Johnny nice-tits
Odd, all the ones i try just say video no found even on that new list you just posted... strange things
Just checked, mine are saying that too, maybe a site update or something, it changes fairly regularly
Odd, all the ones i try just say video no found even on that new list you just posted... strange things
Do any of them work for you? all i seem to get is video file not found.
Watched A Clockwork Orange yesterday. Don't know what to make of it really. I understood it perfectly, but I don't get what the point of the film was.
Stanley Kubrick did make some strange films.
New Robocop.
Oh dear GHod do they nto realise action movies have moved on in the last 20 years, clearly it is set up so the son can take over the franchise from willis and the studio can keep making movies.
Oh dear GHod do they nto realise action movies have moved on in the last 20 years, clearly it is set up so the son can take over the franchise from willis and the studio can keep making movies.
Hmm... With the stuff that comes out nowadays, I'm actually finding myself yearning for a dodgy Arnie film!
James Bond night tonight; Live & Let Die followed by Goldeneye
The Expendables 2 is up on Bolt on Bluray 720 & 1080
Watched it yesterday
Was a decent action movie
2 of the poorer Bond films IMO.