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Emmanuel Adebayor - Officially gone \o/

Re: So what has gone wrong with adebayor?

Let's take Adebayor's terrible finishing as a given, ditto his lack of assists. What has troubled me even more, is his tinkle taking approach to play. He is quite capable of hold up play, but the refuses to quickly lay it off, he AWAYS has to hold on to it, trying to beat his man, running all over the place and eventually going way out of position. This is giving me the bricks. Hold the ball and then lay it off. Against QPR, a simple layoff utilising the pace of our wingers coming onto the ball would have paid off, but no Ade has to tinkle about. He resembles a certain former Spurs player in the QPR team in this regard.

PS, I have never rated this guy. This is no knee jerk!

I have to agree it seems like every time he gets the ball he ends up going on a walk about 20 yards back and out to a wing
Re: So what has gone wrong with adebayor?

I have to agree it seems like every time he gets the ball he ends up going on a walk about 20 yards back and out to a wing

It is hard to disagree that he does tend to spend a lot more time on the wing than is good for our team, especially when we play with Lennon and Bale. He needs to soend more time in field, in or very near the penalty area
Re: So what has gone wrong with adebayor?

I think his absence for Togo is a good thing for both parties. He is on a real poor run of form, maybe some time away will do him some good and Dempsey can get a run as he has actually earned a spot alongside Defoe imo

But some will be calling for him to return to the starting lineup, even if Defoe and Dempsey play well together.

His work rate has been debated on here frequently, as his his overall play and what he's added or not added to the team this season, but in the end, he's a striker and he has 2 league goals and I can't for the life of me figure out why so many people are going to such lengths to defend him and paint his performances this seasons as good enough. This is nothing to do with him being an ex scum player, most Spurs fans were satisfied with his output last season even if they don't rate him on the whole.

When was his last good performance?
Re: So what has gone wrong with adebayor?

But some will be calling for him to return to the starting lineup, even if Defoe and Dempsey play well together.

His work rate has been debated on here frequently, as his his overall play and what he's added or not added to the team this season, but in the end, he's a striker and he has 2 league goals and I can't for the life of me figure out why so many people are going to such lengths to defend him and paint his performances this seasons as good enough. This is nothing to do with him being an ex scum player, most Spurs fans were satisfied with his output last season even if they don't rate him on the whole.

When was his last good performance?

I agree I was just as happy as anyone to bring him on a permanent deal. The fact is he has had a horrid year thus far and we are lucky that we haven't suffered more. Look at his year thus far just ignoring the lack of goals and assists

Brought on late due to wage concerns misses start of the season

Plays a few games then is out for another month with injury

Comes back from injury and gets a stupid red card against our biggest rivals costing us any chance of a result, misses next 3 league matches

Finally gets a run of games but not hitting form

Leaves for African Cup of Nations for another month

By even his biggest fans this has been a nightmare of a season for him thus far
Re: So what has gone wrong with adebayor?

I agree I was just as happy as anyone to bring him on a permanent deal. The fact is he has had a horrid year thus far and we are lucky that we haven't suffered more. Look at his year thus far just ignoring the lack of goals and assists

Brought on late due to wage concerns misses start of the season

Plays a few games then is out for another month with injury

Comes back from injury and gets a stupid red card against our biggest rivals costing us any chance of a result, misses next 3 league matches

Finally gets a run of games but not hitting form

Leaves for African Cup of Nations for another month

By even his biggest fans this has been a nightmare of a season for him thus far

It hasn't been a good season, not sure if I would say nightmare. As long as the club is doing well I wouldn't really use that about any player though, so perhaps that's why.

A lot of the things there that have undoubtedly disturbed his season so far have been out of his control. One of the reasons why I'm still rather patient with him.
Re: So what has gone wrong with adebayor?

It hasn't been a good season, not sure if I would say nightmare. As long as the club is doing well I wouldn't really use that about any player though, so perhaps that's why.

A lot of the things there that have undoubtedly disturbed his season so far have been out of his control. One of the reasons why I'm still rather patient with him.

You are right some of his issues were out of his control that is fair to point out and for the record I don't want rid of him but this has NOT been his year thus far
Re: So what has gone wrong with adebayor?

We did manage to put together a really good squad over the summer and now it's just tweaking to get the right balance. We need a little extra flair and guile in attack, but we won't rush into signing any old player, we'll wait for the right one.

Exactly this.
If you look at our squad we dont have a player his the vision to create something that both Modric and VDV had.
We have players with superb technique and speed and physicality.
But we dont have a player who can see a space or a gap that no one else can.
Bale and Lennon dont have that, they can create some using their speed and technique alone but not with their brain.
No one has that bit of genius that we need.
Re: So what has gone wrong with adebayor?

You are right some of his issues were out of his control that is fair to point out and for the record I don't want rid of him but this has NOT been his year thus far

Rather like the ball. I'm convinced part of the reason he's always wandering out of position with it is because his first touch is so bricky.
As pointed out, two Ade threads exist, although one was created almost a year before the other.

At the request of onlyme, now merged (into a mega-thread).

Both basically saying the same thing..........but one was back on page 4, the other was..........well, I didn't even see it.
But hey-ho, don't moan at me if you don't like it.
As pointed out, two Ade threads exist, although one was created almost a year before the other.

At the request of onlyme, now merged (into a mega-thread).

Both basically saying the same thing..........but one was back on page 4, the other was..........well, I didn't even see it.
But hey-ho, don't moan at me if you don't like it.

You kept the wrong title IMO, so I'm gonna (ab)use my powers and change it. :twisted:

highlights of togo-tunisia draw where ade featured: assist, hit the crossbar and even defended!