Steffen Freund
Man, that's been a long few weeks.Had a pretty atrocious five days.
My energy levels are completely sapped.
Been crying and feeling so anxious and shaking. Bit of the black dog returned (although plus side, it gave me a new appreciation for the Manic album This is my truth....)
Trigger was sharing how I feel (via a stupid meme on bloody Facebook!) about needing to be there for people constantly and sometimes I just need a few switch off days.
Girlfriend decided it was actually a personal attack on her need for daily contact and flips out.
bought me crashing down. Trying to build my energy back up.
It's a slow journey.
Just about up to 70% energy now and, inevitably, single.
Established that emotionally we are really not compatible - she doesn't quite see it the same way. But when I have a depression episode and she takes it as a personal attack and when a family member has a stroke and her reaction to ask if we are still booking train tickets for Xmas (IE not asking how I am or anyone else).....I think that makes my mind up for me.
Time to rebuild my confidence. Focus on my interests and hopefully someone that will complement my life.
(No football in random