Taffy O'Callaghan
Funny old world, in January most on here were saying Marin was a one season wonder and not worth a second look... You can't have it both ways. Personally, I think ?ú7m for any player that has looked as hot as Marin has at times and still only 23 years old is an absolute steal. You can argue he hasn't been the same since Ozil left... but then he'll be playing with quality again when he gets to Chelsea so you should expect a big improvement in performances.
In my mind ?ú7m is a drop in the ocean. Potentially you stand to lose a million or two if they aren't working out, but at that price you stand to gain a brilliant footballer or a hefty sell on fee. What's not to like?
I wanted him us to bid for him in Jan. I certainly liked what I had seen of him, and at ?ú7m I think we have missed out