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Transfer Rumour Thread

Funny old world, in January most on here were saying Marin was a one season wonder and not worth a second look... You can't have it both ways. Personally, I think ?ú7m for any player that has looked as hot as Marin has at times and still only 23 years old is an absolute steal. You can argue he hasn't been the same since Ozil left... but then he'll be playing with quality again when he gets to Chelsea so you should expect a big improvement in performances.

In my mind ?ú7m is a drop in the ocean. Potentially you stand to lose a million or two if they aren't working out, but at that price you stand to gain a brilliant footballer or a hefty sell on fee. What's not to like?

I wanted him us to bid for him in Jan. I certainly liked what I had seen of him, and at ?ú7m I think we have missed out
No fudging chance he comes to Spurs.

Lets just wait for him to do it in the big boys league before everyone tosss him off eh?

Cole has looked class in that league!

The fact is Spurs will not pay more than ?ú100k a week and shouldn't do so either.


More chance of us signing Joe Cole
i seem to remember whenever Marins name has been brought up before (when we were supposedly in for him) he was roundly slated as living off a handful of CL performances and his league form has been terrible for 2 seasons?
Please GHod no ! :evil:

West Ham United goalkeeper Robert Green attracts interest from Spurs

West Ham United goalkeeper Robert Green could receive an offer from Spurs this summer.

The England shot stopper is out of contract at the end of the season and may only be willing to stay at Upton Park if the Hammers are promoted via the play-offs.

Tottenham are looking to bring in another goalkeeper to compete with Brad Friedel and Green could fit the bill.


More chance of us signing Joe Cole

Please. Don't.

This makes me feel like last night when they were talking on the radio about where Kevin Davies will go next and how he could still "do a job" and I'm getting cold sweats thinking "fudge no. Please Harry. No."
Please GHod no ! :evil:

West Ham United goalkeeper Robert Green attracts interest from Spurs

West Ham United goalkeeper Robert Green could receive an offer from Spurs this summer.

The England shot stopper is out of contract at the end of the season and may only be willing to stay at Upton Park if the Hammers are promoted via the play-offs.

Tottenham are looking to bring in another goalkeeper to compete with Brad Friedel and Green could fit the bill.


Could see this link happening if WHU dont win the play-offs, but cant see him leaving if they gain promotion
Please GHod no ! :evil:

West Ham United goalkeeper Robert Green attracts interest from Spurs

West Ham United goalkeeper Robert Green could receive an offer from Spurs this summer.

The England shot stopper is out of contract at the end of the season and may only be willing to stay at Upton Park if the Hammers are promoted via the play-offs.

Tottenham are looking to bring in another goalkeeper to compete with Brad Friedel and Green could fit the bill.


we will probably put in a bid for West Brom's Ben Foster, great keeper
Please GHod no ! :evil:

West Ham United goalkeeper Robert Green attracts interest from Spurs

West Ham United goalkeeper Robert Green could receive an offer from Spurs this summer.

The England shot stopper is out of contract at the end of the season and may only be willing to stay at Upton Park if the Hammers are promoted via the play-offs.

Tottenham are looking to bring in another goalkeeper to compete with Brad Friedel and Green could fit the bill.


I'll respond to this by stating that I won't even dignify this with a response.....
How's about...

"The sun'll come out, Vertonghen...
Betcha bottom dollar, that Vertonghen...
He will come...

Just thinkin' about, Vertonghen...
Clears away the cobwebs,
And the sorrow... 'Til there's none!

When I'm stuck a day
That's gray, And lonely,
I just stick out my chin
And Grin, And Saaaay,

The sun'll come out, Vertonghen
So ya gotta hang on, 'To Vertonghen
Come what may...

Vertonghen! Vertonghen!
We love ya Vertonghen!
You play it the Tottenahm way!

(or maybe just the last bit....) too soon?


we should sign him that alone!

More chance of us signing Joe Cole

It's funny really how so many fans fall over themselves about signing foreign players, especially French ones (all I can personally think of is that most of these guys are great in FM and that's how the reputation starts) and yet the thought of signing Joe Cole (who by all accounts has done brilliant in their league this year according to the two frenchman I know!) is treated with disgust! :lol:

I've never been a fan of Joe Cole personally, but I wonder if people would be more accepting of him if he was Le Joe Colineo!
It's funny really how so many fans fall over themselves about signing foreign players, especially French ones (all I can personally think of is that most of these guys are great in FM and that's how the reputation starts) and yet the thought of signing Joe Cole (who by all accounts has done brilliant in their league this year according to the two frenchman I know!) is treated with disgust! :lol:

I've never been a fan of Joe Cole personally, but I wonder if people would be more accepting of him if he was Le Joe Colineo!

I think people would be more accepting of him if he was anywhere near as consistent as Hazard and had even a glimmer of Hazard's goal return...
?ú60k a week. He's one of our biggest earners and nowhere near the starting XI!

Wow, I didn't know that. Can't find anything online about it either? Where did that figure come from? I just assumed as he was signed so cheaply he would have gotten a big signing on fee, but didn't realise he was on that match money per week. WTF was Levy thinking?!
Let's see if Hazard does it in one of the big leagues first.....

By which time Spurs will 100% guarenteed never be able to sign him... This is what taking a chance is all about. Not that this now applies to Hazard as he's already pretty much unattainable if the rumours are true. But the real point is about the clamour surrounding him... It's the game every year, look at the players in South America, Portugal, Netherlands, Croatia etc. that are tearing it up and try to figure out which of those player's form isn't being distorted by the league that they are in. If you can do that, you'll make a good scout.

Personally I like Hazard, when you look at his total contribution, he can make a midfield tick. It isn't just about one element, and that for me gives him a far greater chance than most players coming out of France. I wouldn't expect Sow or Remi to have anything like the same impact as Hazard may do.
By which time Spurs will 100% guarenteed never be able to sign him... This is what taking a chance is all about. Not that this now applies to Hazard as he's already pretty much unattainable if the rumours are true. But the real point is about the clamour surrounding him... It's the game every year, look at the players in South America, Portugal, Netherlands, Croatia etc. that are tearing it up and try to figure out which of those player's form isn't being distorted by the league that they are in. If you can do that, you'll make a good scout.

Personally I like Hazard, when you look at his total contribution, he can make a midfield tick. It isn't just about one element, and that for me gives him a far greater chance than most players coming out of France. I wouldn't expect Sow or Remi to have anything like the same impact as Hazard may do.

As if we could now anyway :lol: If we wanted him, we should have got him two or three seasons ago.
Wow, I didn't know that. Can't find anything online about it either? Where did that figure come from? I just assumed as he was signed so cheaply he would have gotten a big signing on fee, but didn't realise he was on that match money per week. WTF was Levy thinking?!

He is an icon back in his native South Africa. Commercial deal if ever there was one.