Les Ferdinand
Re: Official - BAE
Malaria is an entirely avoidable disease.
Malaria is an entirely avoidable disease.
Surely it's just a risk/benefit calculation. I'm sure you and those you know weren't as careful as is possible because the cost is comparatively small (assuming you have access to medical care).As somebody that has lived in Nigeria and taken precautions and still contracted malaria, and who knows people that have gone to Nigeria and also taken precautions and also contracted malaria I must say Scara is coming across as rather ignorant and uninformed in this thread.
i find this statement you have a source?
Did you get under a net before dusk and stay there until after dawn every night?
Did you wear long sleeves, trousers and socks?
Scara, if you lived in an region that had an average temperature of over 80F would you wear long sleeves, trousers and socks? Now remind me, what point are you trying to make exactly?
Wow, 80 degrees Fahrenheit - that's almost 300 degrees Kelvin!![]()
Scara did I tell you I was under a curfew for? Ask more ridiculous questions why don't you
Sorry, don't understand your first post.Scara, if you lived in an region that had an average temperature of over 80F would you wear long sleeves, trousers and socks? Now remind me, what point are you trying to make exactly?
Sorry, don't understand your first post.
As for the second, that's part of the minimum recommended precautions to avoid Malaria. Yes it's hot, yes it's uncomfortable - that's one of many things to take into account when deciding whether or not to visit a region.
Obviously that is a stupid recommendation? If you are West African you do not have a choice. Have you lived in a tropical climate before? Your questions just seem unreasonable and that is me being polite
I think Scara is half right, is malaria generally an entirely avoidable disease? no, is it an entirely avoidable disease to a 200k a week professional footballer, undoubtedly
you want to see your family, spend a days wages and fly them to you
I swear the ignorance on this forum is contagious
I think Scara is half right, is malaria generally an entirely avoidable disease? no, is it an entirely avoidable disease to a 200k a week professional footballer, undoubtedly
you want to see your family, spend a days wages and fly them to you
So long time lurker and dont post basically as i cant be bothered to argue or be belittled. However im callling bu*****
So i went backpacking for a year last year including a stint through africa, was on all the anti-malarials, took precautions with netting etc.
Still got malaria, still 1year on suffering side effects as i didnt get treated immediately.
Now i guarantee Adebayor will be fine having quick and very good access to best medical facilities, but to go around with statements like "Malaria is an entirely avoidable disease." shows a complete lack of knowledge!