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I know it's harsh but 5 years is a long time to be at a mid-table club before people think you should be capable of playing for a better club.. Was the team set up in a particular way last year that helped Fulham get better performances than we have?
Its not happening for him so far but he plays for Spurs so we should support the guy..


Pretty much this.

I haven't been terribly impressed with Dempsey this season, but as long as AVB picks him to start, he will have my support, along with every other Spurs player.

I simply cannot fathom why some Tottenham supporters are so quick to get on a player's case if he's not performing to the expected standards.

Do they honestly think that booing a player will help him to improve?

Pretty much this.

I haven't been terribly impressed with Dempsey this season, but as long as AVB picks him to start, he will have my support, along with every other Spurs player.

I simply cannot fathom why some Tottenham supporters are so quick to get on a player's case if he's not performing to the expected standards.

Do they honestly think that booing a player will help him to improve?

Who said anything about booing him? We have had this whole debate about booing but surely we are allowed to talk about players. If you look through this forum there are posts raving about players and posts criticisng players - it works both ways.

I agree you dont boo at the stadium but if youre on a message board and you cant criticise then you shouldnt criticise at the pub, on the tube, at the office or wherever.

The guy was not the right fit for spurs (imv) and the only reason I would go as far as to say he will NEVER be a success at spurs is because I still dont know what position he plays in. A forward is a forward whether youre on the right, on the left or in the middle and he is actually playing in such a great position - behind the striker in between the lines yet he looks static
He'll come good. Just need to give him time and let him build up an understanding with Ade
Its not happening for him so far but he plays for Spurs so we should support the guy..

just because people are saying that he's been brick doesnt mean they wont support him. Think we all want him to do well however at the moment it looks like he's not that quick, hasnt shown a knack of getting goals, hasnt appeared to be very creative or skillful.....all a bit of a non-entity, aside from work-rate. Lets hope things pick up for him but at the moment he's been awful
I don't advocate booing our own players, but there are times when a player has performed so poorly for a sustained period of time yet still gets picked that booing him feels like the only way to make your feelings known. Dempsey doesn't qualify for that treatment (yet) and very few players have honestly been that useless, but that have been a few. I reserve my right give equal measures of praise and criticism to whom ever deserves it.
I don't advocate booing our own players, but there are times when a player has performed so poorly for a sustained period of time yet still gets picked that booing him feels like the only way to make your feelings known. Dempsey doesn't qualify for that treatment (yet) and very few players have honestly been that useless, but that have been a few. I reserve my right give equal measures of praise and criticism to whom ever deserves it.

Terrible logic. Just because you don't like something, it doesn't mean to say you have the right to voice your displeasure in that way. I agree you have the right to give praise or criticism accordingly, but you don't have a carte blanche in how you do it.

Booing a player is not an effective way of making the simple statement "this player should not be picked". Why? Because its normally behaviour reserved for when the person responsible is directly at fault. It's not Dempseys fault he is being picked. If he was deliberately making no effort, or had spoken out against the club then it's a different situation but the lad is doing what he has been asked to do, to the best of his ability.

All booing Dempsey will do is reduce the morale of a player who has barely settled in, and is only part of a full team of 11 that is not yet functioning.

And yes, I can't think of any players I would have ever booed in a Tottenham shirt. Maybe if I were at the game, when Ghaly through his shirt down but after that, if he apologised then you have to move on. Oh, sorry forgot - another nice spacegoat there. Hossam Ghaly, public enemy number 1.
I don't support dempsey, im an old no aging man and i no brick when i see it, the guy is brick get him out and do it quick. Hate people that are slow to react in life, mugs the lot of them. The guy cant cut the mustard it is obvious, he is a cancer on tottenham hotspur and needs to be cut out straight away.
I don't support dempsey, im an old no aging man and i no brick when i see it, the guy is brick get him out and do it quick. Hate people that are slow to react in life, mugs the lot of them. The guy cant cut the mustard it is obvious, he is a cancer on tottenham hotspur and needs to be cut out straight away.

Would you settle for chemo?