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*** Tottenham Hotspur v Aston Villa ***

Maybe world class with clubs with ready made squads?

Has he taken over a club with a mediocre squad and improved their performances without piles of cash being spent?
To me he seems to be a one trick pony, that needs exactly the right player for every position in his system, because he doesn't seem to be able to adabt it the slightest. If he doesn't have the perfect players, it falls apart.
Spurs are making it really easy for me to not spend money on match tickets/petrol/hotels and put it towards the electric bill
We have got tickets for City and that will be the last one we go to this season if it continues like this.
Deserved boos - Conte is starting to look like he's on borrowed time.

I will say this for him though - he needs the personnel to play his system, and we just haven't given them to him. As with Mourinho. And while I am starting to get sick to the back teeth of him and his obsessions with predictable automatisms everyone in the league has figured out, nothing will change at this club if we sack him and get Poch back, or anyone, really.

Because this same set of players will let them down too.

And that's the issue. He's too inflexible. When he came in didn't he make big noises about making it work with what we have? Very little evidence of that.

We now have a very unbalanced squad.
We have got tickets for City and that will be the last one we go to this season if it continues like this.

Sold City, Chelsea and Spam on the exchange yesterday. Have no interest in watching us get embarrassed. Will travel for Arsenal as we are big group coming over together.
well if that is the case they can all F U C K OFF. how many managers are we going to go through to make the players happy?

If none of the managers make the players happy then in part at least that’s down to the manager. I mean the manager has to manage the dressing room. The only thing I would say is that managers often require a few seasons to build their squads and Conte doesn’t deserve that right now.
We have signed

Perisic - Free
Bissouma -£25m
Lenglet - Free
Bentancur -£16m
Richarlison -£50m + add ons
Kukusevski - still on loan. So nothing as yet.

How much did all that come to? He has been backed and has had players he wanted.

Not a lot. About £90m
ONE big player for the teams we are competing against like Utd , Chelsea , City or Liverpool.
See above.
Dont forget Forster on a free as well.
Spurs have conceded at least twice in seven consecutive league matches for the first time since November 1988.

Wow it's been that many matches.

Same old story again, turgid start but this time we never came back. Zero creativity - I don't see how Conte doesn't see it. It's all well and good saying it's the FBs who provide it in this system but if you don't have the right FBs then you have to adapt the system.
Worryingly , we have a lot of deadwood we can't get rid of. Our best players are old and seem to be on the decline ( kane , Son, Loris etc).
We have no academy players coming through.
The younger players we have bought like Gil, Spence etc don't seem to be good enough or arent going to get a game.
I posted a long drunken post last night on the PL thread saying how depressing it was with us and those down the road.
I was told its only one game but now it's two for us and two for all our rivals and they gave all come back the same or even better.
Its clear we have huge problems and are miles away.
We simply have to many poor or ageing players that appear to be on the decline.
I'm seriously thinking of giving the rest of this season a miss.
It's going to be a very long season (literally and metaphorically) as there are more games post world cup than pre world cup and with these performances and injuries it's going to be a test of endurance.

i've been saying this for some time now, but have been ridiculed on here so beware some are more optimistic that things are working and fine.
it hasn't been working for some time now and it was a matter of time before the opposition figured it out.
well if that is the case they can all F U C K OFF. how many managers are we going to go through to make the players happy?
Problem with bigging players up far beyond their actual ablilities, they're starting to believe it themselves. Dele Alli, looking at you.
Perisic - free
Biss - 25m
Lenglet - loan
Bentancur - 15m
Richy - 60m
Kulu - loan

100m total.

Chelsea spent 272m just this summer. Arse spent about 500m total backing Arteta.
I put it in a slightly differently way( see my post ) and my total was £90m ( £10m add ons for Richarlison) but we both made the point that we don't spend enough. Simples.
People going way over board as usual.

We were missing multiple huge players, did anyone see what we had on the bench ffs.

Once Richy and Kulu are both missing then also missing Lucas becomes another huge miss. Best midfielder out too. So it was never going to be a bed of roses but we were easily the better team until Hugo did what Hugo does.

Unfortunately we have been totally decimated by injuries to key players this season especially attacking ones. That’s the reality and it will result in 6th place at best but please save us sensible people from the dramatic whinging I have read from multiple posters.

Can only hope we continue to fine tune the squad in the next two windows and if we do that and avoid another absurd bunch of injuries next season then 23/24 campaign can be what this season had promise of being.
Sold City, Chelsea and Spam on the exchange yesterday. Have no interest in watching us get embarrassed. Will travel for Arsenal as we are big group coming over together.
Only reason we are going to the City game os because my boy wants to see ODB, Haaland, Foden etc live.
To me he seems to be a one trick pony, that needs exactly the right player for every position in his system, because he doesn't seem to be able to adabt it the slightest. If he doesn't have the perfect players, it falls apart.
That’s conte ball
But we did it so well last season
Everyone was brought in and …. One game a week
Deserved boos - Conte is starting to look like he's on borrowed time.

I will say this for him though - he needs the personnel to play his system, and we just haven't given them to him. As with Mourinho. And while I am starting to get sick to the back teeth of him and his obsessions with predictable automatisms everyone in the league has figured out, nothing will change at this club if we sack him and get Poch back, or anyone, really.

Because this same set of players will let them down too.

This is an issue with the structure then, the whole point of a DOF is to instill an ethos/style of play across the team and sign the players for it so in theory changes of manager shouldn't affect the team that much. He did sign quite a few players in the summer and if FBs are so important why not get a new RB in. It feels like the people at the top (Levy and Patrici) don't have a clue of the type of football they want to play and just get some big names in to appease players and manager.
And that's the issue. He's too inflexible. When he came in didn't he make big noises about making it work with what we have? Very little evidence of that.

We now have a very unbalanced squad.

We do, but a lot of it predates Conte. No one can make Eric Dier work. No one. No one can make Ben Davies anything other than mediocre, and I don't think any manager accounts for Son being in such atrocious form (goalless in 16 out of 17 PL games is a truly mindblowing stat for the holder of last season's Golden Boot).

You can't account for Lloris' rapid decline either - he's only fit for the knacker's yard now. And the backups, Sanchez et al, are just utterly mediocre even compared to what Villa have.

I'm telling you, any manager who sees this lot will play the way Conte does, because there is no other choice with the personnel we have. We need 3 defenders, or we will concede hatfuls. We need 3 forwards, because we will struggle to score otherwise. That means we can only play a midfield two, and without Bentancur that midfield duo looks horrid because it is.

I blame him for a lot of things, but not for the tactics he uses, because truth be told, it's the only way to make this squad work.
Awful. Lose Palace and Arsenal and I think he’s gone.
we can do better. draw with place at least.but conte still deserves to go.
exp levy will wait until we are tenth then install ryan mason for the remainder of the season.
Thing is, those games we could very well get something from. It's not as we have poor players, it's just that they are not acting very professional at the time. We need to put away most of those teams we're supposed to be better than.

agree this is on conte. play players to their strengths:
- like how southgate did with kane deeper
- counter attack fast with space for son to run into

and work the team harder:
- defend deep with numbers but make sure the players press with more urgency
- counter fast with more urgency

what's the point of all that fitness training when we want to play slower than the opposition?
is conte just here for the money?