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Carlyle takeover, was Cain Hoy takeover

Re: Back Page tomorrow Mirror - Lewis to sell 1 Billion Tottenham

You know I used to work for a company that had the attitude you had. "Just get it done, you only live once, just do the deal, don't think about it, just do it".

That was their attitude.

They were called RBS.

Whats that got to do with it.. RBS was on a scale of 1000's of mortagages.. I am talking couple of million out of the Bale fee. :ross:
Re: Cain Hoy takeover

Swansea and Southampton have done well out of new owners also, it has to be said tbf

Southampton did well for short while, then the owner died.

Ideal scenario would be to set up a foundation that at the very least held a majority stake and sell membership/voting rights to fans. If necessary, a smaller stake can be floated to raise money for our current owners, seeing as they'd want to walk away with something. And no get out clause like whatever Walker's kids had at Blackburn. They well and truly ****ed that club up. The foundation is there to stay.
Re: Cain Hoy takeover

Southampton did well for short while, then the owner died.

Ideal scenario would be to set up a foundation that at the very least held a majority stake and sell membership/voting rights to fans. If necessary, a smaller stake can be floated to raise money for our current owners, seeing as they'd want to walk away with something. And no get out clause like whatever Walker's kids had at Blackburn. They well and truly ****ed that club up. The foundation is there to stay.

I agree that this would be great, however it just seems ever so unlikely to happen.
Re: Cain Hoy takeover

I swear you lot live in Pleasantville.

Any more pleasant than the place you live in? Where apparently if the current owner would just sell up and leave the likelihood of a new owner being an improvement for us is overwhelming... Seems like the kind of thing that happens in Pleasantville...
Re: Cain Hoy takeover

I would get in bed first.. to see what they were like.
We haven't even had fekin foreplay with Cain Hoy. Actually we haven't even seen a picture of her. And you want it to happen. That's why you are being scrutinised mate. It is odd to see a lack of caution when our club is incredibly well run in comparison most clubs in the PL.
Re: Back Page tomorrow Mirror - Lewis to sell 1 Billion Tottenham

Whats that got to do with it.. RBS was on a scale of 1000's of mortagages.. I am talking couple of million out of the Bale fee. :ross:

Everything's relative. When you're undertaking a major capital project and your turnover is just shy of £100m a year, £2m off the Bale fee is as significant to THFC potentially as some of the stuff going down at Fred's gaff while i was there.
Re: Cain Hoy takeover

The usual answer is asset stripping.

Not in Spurs' case.

Simple reason being that Spurs' various saleable assets wouldn't be worth what anyone would have to pay ENIC to buy the club. The company only makes sense, at that kind of price, as a fully functioning football club. Remember that a huge proportion of Spurs' value is in the goodwill; the brand; the supporters; and the membership of the Premier League - none of which can be asset stripped.
Re: Cain Hoy takeover

Glazers basically did it recently and were very successful by all accounts

Glazers did it because they own a global phenomenon in Manchester Utd and were thus able to generate sufficient interest on the Singapore Stock Exchange.

Spurs is not Man Utd.
Re: Cain Hoy takeover

We haven't even had fekin foreplay with Cain Hoy. Actually we haven't even seen a picture of her. And you want it to happen. That's why you are being scrutinised mate. It is odd to see a lack of caution when our club is incredibly well run in comparison most clubs in the PL.

To continue your analogy.. I think the blind date would have been set up by a good friend, someone that knows me and the other person very well and do not believe as close friends they would set me up with a tranny wearing size 10 high heels. ;) They would not want to lose there friend and all they have built up over the years.
Re: Cain Hoy takeover

Glazers did it because they own a global phenomenon in Manchester Utd and were thus able to generate sufficient interest on the Singapore Stock Exchange.

Spurs is not Man Utd.

Spurs does not have to be Man Utd.. I was replying anyway that you said it was so 80's.. yes the big sell off was in the 80's and not just Football clubs.. clubs are different now.. as are the sell offs.. Clubs are not cash pitfalls. They are cashcows run correctly. The money in football is crazily different to the 80s.
Re: Back Page tomorrow Mirror - Lewis to sell 1 Billion Tottenham

Everything's relative. When you're undertaking a major capital project and your turnover is just shy of £100m a year, £2m off the Bale fee is as significant to THFC potentially as some of the stuff going down at Fred's gaff while i was there.

I am sorry but I think your scarily over cautious. Bale was worth less than 5m a few years ago.. infact he was at one point down to a loan fee. lol If you think the Bale fee was a significant part of our bigger play picture we would never in a million years have spent it all. We already had a bulging squad. I am sure we should have done without 5 of the players and spent it on making sure we got the Moutinho deal over the line.
Re: Cain Hoy takeover

Spurs does not have to be Man Utd.. I was replying anyway that you said it was so 80's.. yes the big sell off was in the 80's and not just Football clubs.. clubs are different now.. as are the sell offs.. Clubs are not cash pitfalls. They are cashcows run correctly. The money in football is crazily different to the 80s.

Stock Markets like profits and dividends.

Football clubs that aren't Man Utd spend almost everything they have on keeping up with the Jones' and almost never pay out dividends.

More to the point, the big money to be made by owners now is the potential of a big sale to a single buyer (be that an individual or a company). They will not make a killing by floating on the Stock Exchange.
Re: Cain Hoy takeover

Stock Markets like profits and dividends.

Football clubs that aren't Man Utd spend almost everything they have on keeping up with the Jones' and almost never pay out dividends.

More to the point, the big money to be made by owners now is the potential of a big sale to a single buyer (be that an individual or a company). They will not make a killing by floating on the Stock Exchange.

I'll disagree, I think the money is only going to get bigger and people will want to be part of a 500m pie that could double to a billion. Not all companies give dividends either and many shares are bought of the back of the company getting bigger and not about profits.. i.e investing the profits into the company. When was the last UTD dividend?
Re: Cain Hoy takeover

I agree with almost everyone here, better the Devil you know.

It would be really odd for Levy to walk away now, after years of struggling along bit by bit, living within his means to grow Spurs, make a training ground, on the brink of starting the stadium... to walk away now after all this time is like rebuilding your dream car from a rusty heap and you sort out the bodywork, tranny, engine, it goes into the body shop and you walk away from it? Nah, that won't happen.

I guess if Levy stays and Lewis is swapped for Cain Hoy that doesn't affect things much.

I.e. I feel sure Cain Hoy cannot and would not surge Spurs into the top 4 through a cash injection of 1 or 2 billion pounds like Cheatski/City needed.

And as for those actively wishing for a billion pound injection, that would render the last 20 years of struggle pointless. We could have sold out 20 years ago but we didn't. I don't want to throw away 20 years of building at this point and just become another Arab project

We all signed up to it 20 years ago and have struggled along manfully inch by inch clawing our way towards the top, if we were to
Re: Cain Hoy takeover

The game 'Minecraft' was bought by Microsoft for 2.5 BILLION DOLLARS today. That's more than what Lewis apparently wants for Spurs.