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Re: Daniel Levy isn't stupid...

I think the religious amongst us, those that are easily led and like to follow a leader without offering criticism or questioning the judgement of decisions will always take a difference of opinion with your views old chap.

now now Chich that's not the case what so ever - there's always two sides to every point
Re: Daniel Levy isn't stupid...

Where did these good players come from then?

gah, trapped in a logic loop

ok my bad, levy is obviously a genius who's done everything right which is why are where we are and we should consider ourselves lucky to have him and be happy with our lot in life

we'll never break the historic top 4 of United arsenal, Liverpool, Leeds, all those clubs are beyond us forever, we're stuck down with the likes of Everton, city and Chelsea, destined to never to compete again because it's impossible to increase your station in football
Re: Daniel Levy isn't stupid...

gah, trapped in a logic loop

ok my bad, levy is obviously a genius who's done everything right which is why are where we are and we should consider ourselves lucky to have him and be happy with our lot in life

we'll never break the historic top 4 of United arsenal, Liverpool, Leeds, all those clubs are beyond us forever, we're stuck down with the likes of Everton, city and Chelsea, destined to never to compete again because it's impossible to increase your station in football

not everything has to be black and white - there is a middle ground you know...
Re: Daniel Levy isn't stupid...

selling good players without replacing them adequately

With the Carrick money, we bought Berbatov, among others.

With the Berbatov money, we bought Modric, among others.

With the Modric money, we bought Lloris, among others.

With the Bale money, we bought...............well, still too early to determine whether any of last summer's arrivals will become genuine top class players for Spurs.

The point is, though, that the money is always reinvested. And mostly, over the past ten years you talk about, it has been reinvested well. We can't sometimes help having to sell players that we don't want to sell (four players in 14 years, to be precise). That's simply the reality of the football food chain. As I pointed out earlier, if a far richer and more successful club like Arsenal can't fight off the very biggest clubs, then why should we think that we can?
Re: Daniel Levy isn't stupid...

not everything has to be black and white - there is a middle ground you know...

I get that, that was a tongue in cheek post, I think ENIC have done many many things right, we are way ahead if where we were when they took over, but they have made plenty of mistakes as well and I've lost faith in them

can you honestly see anyway out of this cycle under ENIC, even with the new stadium are we suddenly gonna be able to afford to challenge for the title?
Re: Daniel Levy isn't stupid...

yes jimmyb all facts

but we replaced players after the fact and let our momentum stall

I believe that a lack of decisive decision making at the wrong time had cost us
Re: Daniel Levy isn't stupid...

yes jimmyb all facts

but we replaced players after the fact and let our momentum stall

I believe that a lack of decisive decision making at the wrong time had cost us

We were decisive enough in the transfer market last summer. And that didn't do us much good. Not yet, at least.
Re: Daniel Levy isn't stupid...

I get that, that was a tongue in cheek post, I think ENIC have done many many things right, we are way ahead if where we were when they took over, but they have made plenty of mistakes as well and I've lost faith in them

can you honestly see anyway out of this cycle under ENIC, even with the new stadium are we suddenly gonna be able to afford to challenge for the title?

We do not have the money of the others so we should not even plan to compete with them, to have a strategy to improve oneselfs is utter madness be happy with your lot and do not deem to think you know better then the almighty.

Sometimes I think we have a plan but the sheer amount of different managers we have had then the whole have a director of football, then don't have a director of football, then do have a director of football. Getting coaches who play one style then coaches who play a completely different style of play.

I imagine results will pick up a little I even think we will beat Southampton in the league cup final and in 3 seasons time we might even get in the Euro cup again, but then if Levy is still in charge all that really matters is time. Because over time his investment will always rise just like house prices.
Re: Daniel Levy isn't stupid...

questionable, none of them had PL experience and the whole effort was undermined by moving to a different system when changing managers
Re: Daniel Levy isn't stupid...

I get that, that was a tongue in cheek post, I think ENIC have done many many things right, we are way ahead if where we were when they took over, but they have made plenty of mistakes as well and I've lost faith in them

can you honestly see anyway out of this cycle under ENIC, even with the new stadium are we suddenly gonna be able to afford to challenge for the title?

what cycle do you refer to? We saw a consistent arc of improvement over eight seasons, then a slight dip over the next three. we're still miles ahead of where we were when they took over in league terms and behind the scenes we're as strong as ever (youth academy and commercial aspects to name a couple). we can all bring up minute decisions which leave a bad taste in the mouth but in relative terms we really don't have much to complain about IMV.

we all seem to be aware that we can't expect to go toe to toe with those with much deeper pockets than us, so it always surprises me that now we have tailed off the chase for a couple of seasons a lot of people are pulling their hair out and blaming the board for being in the position everyone seems to be in agreement is our rightful level.
Re: Daniel Levy isn't stupid...

I get that, that was a tongue in cheek post, I think ENIC have done many many things right, we are way ahead if where we were when they took over, but they have made plenty of mistakes as well and I've lost faith in them

can you honestly see anyway out of this cycle under ENIC, even with the new stadium are we suddenly gonna be able to afford to challenge for the title?

To be honest, there isn't much chance that Spurs or any club other than Chelsea, Emirates Marketing Project, Man Utd, Arsenal and Liverpool will consistently feature in the top four in the coming years. That's the financial reality that we're up against.

Of course, you could just be holding out for the hope that some mystery multi billionaire backer will ride in on a white horse to save us and buy our way on to the top table. In which case, I admire your optimism. But the odds are against it - certainly unless or until FFP has been successfully challenged in the courts. In the meanwhile, I can't think of any other owners who would, on balance, do a better job than those we have.
Re: Daniel Levy isn't stupid...

what cycle do you refer to? We saw a consistent arc of improvement over eight seasons, then a slight dip over the next three. we're still miles ahead of where we were when they took over in league terms and behind the scenes we're as strong as ever (youth academy and commercial aspects to name a couple). we can all bring up minute decisions which leave a bad taste in the mouth but in relative terms we really don't have much to complain about IMV.

we all seem to be aware that we can't expect to go toe to toe with those with much deeper pockets than us, so it always surprises me that now we have tailed off the chase for a couple of seasons a lot of people are pulling their hair out and blaming the board for being in the position everyone seems to be in agreement is our rightful level.

Maybe it's because ENIC aren't fulfilling their obligation of funding a title winning side out of their own pockets?
Re: Daniel Levy isn't stupid...

questionable, none of them had PL experience and the whole effort was undermined by moving to a different system when changing managers

Whether we signed the right players is certainly questionable. But that we acted decisively in the transfer market last summer isn't. And it was the lack of decisiveness that you were specifically complaining about.
Re: Daniel Levy isn't stupid...

if we haven't got deep enough pockets we should get a different pair of jeans
Re: Daniel Levy isn't stupid...

what cycle do you refer to? We saw a consistent arc of improvement over eight seasons, then a slight dip over the next three. we're still miles ahead of where we were when they took over in league terms and behind the scenes we're as strong as ever (youth academy and commercial aspects to name a couple). we can all bring up minute decisions which leave a bad taste in the mouth but in relative terms we really don't have much to complain about IMV.

we all seem to be aware that we can't expect to go toe to toe with those with much deeper pockets than us, so it always surprises me that now we have tailed off the chase for a couple of seasons a lot of people are pulling their hair out and blaming the board for being in the position everyone seems to be in agreement is our rightful level.

Modern fans, mate.

Sense of entitlement. Short memories. No patience. Easily panicked.
Re: Daniel Levy isn't stupid...

Maybe it's because ENIC aren't fulfilling their obligation of funding a title winning side out of their own pockets?

Don't forget all that money they take out of the club whenever they sell a player, the asset stripping bustards.
Re: Daniel Levy isn't stupid...

doesn't seem to be stopping anyone else so far, transfer spending is still rising

Because revenues are still rising.

Not to mention that other clubs haven't just spent £100m on buying up property for a new stadium and £45m on a new training facility.
Re: Daniel Levy isn't stupid...

Modern fans, mate.

Sense of entitlement. Short memories. No patience. Easily panicked.

For me it is not a sense of entitlement but a lack of a cohesive strategy that is harming the club, seeing us **** away our lottery win like that binman from Ipswich is sickening.

I do not actually want us to spend money I would have rather we put the money into the stadium and used the youth team even if it meant and I think it would have, results tailoring off.

No the problem for me is recruitment based, in changing managers so much and though I have no proof then buying players that does suit the managers system.