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This is one more poor performance in a growing list. I'll begin to loose faith in AVB if he does not drop Dempsey after today.

In saying that there were plenty of other shocking performances in this game, but I guess he can't drop everyone.
Ghod today on Sky Sports kinda slated the guy. Said he wasnt sure what he actually did etc
Massive dodged bullet by the scousers

Jol must be laughing his arse off - Demspey and Zamora for Berbatov and Ruiz (with Petric and Rodallega on the bench)
then he'll cry when noticing he brought in Kieran Richardson to replace Mousa Dembele.

Like many players we've bought in the past we should give the guy a chance but there's just something abut Dempsey that he just doesnt fit at Spurs, i think it's his pace. Some people say oh he scored a bag load of goals last season but he was big fish in small pond. I have a feeling that Levy sancitoned this purchase of Dempsey as everything else had fallen through due to his usual last minute dealings so i think he should take equal blame for purchasing him. If you look at what Berbatov has done for Fulham we should have bought him no question for that sort of money, he would fit the system we play aswell. Think Levy needs to step it up in Jan and release some funds and replace Modric and VDV.
Why would he buy a winger to replace an ACM/CM? :~

Richardson a left winger who is behind Kacinicklic anyway (who in turn has looked better than Lennon so far this season)
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Just to add - if Arry was still here - Dempsey, Sigurdsson and Dembele would have been labelled vintage MotD signings (in a derogatory manner, of course). What are they now, out of interest - and were those Levy's or Avi B's targets?
One you can always rely on with Spurs fans, always gotta have a spacegoat.


I get your point, but as long as it doesn't become personal I see it more as a sign of fans wanting the team to progress as much as possible and in that process I think it's natural to identify the weakest link in the team. For me it's nothing personal, I just don't think he has the quality to perform in a top 5 team.

Besides I don't think it's necessarily a Spurs thing only, as I believe most club's fans have this behaviour.
He has at times. As as Lennon. (who I actually think has been more consistant). It's amazing how Liverpool sold him and Ince when both could be fighting around there first team now and would probably improve them attacking wise.