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Cheatski are still scum

Shaking a players hand after a game and congratulating them - excellent

Tweeting something they're never going to read when watching the game from home - fudging stupid
The sooner the better

Agreed. Wish it could just hurry up and happen. Start a league where the entry-fee is something like ?ú50 million to enter, and let them have their fun. I'm sure Sky or whoever will want to pay many millions for the TV rights to the MASSIVE IMPORTANT MATCHES!!! and the rest of football can get on with being well-run, and actually some semblance of competition. As it was said earlier in the thread, how can the success of City or Chelsea actually mean anything? Really? Their fans really should just look at their players lifting the trophies and know that if an outrageously rich billionaire didn't buy their club, none of it would be happening. They can say that's bitter, but it's really not. It's just a fact. They can have their fun. But at the end of the day if you ask any of their fans whether they would rather have success that they have built up fairly through a number of years, through shrewd investments, suffering failures and learning as they go, or whether they want it through a click of the fingers because someone decided they were good for a past-time, every single one in the heart of hearts if they were being honest with themselves would say that given the choice, they would prefer it the proper way.
I'd love to see the Sky hype machine that tries to sell the huge match of Anzhi vs Malaga in the final week of the season where already bottom of the league Anzhi try to offer up a fight against Malaga, hoping to scrape 9th place.

To be fair, a league like that would be exciting to watch. The quality of play should be good, they should be able to attract top players, and every year it would be different at the top because it wouldn't be one team so much richer than the others. At least they will all be fighting against each other, rather than having the gross dis-advantage they have now.

Although I've just thought, that if this league happened, the best players from the normal national football leagues would just get taken out every year, and they would just be feeder clubs for the big super-league. Maybe what we have now is better, and the only way it will ever even itself out will be if every club in the top flights all get bought by billionaires. Maybe a requirement for promotion would be that you need to have a billionaire backer before you can come up. Although with FFP it's not going to be possible for a billionaire to come in now and through money at a 'project' with a new club, so City and Chelsea are pretty much locked in the top table now. Brilliant.
As a sportsman perhaps he finds the feat admirable. he could have had more sense about him to consider what it means to the club he plays for (although is he out of contract now?)

I don't have a problem with it personally.
Congrat to my brothers Drogba, Kalou, Mikel, Malouda, Ashley, Lampard, Ramires, cech, Essein, Toress, ivanovic, bosingwa

Brothers as in 'black' or black at heart as in listening to hip-hop music and having black friends on fb? :D
As a sportsman perhaps he finds the feat admirable. he could have had more sense about him to consider what it means to the club he plays for (although is he out of contract now?)

I don't have a problem with it personally.

He does. he tweeted that too.

But he could perhaps keep his admiration away from a public website filled with spurs fans?

Perhaps until the dust has settled. Or pick up his phone instead, if he really is great pals with these players.
Another mediocre player who would hopefully be leaving the club this summer - having already requested so in January. Much like he's done numerous times before following 3 consecutive starts on the bench.

He better hope QPR or Reading are looking for a striker.

Yes - by being dropped kicked and told to get the fudge off our wage bill. Nothing signings in the first place.

Not sure if it's common knowledge but been told he's just sold his house (Hadley Wood?)
So Pienaar and Saha, come out with a couple of things that don't sit right with some Spurs fans, yet Harry, the fudging king of flimflam is pretty much immune from it ? Hypocrites.
Not sure if it's common knowledge but been told he's just sold his house (Hadley Wood?)

His house has been up for sale for ages. I had a look at it months back (on the interwebbie thing). I wouldn't read a whole lot into it.

In saying that Levy would be silly not to cash in on Defoe now as he only gets cheaper with each passing transfer window. You can argue his merits and failiings till you are blue in the face but Harry doesn't use him much and he doesn't seem to fit with our style of play.

Defoe out - Leandro in
Saha out - Remy in
Ade out - Ade back in again.

That'll do me.
His house has been up for sale for ages. I had a look at it months back (on the interwebbie thing). I wouldn't read a whole lot into it.

In saying that Levy would be silly not to cash in on Defoe now as he only gets cheaper with each passing transfer window. You can argue his merits and failiings till you are blue in the face but Harry doesn't use him much and he doesn't seem to fit with our style of play.

Defoe out - Leandro in
Saha out - Remy in
Ade out - Ade back in again.

That'll do me.

Wooooah..... the Hokey Cokey....
Defoe's was much worse - he didn't congratulate Chelsea, he retweeted, and responded with a "hahaha" to a photo that mocked his own club/fans, then pathetically tried to backtrack by saying his account got hacked. Yes, that's right, someone hacked his account just to retweet a picture.

I guess this evidence of a single-digit IQ explains why he never mastered the offside rule.

Another pathetic attempt to have a go at a player you have taken an irrational hatred to.

If it was a player you liked, u would have no problem in believing his account was hacked or a mate had got his phone to do a wind up.

And if it really was him, it was probably something he saw as banter at him. For those that are a bit out of touch, it is quite common for people to retweet abuse aimed at them. It's their way of taking it on the chin.

And as a administrator of a site that has had to define a set of rules to promote respect and stop people abusing others, do you not think you should stick to that when talking about people in the public eye? It's far more of a personal attack, if it is done on here generally you have no idea of the person behind the username. Not to mention it will be a provocative post on here to ppl that see Defoe as he is - a fine spurs player who has worked hard for us and deserves no abuse.
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Terry dedicates Champions League win to himself

JOHN Terry’s single-handed capture of the Champions League trophy was especially for John Terry, it has emerged.

Terry now plans to spend a few days gazing at his reflection in a pond

Speaking from his eighteen-bedroom mansion built in the shape of his own face, the pathologically-confident Chelsea defender also suggested his England team mates need not fly out to Poland as he has this one covered.

Terry said: “When John Terry beat Barcelona, many said John Terry couldn’t repeat that effort against Bayern, but they underestimated how much it means to John Terry to make John Terry’s dreams come true.

“John Terry can now take this form into the Euro 2012 tournament and face some of the best non-John Terry teams in Europe to win John Terry a trophy for the first time since 1966.

“They think it’s John Terry? It is now.”

Meanwhile, Chelsea caretaker manager Roberto Di Matteo has been told he will need to cure a major disease to secure the job permanently.
After winning two trophies and making Chelsea play like they’ve actually met each other before, Di Matteo felt confident of being offered the role but it’s understood Roman Abramovich is looking for something a bit more Nobel-Prize-winning-y from the ovoid-faced Italian.

Di Matteo said: “I was given the alternative task of making everybody in the world not want to punch John Terry in the face with a fist made out of threshing machines, but boxing off cancer seemed a more realistic target.

“I think I am ideal for the role but I know I face stiff competition from, well, you can probably guess who, can’t you?”

We were fudging 3rd with a 10 point gap FFS... it shoulda been ArseAnal bricking themselves in their fudging Lederhosen on SaTURDay night... not us... but it WAS us... 'cos we couldn't beat Norwich/Wolves at home... cos we couldn't finish off Villa away, 'cos we couldn't hold onto a 10 point/2 goal lead at the Emirates, 'cos WENGER fudgeS KIDS ON THE SLY... 'cos Defoe's legs weren't longer at the Etihad... 'cos Foy is a bent Stoke **** who disallowed Ade's ONLY fudging ONSIDE GOAL THIS SEASON... 'cos Roman paid Robben to mis IN THE FINAL... 'cos David Dein paid someone to brick in the Lasagne... 'cos the whole of football is fudging bent and corrupt beyond belief and Emirates Marketing Project/Chelsea are paying for it all to go their way... and Platini/Blatter are all in on it 'cos they've got their mouths full of Roman & Sheik Mansour's C O C K!

football is fudging broken, and the sooner it implodes on itself, the better!

fudge off modern football... gimme the 1980's version ANY DAY!



I guess that John Terry will also make a film about John Terry and call it "Being John Terry".

In this film, John Terry won't even need to enter a portal into his own head for every character to be John Terry and for the only thing each of them says to be, "JohnTerry, JohnTerry, JohnTerry...".
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I hope the c u n t contracts some hideous disease sometime soon... from rubbing up to a BLACK MAN... that's right, John Terry will suffer boils and piles from daring to touch a filthy black man, and forgetting - momentarily - to call them a nigger first... shame on you John Terry, your Family will be so ashamed... you'll regret that particular lapse in concentration (camp) for years to come!
Still, you'll get what's coming, much like the odious filthy scum fans of your disgusting neo-Nazi club who choose to hiss like a Gas-Chamber whenever Spurs are in Town, and boo a minute's silence for 96 Dead human beings... still, I guess you don't give a brick, 'cos you're parading the Champions League Trophy around to your adoring scum fans, and reaping your rewards... well done... fudge the rest of us, especially Spurs... we're only dirty Jews after all eh? Hilter had the right idea, didn't he John...??

I hope you and your c u n t y fans fudging rot in hell you bunch of odious filthy s c u m c u n t s !
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I hope the c u n t contracts some hideous disease sometime soon... from rubbing up to a BLACK MAN... that's right, John Terry will suffer boils and piles from daring to touch a filthy black man, and forgetting - momentarily - to call them a nigger first... shame on you John Terry, your Family will be so ashamed... you'll regret that particular lapse in concentration (camp) for years to come!
Still, you'll get what's coming, much like the odious filthy scum fans of your disgusting neo-Nazi club who choose to hiss like a Gas-Chamber whenever Spurs are in Town, and boo a minute's silence for 96 Dead human beings... still, I guess you don't give a brick, 'cos you're parading the Champions League Trophy around to your adoring scum fans, and reaping your rewards... well done... fudge the rest of us, especially Spurs... we're only dirty Jews after all eh? Hilter had the right idea, didn't he John...??

I hope you and your c u n t y fans fudging rot in hell you bunch of odious filthy s c u m c u n t s !

I can see a trend forming here...