Milenko Acimovic
I'm sitting here disgusted at what has happened over the last few weeks. Had it not been for the cold, Greek beer in my hand, the sunny and warm weather here on this island called Karpathos, I might have just slit someone's throat just to let off some steam.
City buying the league and Chelsea finally winning the sacret EuroLotto after learning their lesson from previous failures and actually buying all the raffle tickets this time, has made me ponder about soccerball and what it means to me. It used to mean a lot, but now it just seems idiotic. There are no winners anymore, just the agony of being raped in the anus by some rich taco who couldn't find a date, then bragging about it to his dad, who was there with him during the *struggle cuddle* because nobody else bothers to listen. Claiming it was mutual consent and fine pickup lines that led to the sex, to his partner in crime (still dad), and believing it too - for a while. Maybe FC United figured it out all those years ago: *struggle cuddle* is only fun for so long, that sex is better when your "partner" doesn't look up at you with a tear in his (or his brother) eye.
I was ready to give it up, that's when GHod reached out to me. I looked up and there I saw it, one of the beer drums decorating the bar I'm at reads HOLSTEN. Amazing. It's like GHod saying hey, I'm not giving it to you up the Hershey highway because you are guilty jews and I hate you. Far from it, au contraire. I'm doing my patented "show me you love me even though I'm torturing and crucifying your leader, burning your crops, stealing your son, blinding your ass and so forth routine". Thanks. We are slow learners and needed this slap I guess.
Can't but help looking forward to the next *struggle cuddle* session, might as well enjoy it.
That's one hell of a metaphor you've used there... 'metaphor a good time' more like!!
Know how you feel... I had HOLSTEN on the go too at the weekend... (German AND Spurs, what could go wrong!) fudge all good it did mind!