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Gareth Bale

Re: Gareth Bale

That right there is why the ref should be punished SEVERELY.

You cant go on a fudgein pitch and referee based on reputations. That is not only unethical but goes against everything that a referee should be i.e. fair and objective.

if players are going to be punished for 'diving' because they anticipate a foul etc then referees should be punished for assuming that someone has dived. it works both ways.

I have said this before and will say it again REFEREES NEED TO BE fudgeIN PUNISHED THEY SEEM TO BE IMMUNE FROM ANYTHING.

Players cheat, that is why they are punished. It's accommodated for by the FAs own disciplinary procedures.

It is not acceptable for a referee to ever cheat and if they do then they wouldn't have any kind of sanction, they would be struck off. Although I am deeply suspicious of one individual (Foy), the vast vast majority of refs just do this difficult job to the best of their ability. Misjudgement maybe, cheating no.

In some cases the referees do not come across well, some are arrogant, some just look like they wind the players and fans up by grinning like a fool when big decisions are made. However, they have to make sure they aren't intimidated and so do have to make themselves big to counteract the huge hostility they face. PR on the whole is poor, whilst they shouldn't be expected to hold some kind of press conference afterwards, I think they should be able to make public comment on the game. I would have no problem if Atkinson said, "look from where I stood it appeared to be a clear dive, Bales leg folded before impact" etc

The fact is, they do make errors, it's human error and there's only so much that can be done. We have to accept mistakes will be made, so the question is what can be done to make this have less of an impact on the game.

1) use of technology to assist decision making, a whole debate in itself
2) pro active attitude from FA and refs association in allowing these refs to have their own say
3) less pressure from the media
4) less pressure from players/management staff
5) less cheating from players

These are the things you can genuinely address which will ultimately lead to less bad decisions being made. To me, it's that last one that is the big one.... there is such a lack of honesty in our games.

The 20 or so Premiership referees are probably the best in the country, and probably amongst the best in the world. I concede that it is quite possibly elitist, but I just don't think we can expect a better quality from any other 20 people.
Re: Gareth Bale

Players cheat, that is why they are punished. It's accommodated for by the FAs own disciplinary procedures.

It is not acceptable for a referee to ever cheat and if they do then they wouldn't have any kind of sanction, they would be struck off. Although I am deeply suspicious of one individual (Foy), the vast vast majority of refs just do this difficult job to the best of their ability. Misjudgement maybe, cheating no.

In some cases the referees do not come across well, some are arrogant, some just look like they wind the players and fans up by grinning like a fool when big decisions are made. However, they have to make sure they aren't intimidated and so do have to make themselves big to counteract the huge hostility they face. PR on the whole is poor, whilst they shouldn't be expected to hold some kind of press conference afterwards, I think they should be able to make public comment on the game. I would have no problem if Atkinson said, "look from where I stood it appeared to be a clear dive, Bales leg folded before impact" etc

The fact is, they do make errors, it's human error and there's only so much that can be done. We have to accept mistakes will be made, so the question is what can be done to make this have less of an impact on the game.

1) use of technology to assist decision making, a whole debate in itself
2) pro active attitude from FA and refs association in allowing these refs to have their own say
3) less pressure from the media
4) less pressure from players/management staff
5) less cheating from players

These are the things you can genuinely address which will ultimately lead to less bad decisions being made. To me, it's that last one that is the big one.... there is such a lack of honesty in our games.

The 20 or so Premiership referees are probably the best in the country, and probably amongst the best in the world. I concede that it is quite possibly elitist, but I just don't think we can expect a better quality from any other 20 people.

That decision was NOT an error. That decision was based on reputation solely. It was obvious and this isnt even a bias view point its speaking objectively. An error is missing a handball or thinking a foul isnt a foul or giving a goal kick instead of a corner or dare I say it thinking the ball didnt cross the line.

Im not saying its cheating im saying its incompetence. Its refereeing without complying with what im assuming are code of ethics that Referees have (if they dont have one then theyre even more incompetent than I first thought).
Re: Gareth Bale

As much as I agree with the fact that it was a foul and a penalty , do you honestly think that any Spurs fan on this forum is an "Anti Bailite?" honestly??

Well we have plenty of anti-walkerites, anti-<insert keeper>, anti-benoits

So yes, is the answer to your question
Re: Gareth Bale

That decision was NOT an error. That decision was based on reputation solely. It was obvious and this isnt even a bias view point its speaking objectively. An error is missing a handball or thinking a foul isnt a foul or giving a goal kick instead of a corner or dare I say it thinking the ball didnt cross the line.

Im not saying its cheating im saying its incompetence. Its refereeing without complying with what im assuming are code of ethics that Referees have (if they dont have one then theyre even more incompetent than I first thought).

Referees do target known divers.

I find it ridiculous that they would give someone like Suarez a blank slate every game.
Re: Gareth Bale

Referees do target known divers.

I find it ridiculous that they would give someone like Suarez a blank slate every game.

Well firstly theyre wrong secondly theyre not being objective. you may find it ridiculous not to give someone a clean slate whereas I dont and thats how games should be refereed.

A player diving in one challenge does not mean that the next challenge isnt a foul. The two incidents would be mutually exclusive. Thats like saying a referee is incompetent if he got one decision incorrect in the previous game.
Re: Gareth Bale

DHSF : whilst I don't doubt it is possible if not likely, that Bales reputation went before him, how do you know it was the case?
Re: Gareth Bale

DHSF : whilst I don't doubt it is possibly, if not likely, that Bales reputation went before him, how do you know it was the case?

Because the guy couldnt get the card out quick enough. It was like he assumed it was a dive and before even assessing the situation he went got his card out quicker than youd get your **** out in a night in with Megan Fox.

You could be right and the decision was based on the incident rather than on reputation in that case the referee is even more incompetent for not seeing that - he had the perfect angle. I will tolerate errors i.e. a ball over the line, or a corner kick instead of a goal kick. This was clear cut in my view (not being biased) ultimately you gotta ask - why would Bale dive in that situation - he beat that guy all ends up and had two or three in the box.

Also reading on this forum - this ref has done it before no? I dont remember his previous
Re: Gareth Bale

That decision was NOT an error. That decision was based on reputation solely. It was obvious and this isnt even a bias view point its speaking objectively. An error is missing a handball or thinking a foul isnt a foul or giving a goal kick instead of a corner or dare I say it thinking the ball didnt cross the line.

Im not saying its cheating im saying its incompetence. Its refereeing without complying with what im assuming are code of ethics that Referees have (if they dont have one then theyre even more incompetent than I first thought).

Sorry, mate, but you don't know that.

I can easily believe that, to the referee, it looked like a dive. It looked like a dive to me until I saw the replays.
Re: Gareth Bale

Because the guy couldnt get the card out quick enough. It was like he assumed it was a dive and before even assessing the situation he went got his card out quicker than youd get your **** out in a night in with Megan Fox.

You could be right and the decision was based on the incident rather than on reputation in that case the referee is even more incompetent for not seeing that - he had the perfect angle. I will tolerate errors i.e. a ball over the line, or a corner kick instead of a goal kick. This was clear cut in my view (not being biased) ultimately you gotta ask - why would Bale dive in that situation - he beat that guy all ends up and had two or three in the box.

Also reading on this forum - this ref has done it before no? I dont remember his previous

I definitely agree he got his card out far too quickly. I don't think the refs consult their linesmen enough either.

Unlike most other decisions you make, booking a player for simulation should be something a ref has to be 100% certain of before they do, indeed they can afford this luxury more.

I think more action could and should be taken by the FA on Monday mornings. None of this "if its not in the match report/the ref already gave a yellow card so we are powerless" gonads. You make the rules you dumbasses!!

Every game in the Premiership has cameras, let the FA panel pass judgement after the event. And if it is a dive that could have/did lead to a straight red, the diver should have a one-match ban.
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Re: Gareth Bale

didn't he just say that if there is contact then it can't be a dive? which, i believe, is correct - to the letter of the law and rather different to saying contact automatically means a penalty/free kick or a foul ?

It is erronous to imply that because there is a contact it cannot be a dive. The are numerous occasions in football where there is a contact but the contact i ssimply not enough to impede the player or cause the player to fall to the ground. Each case should be judged on its merits.

More importantly, the fact that there is contact is such that you could go down (especially when you have acquired the reputation he has) it does not necessarily mean you should go down. It was Aguero not going down in the last minute of the season that won Emirates Marketing Project the title last season. He could have gone down and the ref not give a penalty, or they could have been given a penalty and they could have missed it due to the pressure.

Also Messi has scored loads of goals where he has been fouled but simply refuses to go down because he wants to score. Methinks that is the attitude Bale needs to adopt instead of always taking the easy way out
Re: Gareth Bale

I think diving should be awarded with a red card and a lengthy ban, and possibly have their car repossessed as well. Then maybe refs will think twice before whipping out a card, instead of giving out yellows like a bunch of mofos. Like with penalties, or any other situation on the pitch for that matter, you need to be 100% sure before you give a decision. Not sure? Well don't give a decision then.
Re: Gareth Bale

4 out of Marca's top 10 news stories today are about Bale !!!!

Going to be a fun January, no matter how many times AVB or Levy says fudge off the media will keep on and on and on
Re: Gareth Bale

4 out of Marca's top 10 news stories today are about Bale !!!!

Going to be a fun January, no matter how many times AVB or Levy says fudge off the media will keep on and on and on

It will be incessant throughout the remainder of this season and the summer until we either do sell him or the summer transfer window closes.
Re: Gareth Bale

didn't he just say that if there is contact then it can't be a dive? which, i believe, is correct - to the letter of the law and rather different to saying contact automatically means a penalty/free kick or a foul ?

the rule seems rather ambiguous to me and until someone clears it up you will get players trying to take advantage. we've seen players like Bale and Lennon constantly get taken out over the years so i can see why Bale tries to make a meal of things as a lot of the time referees just ignore the fouls completely.

To be honest, that type of attitude is what's wrong with modern footballers. Contact does not equal a foul. And you're not "entitled" to go down if there is contact.
Re: Gareth Bale

To be honest, that type of attitude is what's wrong with modern footballers. Contact does not equal a foul. And you're not "entitled" to go down if there is contact.

No you are misunderstanding it.

For a foul there has to be contact but not every contact is a foul. So if there is contact it is a foul not that every contact is a foul.
Re: Gareth Bale

I have yet to hear anyone explain to me why he went to ground yesterday for any other reason than the contact on his knee knocking him over? Where are the 'falling/diving' experts? Come on! I need an education!!!!!!
Re: Gareth Bale

I have yet to hear anyone explain to me why he went to ground yesterday for any other reason than the contact on his knee knocking him over? Where are the 'falling/diving' experts? Come on! I need an education!!!!!!

It's been nearly unanimous in favour of Bale. He has dived in the past plenty of times, but he was bang unlucky yesterday.
Re: Gareth Bale

While I agree Bale has not done himself any favours by stating on MOTD last night that once there is contact it is a free kick or a penalty, that it complete and utter rubbish. He wants to become a world class player so maybe he should take a lesson from Messi, a player who does not drop to the ground as soon as someone touches him.

Anyone remember the swan dive at the Lane earlier this season when he went down when an opposing goal keeper ran out of the penalty area to intercept the ball. There was no challenge from the keeper and Bale went down. Acts like that influence refs in future incidents even though we all know each incident should be judged on its own merit. Bale does himself no favours. While he was unfairly booked yesterday and against Fulham he has been fairly booked for diving on 2 occasions this season

Have you seen a compilation of Messi's dives posted earlier in this thread? Pathetic comment.