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Tim Sherwood…gone \o/

Do you want Tim Sherwood to stay as manager?

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Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

By that you're saying you don't care who wins the NLD today?

I know what is going to happen, so I'm just going to ignore it (I'm clearly not alone seeing as we couldn't even sell all our tickets).

At least there will only be 9 games left till I can get interested in football again.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

I know what is going to happen, so I'm just going to ignore it (I'm clearly not alone seeing as we couldn't even sell all our tickets).

At least there will only be 9 games left till I can get interested in football again.

Can you not just answer the question directly?
Who would you like to win the NLD today Or is it simply a case of you not having a preference?
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

GB, why not watch the game today? You might think you know what's going to happen today, and your probably right. Growing up under the Gooner George, Glen Hoddle, Pleat and Santini years our season was almost over before it started. But the NLD was our chance to claim a huge win at least once. Granted, we never did, but after years of having the NLD being our only important fixture of the season what's one more year?

Besides, you say " there will only be 9 games left till I can get interested in football again" well what happens if we end up with another season like this, or worse? Will you give up on supporting the club all together?

Every Spurs fan far and wide should be watching the game at 4 oclock this afternoon. So long as that's possible of course.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

I'll watch it, I'm desperate for us to win, I have absolutely no faith in this group of players though
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Of course, the hope is, that its soooooooo unlikely and everyone thinks we will lose that who knows, we might actually suprise ourselves and win it. Thats why we will all be watching today - in blind hope that we might just do it. Of course the odds are against it but stranger things have happened.

I refuse to believe any Spurs fan is genuinely disinterested in this game or actually "wants" us to lose.

Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Of course, the hope is, that its soooooooo unlikely and everyone thinks we will lose that who knows, we might actually suprise ourselves and win it. Thats why we will all be watching today - in blind hope that we might just do it. Of course the odds are against it but stranger things have happened.

I refuse to believe any Spurs fan is genuinely disinterested in this game or actually "wants" us to lose.


GB said he wants us to lose every game that sherwood is in charge of and has openly cheered on Palace and Swansea in games against us.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

To be fair I am not watching the game today, taking the family out for a day in the countryside, if we win then I will happily watch Match Of The day tonight and enjoy it but most likely I will come home and put teletext up and see we have lost.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

To be fair I am not watching the game today, taking the family out for a day in the countryside, if we win then I will happily watch Match Of The day tonight and enjoy it but most likely I will come home and put teletext up and see we have lost.

Smart move mate. Stunner of a day. Spurs will still be here. Contrary to what many people on here will feel if we lose :) Some things are more important.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Nice to see we have some real loyal fans, though thick and thin and all that....

Loyal to who?

Last I checked, we're spurs fans, not Tim Sherwood fans.

Surely if we think spurs would be better suited with a different manager, then saying it is nothing but being loyal to spurs, as we want spurs to do the best they can.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

I know what is going to happen, so I'm just going to ignore it (I'm clearly not alone seeing as we couldn't even sell all our tickets).

At least there will only be 9 games left till I can get interested in football again.

You remind me of a guy I was friends with when I was younger. We lost contact and about 2 years ago he added me and a bunch of other old friends on FB. This season we've all discovered he is an Arsenal fan. Arsenal are now 'good again' so all he ever talks about is how they're gonna win the league this year. I genuinely didn't even know he followed football until this season, and I've known him since I was about 11 years old.

Is your hatred for TS really that strong that you want us to lose? If by some kind of complete and utter miracle he won us the CL next would you not cheer?
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Loyal to who?

Last I checked, we're spurs fans, not Tim Sherwood fans.

Surely if we think spurs would be better suited with a different manager, then saying it is nothing but being loyal to spurs, as we want spurs to do the best they can.

What the hell are you talking about?! Who said anything about being loyal to the manager? I doubt there's anyone on this forum that detests Sherwood as much as me; I'm talking about the people not wanting to watch and just seeing the result, then if it's positive then they'll watch match of the day, and other people agreeing and such.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

There's no defending him for today.
We're looking good, creating chances, then he feels the best substitutions he can make are Siggy and Invisibilinho for Chadli and Sandro. He then takes off our most creative player and puts on a striker that needs creativity. ****ed us deep deep in the ass and didn't even have the decency to use lube.

It's one thing getting destroyed by the opposition but it certainly doesn't help when your manager handicaps your chances of winning by acting like a clueless ****.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

I think Sherwood will last the season and be replaced this summer. I'd love to see Prandelli, but would be happy with LVG, De Boer, or another. I think TS is too inexperienced to do this job and his rage and hysteria has translated itself to our team, IMO. Passion is important, but so is professionalism, class, and skill. He hasn't been all bad, but he needs to learn his craft at a lower level, IMO.