Luka Modric
Have not posted in here for a while, hope everyone is okay.
I am doing ok, gone vegan when at home and will now only eat meat when we go out to eat or have the odd curry. Seems a few sportsmen have gone vegan with good results. I am using the disgraced British cycling mantra of small marginal gains to try and keep my physical health top notch, I believe the is a clear link between physical and mental health. Take ice baths a couple of times a week after long cycle rides and am trying to sleep better as well.
So far so good, I still get some dark moods and times when I feel a bit sorry for myself and that is when I start going over mistakes I made as a younger man, it is difficult when it is in your head to get away from bad thoughts. I do this thing where when I think about how my brother who I did not speak to for the last 10 years of his life or how I was not on talking terms with my mother when she died either, if i think these things usually late at night I get up and read a book until I am so tired I can not keep my eyes open.
I know people think should confront all our feelings all the time, but sometimes I think it is easier to just keep your mind occupied. I also have the guitar out the loft and am determined after 30 years owning it to play at least one fudging song.
Side note of interest is that I now wear nail vanish, am not a tranny not really. But I like looking down and seeing bright colours, it brightens my mood and makes me smile. I have just been let back into my local after a 6 month ban for arguing about the correct way to spell Tanya and also the origin or termassu and the red and purple alternating nails got some comments, but it seems accepted wisdom that I am a bit of a weirdo and no more has been said about it.
Do what makes you happy guys and avoid what makes you unhappy.
I think you're my hero. Good going, mate. Keep on doing your thing, it sounds healthy and liberating.