Pascal Chimbonda
I would be sad but wish him no ill will after the England team flops once again maybe he can come back to us in a year or two. he is the best manager in my lifetime both in results and style of play
so actually, if its being suggested that Pardew is being successful in organizing a Saudi Sportswashing Machine team of players that he doesnt buy, then id say that makes him a very decent candidate for the England role where basically he will have the same task...working with a pre-determined set of players
makes Sugar's smart ass comment sound even more macaronic
So, it all comes back to people thinking that abusing someone, and showing them support has the same effect. "Nothing" we could have done? Like backed him for his achievements you mean?
"Stop raking up the past?" What are you on about?
As for the last line, either respond to what I said or not at all. There is a difference between harbouring doubts, and abusing someone by calling them a theif, and a saggy faced tactically inept c#nt, and constantly calling for their sacking
Why do think he lost his rag over the idiots calling Talkbrick?
Despite what some people think, he doesnt just fly from Sandbanks to WHL and is shut off from the rest of the world.
Im not sure what people are'nt listeng to.
I didnt say giving him support all along would have made him stay, but to say it couldnt have made a difference if that amount of people had not spat venom at him over the last three years is ludicrous.
Are people saying that giving players and managers support or abuse doesnt have an effect on their feelings towards their club? You dont know Harry Redknapp. You see the bravado, and the character, and the reputation.
To say you know it wouldnt have helped make his decision is baseless.
Love for the club and the badge is what's left, what matters.
Not some fudging mercenary like Modders who would and will fudge us off for a fiver.
I wouldn't hold it against Redknapp, but I feel Bernstein would need to resign from the FA. You can't poach a manager contracted to one of your member clubs mid-season
fudge me - you're such a fudging martyr aren't you??
Always wanting to point out your preception that you're the fudging best fan ever and we're all pretending.
Wind it in pal - Harry is a clam, a good manager and one I would gladly keep, but if he goes - BOTHERED!
We finished 5th with Jol......Ramos was a fudging mong and the team was never a bottom of the table team.
Harry has done a PROFICIENT job IMO.....nothing more, IN MY OPINION.
If he goes, good luck to him. He'll go for self interest, nothing more nothing less. Not because some Spurs fans slagged him once!
Harry does what's right for Harry - just like he showed when he left Pompey for Saints..........a massive clamS TRICK IMO!
You won't change my mind so don't bother pal. We all have opinions and we are all EQUALLY entitled to them.
You're tiresome attempts at oneupmanship are pathetic.
Calm down, petal.
The number of Spurs fans who post on various Spurs forums actually represents a tiny proportion of the overall fan base. Even more true of those who bother to ring up radio phone in shows. And of those who post on forums and call in to radio shows, only a fraction of them (considerably less than half) are or have been abusive about Harry. Furthermore, I doubt that Harry has ever looked at an internet forum in his life. He can't read after all.
So it seems to me that you're being melodramatic over nothing. For an old school English football man, as Harry indubitably is, the England job has always been the pinnacle. He would have been interested in it regardless of whether or not a section of fans abused him on some obscure corner of the www.
mate, youve been banging on about this all fudging day, winding everyone up. go and read a book or something
mate, youve been banging on about this all fudging day, winding everyone up. go and read a book or something
my man love for you will never die
(In a firm handshake, slap on the back kind of way)
@ jimmyb
Well you are the one who started responding to my posts on this subject #-o
Totman your my 2nd fav poster on here (don't be offended) but calm the fudge down!!! We all love Tottenham more than Redknapp and if he goes he goes.
Leeds spur to say he's done a proficient job? What your saying is that with the resources available to him he's done what he should've done right? Gotta say I agree to a certain extent but he's gotta be given massive respect nonetheless.
Your point is.....?