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Tim Sherwood…gone \o/

Do you want Tim Sherwood to stay as manager?

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Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

We need to show some class and at least appreciate him putting himself on the line when no one else where available to take the job.

What if the job was what he wanted all along? What if he was one of the people pushing AVB out of the door?

What if, as has been said by at least two of his previous managers, YTS is a disruptive influence and a poison within a club?
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Being in that young Portuguese manager Villas Boas until the end of the season.

Ill take anyone before Sherwood, at least AWB had an idea and structure to the team. A championship huff and puff team fighting for relegation would suite Tim.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

They're both not good enough. No matter how much you try and spice up avb's record, tactics, etc etc...we all have eyes so we actually saw the brand of football we produced. Quit bringing him up all the time.

personally I loved the brand of football he produced
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

It important because Timmeh got the job, maybe even got AVB sacked, by wormtonging that he could do better. And he's clearly doing far worse.

I'll get over my AVB thing as soon as the new guy is announced.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Was his 'Pardew' a sackable offence in itself? I've not seen it yet.

Give Hoddle or Freund the last 9 games

No, it could be explained away as not being very good at throwing (it was clearly intentional and he had clearly lost control though).
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

i want Sherwood out of the club......this guy will be poison round the place once the knew manager comes in. Im no AVB fan, but i have sympathy with him for having to put up with this cnut hanging around in the shadows
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

What if the job was what he wanted all along? What if he was one of the people pushing AVB out of the door?

What if, as has been said by at least two of his previous managers, YTS is a disruptive influence and a poison within a club?

A lot of whats and ifs. All conjecture. The reality is, AVB was sacked and we had no manager. AVB possibly was happy to go. Its a reality some on here have not been able to deal with. Instead preferring to create a pantomime villain character of Tim Sherwood.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

8 loses in 18 now

AVB only lost 16 in 80

AVB spent tens of millions on transfers, had 2 full pre-seasons and 18 months on the training pitch with an army of assistants and coaches. Sherwood has Les Ferdinand and the toughest March fixture run imaginable. Apples and oranges.

People are being seriously unreasonable here.

- In the OMT before the game everyone was worried about a 4 or 5 tonking. Well, it was 1-0 and we deserved a point at least. There was a lot of spirit shown by the team. Our defence was awful, but that was again down to individual brain-farting. Overall we were pretty ok given recent catastrophes.

- People are asking why Eriksen was taken off, despite the fact he was playing poorly and clearly looked tired having played Thursday. His dead balls today were shockingly poor.

- People wonder why Paulinho came on for Sandro, when Sandro was on a yellow and totally out of puff. A £17m Brazilian international should be able to do what Sandro was doing and if he can't he should already be on the transfer list.

- Both the Siggy and Pauli subs were attempts to retain our general pattern only with fresh personnel. Didn't work, but it wasn't terrible decision making from the line.

So yeah, I think it's all getting a bit too nasty and personalised. AVB and Levy should be in front of the firing squad way before Sherwood.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

8 loses in 18 now

AVB only lost 16 in 80

Seriously, **** off. Did you even watch the game today? Thought you were busy watching the grand prix.

I personally think Sherwood should have gone for a 4-4-2. In fact, the live score thing I look at to see our team selection before every game said we had Ade and Soldado up front. I thought it was a spot on selection.

Then when I whacked on my stream I see Ade starting up on his own with Chadli playing! I honestly don't know why Sherwood chucked in Chadli, a player who he hasn't trusted up to this point. I'm also still bemused that since Soldado got his goal, a moment you could sense that just may help him, he hasn't started.

Still though, we put in a encouraging performance. The last few games have got me to realise something, something which wasn't obvious without seeing our new singings in action for extended periods of time. We just haven't got a good enough squad.

I still hope that we can get LVG but seeing as he just wants one job before he retires if I was him I'd stay away from Tottenham Hotspur because we have a long old job on our hands before we can think of moving close to a top four challenge.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

A lot of whats and ifs. All conjecture. The reality is, AVB was sacked and we had no manager. AVB possibly was happy to go. Its a reality some on here have not been able to deal with. Instead preferring to create a pantomime villain character of Tim Sherwood.

The last bit isn't. I've only read about his relationship with two managers and both of them have described him as a disruptive influence. Until or unless I see some evidence that he's changed his ways I'll continue to believe that's how he acts.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

What if the job was what he wanted all along? What if he was one of the people pushing AVB out of the door?

What if, as has been said by at least two of his previous managers, YTS is a disruptive influence and a poison within a club?

Never in doubt…but the cold fact is, he is our manager, he was given the job, I was willing to back him as a supporter, I was prepared to be hopeful but he has proven that he cannot do it. Hopefully Levy sticks to his plan and completes the LVG deal, having said that, hopefully Levy will understand that in doing so, he needs to make sure he SUPPORTS the man PROPERLY for AT LEAST THREE SEASONS…this really will be a vanishing point summer for us. A last roll of the dice. If Levy f**ks this up, then we won't get a sniff of anyone worthwhile for years...
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

im not surprised Sherwood gets along with Levy...both seem to be slimy blame shifters
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

i want Sherwood out of the club......this guy will be poison round the place once the knew manager comes in. Im no AVB fan, but i have sympathy with him for having to put up with this cnut hanging around in the shadows

He didn't passively put up with it though did he - AVB apparently banned him from training ground and refused to play any of his players in the early round cup games. Macbeth got his man in the end though.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

It important because Timmeh got the job, maybe even got AVB sacked, by wormtonging that he could do better. And he's clearly doing far worse.

I'll get over my AVB thing as soon as the new guy is announced.

Mate, what new guy? WTF are you talking about?

No one, I repeat, no one will take the job now.

Van Gaal's agent when Levy arrives at his office.
