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Re: Daniel Levy isn't stupid...

Oh yes he is ....oh no he isn't.... Oh yes he is.....

Sorry, I thought it was panto season already :)
Re: Daniel Levy isn't stupid...


its in the press now. true story or just an idea picked up from this forum?

How stupid does one have to be to fall for this piece of click-bait crap?

What utter junk. Not one quote, not one source for attribution, just bags of speculation and opinion all designed to muster a flurry of angry or taunting responses. A Piers Morgan Special. Give it what it deserves. Ignore it.
Re: Daniel Levy isn't stupid...

I've never been the greatest fan of 'Arry but Levy was stupid to get rid of him, managing this club to success is clearly an immensely difficult task to accomplish just based on the laundry list of managers who have tried and failed. 'Arry got us into the champions league, we played good football, those days seem so long ago now. Why did Levy sack him again ? You dont fix something thats not broke.
Re: Daniel Levy isn't stupid...

I've never been the greatest fan of 'Arry but Levy was stupid to get rid of him, managing this club to success is clearly an immensely difficult task to accomplish just based on the laundry list of managers who have tried and failed. 'Arry got us into the champions league, we played good football, those days seem so long ago now. Why did Levy sack him again ? You dont fix something thats not broke.

I think had we continued with Redknapp we'd almost definitley have found ourselves in a similar position when Modric and later Bale left for bigger things, and Liverpool/Chelsea got their **** together - except we'd have an older squad with less potnetial to improve and the rebuild job which we've undergone since would only have been prolonged. Redknapp done a good job, no question, final 6 months left a very sour taste but ultimately he left at the right time, IMV
Re: Daniel Levy isn't stupid...

I think had we continued with Redknapp we'd almost definitley have found ourselves in a similar position when Modric and later Bale left for bigger things, and Liverpool/Chelsea got their **** together - except we'd have an older squad with less potnetial to improve and the rebuild job which we've undergone since would only have been prolonged. Redknapp done a good job, no question, final 6 months left a very sour taste but ultimately he left at the right time, IMV
And have a wage bill the size of City's. And have 7 right backs.
Re: Daniel Levy isn't stupid...

Ian Wright supporting Levy in the paper today :eek:

Reckons Spurs fans are wrong to point the finger at Levy and should be looking at Baldini instead.
Re: Daniel Levy isn't stupid...

I've never been the greatest fan of 'Arry but Levy was stupid to get rid of him, managing this club to success is clearly an immensely difficult task to accomplish just based on the laundry list of managers who have tried and failed. 'Arry got us into the champions league, we played good football, those days seem so long ago now. Why did Levy sack him again ? You dont fix something thats not broke.

Harry was his own worst enemy.

1. Refusing to sign the new contract that had long been on the table because he was too busy batting his eyelashes at the FA in the expectation of landing the England job.
2. In the meanwhile, failing to focus properly on his Spurs team, leading to a catastrophic dip in form that saw us slip from almost certain top three (and even title challengers) in late January to fourth by the end of the season.
3. Doing both the above despite Spurs having backed him to the hilt during his court case against HMRC earlier in the year.
4. Constantly undermining Levy when blabbing to the media - most notably when failing to sing from the same hymn sheet during the Modric to Chelsea saga by suggesting that it would be better if Spurs sell him. Of course, he subsequently tried to claim credit for Spurs keeping him.
5. Similar to point 4, forever publicly claiming credit for the good things happening at the club while shifting blame on to others for the bad things happening at the club.
6. After failing to land the England job, deciding that he did want to sign a new contract with Spurs after all and barrelling into negotiations with newly appointed agent, Paul Stretford, notorious for his strong arm tactics.

None of this played well with Levy. In fact, the timing of Redknapp's aggressive demands for a new contract - while Levy was still in the Jewish period of mourning for his mother - was likely the straw that broke the camel's back.

As billyiddo pointed out, there was also a fundamental difference of opinion with regard to transfers between the two. Harry was very much a short-termist. That worked well for us given the tools that he inherited when he joined the club. But going forward, it was unsustainable and would have led to a decline in squad quality.

Harry did a great job for us. No question about it. But he can have only himself to blame for how and when it ended.
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Re: Daniel Levy isn't stupid...

Ian Wright supporting Levy in the paper today :eek:

Reckons Spurs fans are wrong to point the finger at Levy and should be looking at Baldini instead.

yeah, blame the guy who's been here a year for a problem we've had for a decade
Re: Daniel Levy isn't stupid...

Ian Wright supporting Levy in the paper today :eek:

Reckons Spurs fans are wrong to point the finger at Levy and should be looking at Baldini instead.

i think we should hold off pointing the finger at anyone until we see how the players develop.

yeah, blame the guy who's been here a year for a problem we've had for a decade

what problem have we had for a decade? :eek:
Re: Daniel Levy isn't stupid...

a wonder that we've generally remained in the same positions then, don't you think?
Re: Daniel Levy isn't stupid...

not strengthening the squad in the right position with the right type of player at the right time

not trusting the managers judgement
Re: Daniel Levy isn't stupid...

not strengthening the squad in the right position with the right type of player at the right time

not trusting the managers judgement

we've been doing that for tens years have we?

must be getting something right if he keeps buying the wrong players and not listening to his managers and yet still find ourselves in the same positions

- if he always listened to his managers then Bale would have found himself sold to Forest and Sol Campbell would have re signed for us ;)
Re: Daniel Levy isn't stupid...

not strengthening the squad in the right position with the right type of player at the right time

not trusting the managers judgement

I think the religious amongst us, those that are easily led and like to follow a leader without offering criticism or questioning the judgement of decisions will always take a difference of opinion with your views old chap.