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Cheatski are still scum

There was more Hearts fans on their parade in Edinburgh then there was Chelsea fans in London
That's because most Chelsea fans switched to being Emirates Marketing Project fans and are still not sure if they should switch back.

Don't worry, some day, Tottenham will be back. Really back, not like we THOUGHT we were until that disgrace at Qatar Stadium. And then so many people who were with us until 2004 or so will come crawling back on their well-worn knees.

As another Londoner, Professor Henry Higgins, would say, "Shall we take them back, or throw the baggage out?" I say slam the doors and let the hellcats freeze!
Terry dedicates Champions League win to himself

JOHN TerryÔÇÖs single-handed capture of the Champions League trophy was especially for John Terry, it has emerged.

Terry now plans to spend a few days gazing at his reflection in a pond

Speaking from his eighteen-bedroom mansion built in the shape of his own face, the pathologically-confident Chelsea defender also suggested his England team mates need not fly out to Poland as he has this one covered.

Terry said: ÔÇ£When John Terry beat Barcelona, many said John Terry couldnÔÇÖt repeat that effort against Bayern, but they underestimated how much it means to John Terry to make John TerryÔÇÖs dreams come true.

ÔÇ£John Terry can now take this form into the Euro 2012 tournament and face some of the best non-John Terry teams in Europe to win John Terry a trophy for the first time since 1966.

ÔÇ£They think itÔÇÖs John Terry? It is now.ÔÇØ

Meanwhile, Chelsea caretaker manager Roberto Di Matteo has been told he will need to cure a major disease to secure the job permanently.
After winning two trophies and making Chelsea play like theyÔÇÖve actually met each other before, Di Matteo felt confident of being offered the role but itÔÇÖs understood Roman Abramovich is looking for something a bit more Nobel-Prize-winning-y from the ovoid-faced Italian.

Di Matteo said: ÔÇ£I was given the alternative task of making everybody in the world not want to punch John Terry in the face with a fist made out of threshing machines, but boxing off cancer seemed a more realistic target.

ÔÇ£I think I am ideal for the role but I know I face stiff competition from, well, you can probably guess who, canÔÇÖt you?ÔÇØ
I see Mourinho has had an influence on Terry.
What people need to understand is this:

a) a lot of footballers aren't clever or wise.
b) a lot of them are mates outside of the club, especially with the foreign players who have no real affinity for the clubs they play for.
To be honest I think some need to grow up a bit. I hate Chelsea as a club and always have done. I don't think it's right they've been brought over by some rich russians but still, why sit around and moan about it? If one of our players has cngratulated them then so be it, it's only being fair.

We were fudging 3rd with a 10 point gap FFS... it shoulda been ArseAnal bricking themselves in their fudging Lederhosen on SaTURDay night... not us... but it WAS us... 'cos we couldn't beat Norwich/Wolves at home... cos we couldn't finish off Villa away, 'cos we couldn't hold onto a 10 point/2 goal lead at the Emirates, 'cos WENGER fudgeS KIDS ON THE SLY... 'cos Defoe's legs weren't longer at the Etihad... 'cos Foy is a bent Stoke **** who disallowed Ade's ONLY fudging ONSIDE GOAL THIS SEASON... 'cos Roman paid Robben to mis IN THE FINAL... 'cos David Dein paid someone to brick in the Lasagne... 'cos the whole of football is fudging bent and corrupt beyond belief and Emirates Marketing Project/Chelsea are paying for it all to go their way... and Platini/Blatter are all in on it 'cos they've got their mouths full of Roman & Sheik Mansour's C O C K!

football is fudging broken, and the sooner it implodes on itself, the better!

fudge off modern football... gimme the 1980's version ANY DAY!

Get off the fence man and speak your mind for once.:D
Shaking a players hand after a game and congratulating them - excellent

Tweeting something they're never going to read when watching the game from home - fudging stupid
Then fans who post messages on forums like "congrats Tottenham for winning the match", or people who say "RIP" to those who die are also "fudging stupid" ?

Louis Saha has made it clear that he is not looking to leave Tottenham after paying tribute to the influence of manager Harry Redknapp.

Saha moved to White Hart Lane from Everton in January on a six-month deal until the end of the season, and his future is now uncertain as Spurs assess their squad ahead of the summer transfer window.

But the Frenchman says he has enjoyed his time at the club and has been particularly impressed by the way Redknapp works with his players.

Saha is now keen to sign a new deal with Tottenham even though they have missed out on a place in next season's UEFA Champions League.
"I cannot say I want to leave," the striker said in The Sun.

"Harry has been good for me personally. What makes him so good is his personality, tactics and the way that he can work and relate to the players."

Emirates Marketing Project striker Emmanuel Adebayor has also stated that he is keen to remain at Tottenham next season after spending the campaign on loan at White Hart Lane.

Stop the drugs, Saha.
Hahaha, of course he wouldn't want to leave!

Where else would a near 34 year old has-been get paid top dollar in a Top 5 team in England?

Please Levy - do the sensible thing
Didn't think Robben was THAT bad last night to be honest. Yes he missed the penalty but he was heavily involved in the match. I don't personally like him on the right, but I always felt a little bemused when he was raved about at Chelsea. Couldn't see the fuss then, and can't really see the fuss now. He is an excellent player who falls short of being world class, and I thought last night I thought he did OK. That's the first time I've really paid attention to Gomez and it proves that if you have a striker whose only attribute to the team is to score goals then he is a waste of a shirt if he fails to score.

I thought Ribery looked poor too, but the moment he went off Bayern lost all shape and their possession threat nullified. Just goes to show that a player can have an off game but still be vitally important to the team simply by being available for a pass etc.

Agree with most of that, and would add that for me, when Heynckes (sp?) subbed Muller for Van Buyten it was a disaster. A needless substitution born of some empty fear that they needed an extra defender on the pitch when Chelsea had shown no attacking aptitude and Bayern were controlling the midfield, primarily because of Muller at that stage. I also have to wonder whether Muller going off affected the marking from the corner; Boateng on Drogba didn't make sense to me at all...
Then fans who post messages on forums like "congrats Tottenham for winning the match", or people who say "RIP" to those who die are also "fudging stupid" ?

Whisper it, but that's always been a private little bug-bear of mine... for example;

"Amy Winehouse; RIP babe, life will never be the same without you... you've gone to that great Gig in the Sky... you'll be missed"
(did you KNOW her.. was she RELATED to you?) "er... no, but I had her cd!"

Mind you, Robin Gibb's death has left me a broken man... R.I.P.RG... think i'll start a FaceBook tribute page!
I'm sitting here disgusted at what has happened over the last few weeks. Had it not been for the cold, Greek beer in my hand, the sunny and warm weather here on this island called Karpathos, I might have just slit someone's throat just to let off some steam.
City buying the league and Chelsea finally winning the sacret EuroLotto after learning their lesson from previous failures and actually buying all the raffle tickets this time, has made me ponder about soccerball and what it means to me. It used to mean a lot, but now it just seems idiotic. There are no winners anymore, just the agony of being raped in the anus by some rich taco who couldn't find a date, then bragging about it to his dad, who was there with him during the rape because nobody else bothers to listen. Claiming it was mutual consent and fine pickup lines that led to the sex, to his partner in crime (still dad), and believing it too - for a while. Maybe FC United figured it out all those years ago: rape is only fun for so long, that sex is better when your "partner" doesn't look up at you with a tear in his (or his brother) eye.
I was ready to give it up, that's when GHod reached out to me. I looked up and there I saw it, one of the beer drums decorating the bar I'm at reads HOLSTEN. Amazing. It's like GHod saying hey, I'm not giving it to you up the Hershey highway because you are guilty jews and I hate you. Far from it, au contraire. I'm doing my patented "show me you love me even though I'm torturing and crucifying your leader, burning your crops, stealing your son, blinding your ass and so forth routine". Thanks. We are slow learners and needed this slap I guess.
Can't but help looking forward to the next rape session, might as well enjoy it.