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Carlyle takeover, was Cain Hoy takeover

Re: Cain Hoy takeover

Clearly it is impossible to predict Cain Hoys and intentions if they were to buy the club. You just don't know. That's why any sensible fan will be worried about any impending takeover from an investment fund. Especially when we have ENIC who we know and understand regardless of whether we like them or not.
Re: Cain Hoy takeover


For me at least Levy is one of the best chairmen around, we have no idea if he would be kept on or not in case of a switch of owners.

Lewis is I suppose an average owner all in all. Rarely invests in the club, but also rarely takes money out of the club. Seems to let Levy do his thing and for now at least his interests and ours (push on to top 4, build a new stadium) are well aligned.

I see a lot more ways that we could be worse off after a change of owners than ways we could be better off. Considering regression to the mean I would rather keep Lewis and Levy.

Plus the Ramos fiasco and our ridiculous January spend as a result show that ENIC are not prepared to see us in any danger of relegation and are willing to spend heavily to prevent that kind of scenario when the chips are down. Ultimately, whatever their actual motive for wanting Spurs to do well, whether its an affection for the club or just wanting their investment to protect its value, they appear to have our best interests at heart.
Re: Back Page tomorrow Mirror - Lewis to sell 1 Billion Tottenham

The problem with spending the Bale money on one replacement, much like Liverpool had with spending the Suarez money on one replacement (but to a lesser extent as they have a greater turnover than we have), is that you can spend £80m in transfer/agent fees all you like. Doesn't mean that you are going to be able to underwrite the wage demands of any player that is worth spending that amount of money on.

Just for example, even if we had the funds from Bale this summer we wouldn't have been able to buy Falcao, Sanchez or Di Maria, despite them all being available.

That's what annoys me when people bang on about our 'net spend' for the last few summers. Yes, our net-spend has declined, starting with the Redknapp era, but our spending on wages and bonuses particularly after the CL season has increased hugely. Signing Adebayor on a permanent deal was probably the biggest deal this club has ever done. But people don't see it that way as the 'transfer fee' was only £5m.

I would have delivered straight away #1 on the managers list. Considering how close Moutinho was, he would have been that signing! No fcuking around, no last moment changes in offers.. just get that $hit done.
Re: Cain Hoy takeover

The club don't make enough profit for a leveraged buyout to be on the table surely.

All else being equal, we make as much operating profit, or more, as Liverpool were making before Hicks and Gillette bought them in a leveraged buyout.
Re: Cain Hoy takeover

My position is not far from the way its being run now.. but with a little bit of our moto splashed in it. I also do not like us being owned by someone that clearly is in it for one reason and shows up once in a blue moon, when it feels like he can fit in a game amongst other engagements in his whirlwind visits.

I couldn't give a toss if Lewis went tomorrow. And I would certainly love it if he sold his shares in ENIC.. or sold 51% of it too Tottenham fans to finance the stadium. Almost like floating the club again.

Levy I don't mind. I'd almost admire the guy if I didn't believe he was a Lewis puppet. IMO Lewis is holding him back as well as the club.

I don't want millions spent on players, I'd prefer they spent it on the infrastructure.. there own money, with the cost of dong so coming back when they sell the club for that Billion that seems to be mentioned recently.

I'm old school in the fact I see owners as nothing more than custodians of football clubs and money should not be made of the back of them. If they try it then they should be ousted by the fans.

If the club sold the shares to the fans then we never again have to adhere to a dictatorship, but decisions are made by everyone.

The things I hate Levy for is his medalling in the transfer targets and hiding behind others when the blame for certain things lay at his door.. I think bringing in stubhub is the worst decision he has ever made and is a big fcuk you to every single Tottenham fan. He needs to be more transparent to all of us and stop treating us as customers instead of fans.

The Bale money I would have used on buying one replacement with the rest on the stadium.

Why do you think Cain Hoy would run the club differently, in a positive way?

Why do you think do you think Cain Hoy would be in it for any other reason than money?

I think Lewis could afford investing in a new stadium himself. If he doesn't think that makes financial sense, why do you think Cain Hoy would? Could they not be just as likely to think that solutions that are worse for the club would make more financial sense for them?

Do you think it's any more likely that Cain Hoy will sell 51% of the club to Tottenham fans?

You seem to want something that's just about entirely unlikely to ever happen. Nothing wrong with that, but surely some realism about what's actually likely to happen is worth considering before hoping for something to change?

I see no reason to think that Cain Hoy would be an improvement, which returns to milo's point from before...

Or float the club again and make a profit that way once the stadium is done.

If that made financial sense why isn't Lewis doing it already? If it doesn't make financial sense why would an investment company chose that over the current plan?
Re: Cain Hoy takeover

Clearly it is impossible to predict Cain Hoys and intentions if they were to buy the club. You just don't know. That's why any sensible fan will be worried about any impending takeover from an investment fund. Especially when we have ENIC who we know and understand regardless of whether we like them or not.

lol not scared of change you mean. Not happy with the norm and living in what they know, one week to the next.

In that case.. never spout our moto it doesn't suit
Re: Back Page tomorrow Mirror - Lewis to sell 1 Billion Tottenham

I would have delivered straight away #1 on the managers list. Considering how close Moutinho was, he would have been that signing! No fcuking around, no last moment changes in offers.. just get that $hit done.

My understanding of the Moutinho situation was that a deal was pretty much done but then a third party came in last minute claiming to have a stake and demanding a load of money and it was too late to verify or sort out any kind of deal.

I might be wrong but I don't think it was Levy that changed the deal last minute?
Re: Cain Hoy takeover

Why do you think Cain Hoy would run the club differently, in a positive way?

Why do you think do you think Cain Hoy would be in it for any other reason than money?

I think Lewis could afford investing in a new stadium himself. If he doesn't think that makes financial sense, why do you think Cain Hoy would? Could they not be just as likely to think that solutions that are worse for the club would make more financial sense for them?

Do you think it's any more likely that Cain Hoy will sell 51% of the club to Tottenham fans?

You seem to want something that's just about entirely unlikely to ever happen. Nothing wrong with that, but surely some realism about what's actually likely to happen is worth considering before hoping for something to change?

I see no reason to think that Cain Hoy would be an improvement, which returns to milo's point from before...

Hang on.. why do you think I am all over this company wishing they take over. lol Did you not read what I wanted to happen. :lol:
Re: Cain Hoy takeover

lol not scared of change you mean. Not happy with the norm and living in what they know, one week to the next.

In that case.. never spout our moto it doesn't suit

if there was a noticable trend of new owners coming in and improving clubs in the top leagues of England then i could see why people would be in favor - but to me there looks to be more of a trend suggesting failure, so i don't see the logic.

add in the fact that we're competing with 5 clubs with much higher turnovers and little indication that CainHoy would be pumping outside money in then i don't really see much scope for improvement either.

seems like a total roll of the dice, with them being heavily weighted against us
Re: Cain Hoy takeover

Why do you think Cain Hoy would run the club differently, in a positive way?

Why do you think do you think Cain Hoy would be in it for any other reason than money?

I think Lewis could afford investing in a new stadium himself. If he doesn't think that makes financial sense, why do you think Cain Hoy would? Could they not be just as likely to think that solutions that are worse for the club would make more financial sense for them?

Do you think it's any more likely that Cain Hoy will sell 51% of the club to Tottenham fans?

You seem to want something that's just about entirely unlikely to ever happen. Nothing wrong with that, but surely some realism about what's actually likely to happen is worth considering before hoping for something to change?

I see no reason to think that Cain Hoy would be an improvement, which returns to milo's point from before...

If that made financial sense why isn't Lewis doing it already? If it doesn't make financial sense why would an investment company chose that over the current plan?

Also, if building a massive new stadium in the middle of the most densely populated urban area in Western Europe was so easy if you happen to have a tonne of cash lying around, why hasn't Abramovich built one for Chelsea yet? As they clearly need one.
Re: Cain Hoy takeover

if there was a noticable trend of new owners coming in and improving clubs in the top leagues of England then i could see why people would be in favor - but to me there looks to be more of a trend suggesting failure, so i don't see the logic

Yeah but people ignore the Tans, the guy that bought Fulham, the Lerners, the Hicks & Gillets, the Mandarics, the Mike Ashleys, the Romanovs (Hearts). Even the owners who initially invested and saw a season or two of success before getting bored and pulling the plug (like what happened with Malaga and that Russian team).

People just see Abramovich and the Emirates Marketing Project Sheikhs and want that for our club. Despite that being the exception rather than the rule.
Re: Back Page tomorrow Mirror - Lewis to sell 1 Billion Tottenham

My understanding of the Moutinho situation was that a deal was pretty much done but then a third party came in last minute claiming to have a stake and demanding a load of money and it was too late to verify or sort out any kind of deal.

I might be wrong but I don't think it was Levy that changed the deal last minute?

Whatever it was.. get the deal done.

A bit like Archway.

In life, you don't get everything you want.. Levy unfortunately thinks otherwise, every now and then do what it takes. Dare is to do.
Re: Cain Hoy takeover

Hang on.. why do you think I am all over this company wishing they take over. lol Did you not read what I wanted to happen. :lol:

What you wrote that seemed relevant was: "I couldn't give a toss if Lewis went tomorrow."

Seeing as there's one announced interested party and other potential buyers are at least somewhat likely to be of a similar type to Cain Hoy I assumed that meant you would be fine with them taking over?

We can all make up ideal scenarios that we want to happen, but that doesn't make it likely in the slightest that it will actually happen. Unless there's a actual reasons to think that a better situation is likely to develop from a sale I would rather not see one happen.
Re: Cain Hoy takeover

Yeah but people ignore the Tans, the guy that bought Fulham, the Lerners, the Hicks & Gillets, the Mandarics, the Mike Ashleys, the Romanovs (Hearts). Even the owners who initially invested and saw a season or two of success before getting bored and pulling the plug (like what happened with Malaga and that Russian team).

People just see Abramovich and the Emirates Marketing Project Sheikhs and want that for our club. Despite that being the exception rather than the rule.

Swansea and Southampton have done well out of new owners also, it has to be said tbf
Re: Cain Hoy takeover

lol not scared of change you mean. Not happy with the norm and living in what they know, one week to the next.

In that case.. never spout our moto it doesn't suit
Being daring is one thing. Planning to propose marriage to a blind date is another.
Re: Cain Hoy takeover

Also, if building a massive new stadium in the middle of the most densely populated urban area in Western Europe was so easy if you happen to have a tonne of cash lying around, why hasn't Abramovich built one for Chelsea yet? As they clearly need one.

Chelsea don't really NEED one, they just want one to help them pretend they're a big club. After all their success they still struggle to fill their current one.
Re: Back Page tomorrow Mirror - Lewis to sell 1 Billion Tottenham

Whatever it was.. get the deal done.

A bit like Archway.

In life, you don't get everything you want.. Levy unfortunately thinks otherwise, every now and then do what it takes. Dare is to do.

sounds to me like you are the one in this scenario who thinks otherwise?

you don't get everything you want
Whatever it was.. get the deal done.
Re: Back Page tomorrow Mirror - Lewis to sell 1 Billion Tottenham

Whatever it was.. get the deal done.

A bit like Archway.

In life, you don't get everything you want.. Levy unfortunately thinks otherwise, every now and then do what it takes. Dare is to do.

You know I used to work for a company that had the attitude you had. "Just get it done, you only live once, just do the deal, don't think about it, just do it".

That was their attitude.

They were called RBS.
Re: Cain Hoy takeover

lol not scared of change you mean. Not happy with the norm and living in what they know, one week to the next.

In that case.. never spout our moto it doesn't suit

If of the opinion that our current setup is way better than average why would anyone hope for change?

That doesn't make anyone scared of change. It doesn't mean that people are happy with the norm. It doesn't take away one's right to think that to dare is to do.