Danny Murphy
I wouldn’t say it was a single moment but more that the opportunity was there to build our brand.I remember boring boring/1-0 to the Scum years, it's more 20+ years of CL revenue that I was referencing that gave them an advantage
Not sure I agree we had the opportunity to overtake them in a single moment (again, think this is a bit of a misconception, would be kind of like Leicester or West Ham saying they had a moment to overtake us permanently), you get ahead, you have to constantly work to keep ahead. But for arguments sake
1. Bale and Modric came too early, no amount of investment was going to allow us to keep them over Madrid. That has been proven years later where with the step up, we have been far less vulnerable to selling (when we don't want to)
2. Poch (and my opinion here is a lot more mixed than others) and the club had the context of Stadium, typical Spurs, good thing happens at worst possible time. The Stadium had to happen (it is what to your later point keeps Chelsea/Arsenal in reach financially), having to fudging move the point after our undefeated home season, having to live with some financial constraint, and at peak Poch years, that's brick timing.
3. Conte got Deki, Bentancur, Porro (we completely pushed the boat out for him on that), decided to be a dingdong about Spence, Biss as well?
You point re us paying the price in Sugar era is 100%, we have been in catchup ever since.
I don't disagree with the basic premise, could ENIC have been braver? 100%
I also believe we have the potential, my caveat is we don't have the "right" to be there (as some people think), it needs to be earned, and regardless of owners, or bravery, we will likely always been fighting in a rigged system (unless we become one of the cheats)
I would agree that with Bale and Modric, at some point they would have left, my issue is more that we didn’t really capitalise on them when they were there.
Players leave i get that, it’s just ours leave not because they have achieved everything they can and want a new challenge but because they don’t feel they can achieve what they want at Spurs.
Would agree there is no divine right but i do feel at times there is a section of our own fanbase who seem to try to tell others we should accept our place.
it’s kind of galling. I now live in Singapore, my kids goto school where the biggest supported club is Emirates Marketing Project( I think i went through my childhood in east london never meeting one city fan). They constantly get asked, why do you support Tottenham so it saddens me a little when I see others within our own fanbase questioning our potential