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Tim Sherwood…gone \o/

Do you want Tim Sherwood to stay as manager?

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Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

There's no defending him for today.
We're looking good, creating chances, then he feels the best substitutions he can make are Siggy and Invisibilinho for Chadli and Sandro. He then takes off our most creative player and puts on a striker that needs creativity. ****ed us deep deep in the ass and didn't even have the decency to use lube.

It's one thing getting destroyed by the opposition but it certainly doesn't help when your manager handicaps your chances of winning by acting like a clueless ****.

In fairness, that implies you think Sherwood's initial selection, prep and tactics were good and were working until the subs.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

There's no defending him for today.
We're looking good, creating chances, then he feels the best substitutions he can make are Siggy and Invisibilinho for Chadli and Sandro. He then takes off our most creative player and puts on a striker that needs creativity. ****ed us deep deep in the ass and didn't even have the decency to use lube.

It's one thing getting destroyed by the opposition but it certainly doesn't help when your manager handicaps your chances of winning by acting like a clueless ****.

Sandro sub made perfect sense. He was on a booking, Bentaleb was the only thing on the pitch resembling anything remotely defensive so makes sense to leave him on. I don't rate Paulinho but he is supposedly an attacking midfielder so that made sense.

Siggy was a bit weird I'll give you that.

Eriksen a been injured and played Thursday so although I'd have liked to see him stay on, I can understand it.

When he made the subs our good period had fizzled out. Honestly I think a change was needed. I would have liked to have seen Soldado earlier and I don't think the subs he made were ever going to change the game, but I can understand why he made them
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

In fairness, that implies you think Sherwood's initial selection, prep and tactics were good and were working until the subs.

I understood his team selection and i think our tactics were good for the most part. You can't make those subs though...no way....no way at all.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

I've been critical of him since he got the job, but getting a 1-0 against that lot with this shower of ****e is a good result
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

I really dont get why bentalab is so undropable..he looked so timid out there. Not someone who is going to boss the midfield. He might come good at some point in the future but think he should have come off.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Was it TS' 13th game? Unlucky for us.

Its hard to know how someone else would fair picking up the side as he did. We need to show some class and at least appreciate him putting himself on the line when no one else where available to take the job. He hasnt done a bad job in tough circumstances imo. If its not TS, losses are always blamed on someone. Levy. Vertonghen. Who next? You have to see it for what it is. A difficult job coming in midseason and trying to turn around a failing side.
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Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Sherwood, like the t*t before him, doesn't have a clue. We saw what AVB minus Bale was this season, same sh1te as that game just now: lots of possession, no good chances being created (please don't count Chesney dropping the ball), and a badly organised defence when it actually gets called upon.

We have to get someone with a clue on how to get players passing, moving and creating chances, without being suicidal in defence. What we have had under AVB (the team without Bale) and now Sherwood is a team that can move the ball around the pitch between each box, but can't do any good when it comes to the crunch in defence or attack.

I am sick of this rubbish, and it was only Bale that made things palatable last season.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Unless he was injured I cannot fathom why you take off Eriksen for Soldado. He is the one player who can play a decent pass in traffic and off he goes. macaronic decision.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

I didn't think Eriksen was playing well actually but Siggy did less than nothing. Blow hard and he falls over. The boy needs to hit the gym.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

8 loses in 18 now

AVB only lost 16 in 80

They're both not good enough. No matter how much you try and spice up avb's record, tactics, etc etc...we all have eyes so we actually saw the brand of football we produced. Quit bringing him up all the time.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

They're both not good enough. No matter how much you try and spice up avb's record, tactics, etc etc...we all have eyes so we actually saw the brand of football we produced. Quit bringing him up all the time.

This... AVB was no genius... Bale was pretty good tho with the world class strike to bag us all 3 points
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Beckenbauer is slating Guardiola for making Bayern boring. Maybe he'll be available in the summer?
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Tim signed himself out in the summer today…the temper-tantrums only work once or twice, after that you look unhinged…his substitutions were just awful. Two full-backs on yellow cards and you cannot find a way to put them under pressure? Soldado comes on and you take Eriksen off? Sigurdsson comes on? Just bizarre. As for Paulinho (a player I like as a, err, player) he does not want to be here and is putting in 60-70%. WHY play him?