsea has got me in a bad mood, fudging hell last sunday was brutal. If we lose against QPR tomorrow I might consider self-harming.

Anyone got any tips? Blunt knife, lacerated or sharp enough to carve a **** into Mount Rushmore?

A teenage brazilan boy died after masturbating to many times in a day, if you do not belive me google it. My own choice would be to die in a kinky sex games with 5 fluffy bunnies cuddlings in hamburg.
Redknapp was the right man to get us out of trouble. He was the right man to motivate players who needed a confidence boost, and he was the right man to stabilise the club.

He is not the right person to manage squad development. He is not the right man to give us a tactical edge of the long term. He is not the man to develop us into long-term heavyweight in the premier league.

From a pure attitude/gobbrick perspective I am fed up with him. tinkle off Harry. You have never had it so good, and you don't know how to deal with it.
Anyone else think we should appoint a caretaker manager for the rest of the season after we lose to QPR?

Well the time to have done that has been and gone and if we lose to qpr i would be very suprised if we got into the top 4 after that. Saudi Sportswashing Machine and chelsea are both going well.
I've had some inside info for a while that has shown me the true Harry Redknapp, the 'wheeler dealer' tag is in fact correct.

Indeed, I can sadly say the same. Though to be fair PLJ, Mr Magoo could see it with his dealings. I remember saying here a long time ago that Harry was afraid of a massive signing due to the responsibility of potential failure; I was not given much thrift. but he WAS offered BIG money players last Jan, he just couldn't take the plunge.
The last I heard it wasn't going to happen. Now it appears that information has been trumped. Very interesting. Who knows? One thing...I suspect Levy is absolutely FURIOUS with the FA, and I say what I'm about to say with ZERO knowledge, just pure conjecture; I wonder if Levy basically set it up that if the FA, having disrupted Redknapp and ruined our season in the process, were to turn their back on him now, Levy would sue them for interfering with their business or some such thing, and seek a massive amount of compensation?

I do know he has had to plan for two scenarios this summer, one with Harry and one without; the complications are enormous, not the least of which because it appears Luka will only stay in two instances...

What I do know is that what Redknapp said today had better have been taken out of context, otherwise his "friendly geezer" routine has just taken it's last step for me...and I was always skeptical!