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Tim Sherwood…gone \o/

Do you want Tim Sherwood to stay as manager?

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Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

AVB should've been given to the end of the season. Why not?!?! Why give someone with no experience be preferred?! It's baffling. If it was AVB he would've been given the time managers don't usually get, and people couldn't have argued with if we had an awful season, the players knew who their manager was (blatantly don't think Tim's their long term)... And AVB was slowly putting his football into place, with a MASSIVE turnaround of players!!

Problem with Tim is not only do I feel he is utterly clueless, have i seen such tactical ineptitude in a spurs team, completely at opposite ends to my opinion of what the first 11 and subs should be, etc. He's also a complete and utter ****!! It makes it really difficult to watch spurs... if I liked him I could still really enjoy things and have a desire and faith for him to come good... but I can't bear him, and his stupid interviews where he comes across like a complete macaron...

I need to step away and forget this season, and just hope we get someone good in the summer (though the rumours of Pandrelli is satnini all over it), and yes, we'll be starting again, yes our best players (Lloris, Jan, Sandro) will probably leave, but I just want to feel like we have a plan, and a vision, and we show some faith in it!!
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Yep and blowing, what was it, £100m? On new players hasn't improved us one bit! Something isn't right over at WHL.

But we didn't blow 100 million. We sold Bale, Huddlestone, Dempsey and Caulker. That brought in about the same amount of money. Anyone who thought we were going to be much better off was delusional.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Yep and blowing, what was it, £100m? On new players hasn't improved us one bit! Something isn't right over at WHL.

I'd argue City, Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool and even Everton have improved from last season. Being up there with them kind of suggests we're not exactly getting worse. The problem is we're relying on individuals to turn it on as there's no system.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

no, a year ago we had one of the best players in the world and looked set to challenge for the title this season

Yeah. Unfortunately he wanted to leave and we received a world record bid for him
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

I'd argue City, Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool and even Everton have improved from last season. Being up there with them kind of suggests we're not exactly getting worse. The problem is we're relying on individuals to turn it on as there's no system.

I disagree with that.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Do you think Levy can see the lack of system we have in place, or people will advise him on this, or do you think he'll make any decision purely on a points / position basis?
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

But we didn't blow 100 million. We sold Bale, Huddlestone, Dempsey and Caulker. That brought in about the same amount of money. Anyone who thought we were going to be much better off was delusional.

we blew 100 mill. It looks like we didnt spend it wisely. Of course hindsight is a great thing, but the people in charge at Spurs are paid a big sum of money to get these decisions as right as possible and imo it looks like this hasnt happened
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

I disagree with that.

Our defensive shape is all over the place and our passing and movement going forward is generally poor. We need someone to conjure up something special, like Bale last season. If Ade doesn't maintain his conversion ratio until the end of the season it's looking bleak.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

I disagree with that.

especially when compared to last season when that was probably more true.

everyone said it was Bale who got us where we were last season - looking back at the squad last season it really was lacking in most areas if we're honest (and look at it without Bale in the side) - i think what we've done in the summer window is address a fair bit of the squad, we have depth in most areas now and some very good players in key positions. id say this season we have been playing well below our squads potential, whether that be under performing players or in a tactical/stylistic sense - but with the right managerial appointment come the summer and two or three key signings i think we can be optimistic looking at where we can go from here.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Bale wanted to go. There was no guarantee that he would have reproduced the previous season's form, or stayed fit. Given the circumstances levy made the most rational decision. He then sanctioned the spending of £80+m on players - and didn't leave it all until the final day. I'm sure it is not entirely his fault that we bought some duffers. Levy can be blamed for a lot of things - but he did his best to mitigate the loss of Bale.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

I dunno, seems to me we signed players for the long term where we may have been better off taking a win now mentality

a like for like replacement for bale would have been unlikely but I'm sure we could have done better than Chadli
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

"I told them to go out and do better at half time"

Tactical insight there from Timmeh

Tomorrow's papers:

"Disarray For The Gilet"

(stolen from twitter)
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Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

"I told them to go out and do better at half time"

Tactical insight there from Timmeh

The first eleven today was curious. This was a day for Eriksen, this was a day for two wingers…Norwich were like wounded animal, and if you want to win you have to put them to the sword from the start, not set up to protect yourself from their last, desperate struggle for life.

Having said that, I think Sherwood was let down by a few seniors. Dembele and Vertonghen were a disgrace with regards to their attitudes, and frankly, i was so angry at Vertonghen that I'd rather drop him and sell him if he's going to **** and moan like that/not show up. Dembele had a chance to take the game by the scruff today and didn't. These players NEED to show up. These are the games we NEED to win. I would also like to know how on earth Sasha Baron Cohen gets on the pitch today ahead of Eriksen or Townsend when Capoue fractured his little toe-nail or whatever the **** he did…yes, Tim showed a bit of naivety today, but he was also let down by seniors who (frankly) were terrible.