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Transfer Rumour Thread

In terms of transfers I would not be surprised if Redknapp is really out of the loop in terms of the negotiations and often doesn't know what is going on. He might honestly just be saying what he knows and it's as simple as that.
I have never said Redknapp's interviews are gospel. He just says what he believes at the time, and out it all pours. It could well be that Levy just isn't keeping him in the loop because his days are numbered (oh, how you'd LOVE that!) or it could be that Redknapp knows full well that we can't have Spurs publically accused of tapping up a player we haven't made an official approach for yet (even though all clubs do it, and usually agents are contacted well in advance of approaching the club to make a bid).

Sad if you really believe that part
hmmm.......... i dont know why you're saying this. too many times this man has been caught out in scenarios that showcase his ability to lie

This is in relation to transfer dealings. Keep in mind that he legally can't say brick about us speaking to a player if we haven't officially contacted that player's club yet.
hmmm.......... i dont know why you're saying this. too many times this man has been caught out in scenarios that showcase his ability to lie

You mean like this " teriffic player" "top man" would i want that type of player here, yes i would but he plays for ( insert team) so i can not comment. :lol:
So Marko Marin is off the Chelsea for only 7 big ones? Why weren't we in for him?

Hasn't his stock fallen a bit recently?

One thing that Spurs fans also have to understand is that we can't afford to pay first team wages for squad players. Our midfield of Bale, Sandro, Modric, Lennon (if they all stay!) is a very good midfield and it's unlikely we'll be signing any player who will want ?ú60K a week plus to be their back up. We just don't have that sort of money to burn.
Yes, unless we have a better replacement guaranteed. Not Rogers or Martinez for that matter

Well I guess it will give you another season of pleasure as you slate the Manager for every decision, refuse to give him any credit for any Spurs result and sooner or later will end up in you proudly telling the world I told you so when he gets the sack!
Well I guess it will give you another season of pleasure as you slate the Manager for every decision, refuse to give him any credit for any Spurs result and sooner or later will end up in you proudly telling the world I told you so when he gets the sack!

I've always given him credit for our good results - doesn't mean I cannot express concern for some of his other aspect on a game to game basis

Quote 5 of my posts where I've slated his decisions over the last few months or called him a 'qunt'. Thouhgt it would be best to go after those 'fans' comments few weeks back as the relationship appeared to have been irrepairable

You really need to read more carefully - not everyone wants to kick him dead
Seriously you guys are fudging crazy.

Lock the thread, we should be discussing this in the transfer thread as mere speculation........this coont aint coming anywhere near the lane accept playing for the away team next year.

Stranger things happen at sea mate. Don't forget that Emirates Marketing Project and United are being linked with everyone... Daniele De Rossi, Hamsik, Hazard, Modric, Martinez... I'm sure that Sneijder will come back up for United again, the list goes on and on.

The main problem, as usual, is that these players will hold out until the big spenders have spent before taking a move to a "lesser" club.
One thing that Spurs fans also have to understand is that we can't afford to pay first team wages for squad players. Our midfield of Bale, Sandro, Modric, Lennon (if they all stay!) is a very good midfield and it's unlikely we'll be signing any player who will want ?ú60K a week plus to be their back up. We just don't have that sort of money to burn.

Marin said that we were

Funny old world, in January most on here were saying Marin was a one season wonder and not worth a second look... You can't have it both ways. Personally, I think ?ú7m for any player that has looked as hot as Marin has at times and still only 23 years old is an absolute steal. You can argue he hasn't been the same since Ozil left... but then he'll be playing with quality again when he gets to Chelsea so you should expect a big improvement in performances.

In my mind ?ú7m is a drop in the ocean. Potentially you stand to lose a million or two if they aren't working out, but at that price you stand to gain a brilliant footballer or a hefty sell on fee. What's not to like?