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I see the hardest critics of Dempsey's have the hardest time coming here...glad for the lad. Never goes missing, always works hard, and today showed some royal skill...

I still think he is crap and still don't think he is anything of the quality we need BUT he had a very good game. Still patches of his whole 'being one step behind everyone else'. Best game of the season for him and FAR more involved.
I still think he is crap and still don't think he is anything of the quality we need BUT he had a very good game. Still patches of his whole 'being one step behind everyone else'. Best game of the season for him and FAR more involved.

Hopefully the 'being one step behind everyone else' is symptomatic of initial difficulties settling into a new time, style of play and understanding of new colleagues.
And it can therefore improve.
Much better from Dempsey today.

That will give him loads of confidence going into the Liverpool match.
Much better from Dempsey today.

That will give him loads of confidence going into the Liverpool match.

absolutely agree. Lets hope that (at last) he is finding his feet and form.

BTW well done to AVB for sticking with him through his bad spell
West Ham doesn't have a midfield, they just go from back to front. Thus Dempsey and Huddlestone both were made to look good today
This. Was far more involved. Looked like he wanted to be involved and him and bale seemed to be getting onto the same wavelength. Beautiful assist. Also a nice ball into Lennon's run for the third.

There was some great rotation by Bale, Defoe and Dempsey today. Dempsey was out the left frequently while Bale was in the centre. Defoe came left for Bale too that was why he was back making that tackle he nearly got sent off for. Defoe dropped deep and Dempsey was in Defoe's position alot too, noticeably for Defoe's first goal.
Great to see some understanding out there.
brick in the first half; very good in the second. Still dont think he's naturally suited to the 'no 10'/VdV role which he's playing in so would like us to bring in someone better suited to that position...however think he's useful as cover for most of the forward positions.

Sig might have to get used to the bench
His best game in a Tottenham shirt by a million miles today. More useful bits of attacking play than all of the other games he's had for us put together. That chipped through pass for the second goal and the through ball for the third goal were the sort of thing our play has missed all season.

West Ham gave him lots of time and space on the ball which he won't get in many other games, especially not at WHL, and that's where his lack of any real technical ability will be shown up. But, credit where it's due, he had a great game today.
You seem to be in the minority on this point.

I think, mate, that's because I have a different definition of 'missing' to some here. 'Missing' is when players don't put a shift in and don't look to get involved, are scared to receive the ball and fade from vision. One thing you can never accuse Dempsey of is hiding...
There was some great rotation by Bale, Defoe and Dempsey today. Dempsey was out the left frequently while Bale was in the centre. Defoe came left for Bale too that was why he was back making that tackle he nearly got sent off for. Defoe dropped deep and Dempsey was in Defoe's position alot too, noticeably for Defoe's first goal.
Great to see some understanding out there.

Great post.
I agree, it was nice to see that starting to work, further, it was nice to see Lennon and Walker finally get it together a bit, with Walker now seeming to understand his role a little more easily with Lennon tucking in slightly as he does often now. There again, spammers are awful, that was like a practice match in the second-half!
West Ham doesn't have a midfield, they just go from back to front. Thus Dempsey and Huddlestone both were made to look good today

I agree, they were awful, and Wednesday will be very very different...I hope the confidence factor wows a strong performance from them...
great to see a player like dempsey take that step up and it wasn't due to the fact that West Ham gave him space - they didn't and he was fouled and tackled and left on the floor countless times!

also nice to see his confidence returning and more so his field of view seems to be opening up .... seeing more ahead and around him then before, and a hunger to to make things happen.

just think we had this guy creating for us when lennon wasn't really firing and without dembele too!
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I thought Demsey was immense today.

Well played - All he needed was a goal to round things us for him=D>=D>

Here's hoping he can score against Liverpool on Wednesday and we can rub it in to the Scousers (imagine if Sig scored too)!!
Clint Dempsey admits to enduring a frustrating start to life at Tottenham Hotspur, but feels his form is steadily improving.

Spurs snapped Dempsey up over the summer after seeing him net 23 times for Fulham last season, with his performances drawing plenty of praise.

The USA international has struggled to produce those heroics at White Hart Lane, though, with the target found just twice in 17 outings.

Dempsey was, however, able to put in a lively display in a 3-1 victory over West Ham United on Sunday and believes he is starting to find his feet in a central playmaking role.

He told London 24: "I've been frustrated with not really getting on the ball, getting into the game and impacting games. I was able to give a bit more of an angle and drive with the ball a little bit more, and take some more shots and try to create chances for other people.

"It's good to play a part in two of the goals and I was a little bit unlucky not to get one myself, hitting the bar.

"It was a game I enjoyed because I'm a player that needs to get on the ball. I'm better getting it on the half-turn and then facing my opponents, rather than always playing with my back to goal.

"I thought I did a better job of getting on the angles where I could get on the turn and drive forward."


Dempsey added: "I'm traditionally used to playing in a 4-4-2 system when I'm the guy on the left, but I'm not really an out-and-out winger. I'm someone who comes inside and I'm more like an attacking inside-left player.

"Being more central is good because you're in a position where you see more of the ball, but it's about getting on the ball and making the movements that's going to allow you to do that. I'm starting to do a better job in that respect.

"It's just about learning how to play with this team. Every team is different and there's a period of adjustment.

"I didn't have a pre-season with them, or anybody, so I'm trying to play catch-up a little bit and trying to adjust to this team and the style that they play."
